The 2018 Richard B. Schulz Best Transactions Paper Award was given to a paper authored by members of the EMC and the DESL labs

A Paper by the Electromagnetic Compatibility Lab and the Distributed Energy Systems Laboratory of EPFL received the 2018 Best IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility Award. The award was given during the 2019 IEEE Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility and Signal and Power Integrity, which took place in July in New Orleans.
The paper presents an experimental validation of the electromagnetic time reversal to locate disturbances in real power networks. The validation is performed on a full-scale unenergized 677-m-long, double-circuit 10-kV overhead distribution line. The disturbance is emulated by a voltage pulse injected between one of the line conductors and the ground using a high-voltage pulse generator. The frequency spectrum of the injected voltage pulse is specified such that the originated electromagnetic transients are compatible with those of power line faults, lightning, and conducted intentional electromagnetic interferences.
The paper has been selected as the top paper out of more than 300 papers published in the IEEE Transactions on EMC in 2018.