DIAGRAM: Conservation phase on starting blocks

Our project enters the conservation phase. We have built an inspection platform which will allow the conservation team to prepare the 1.000 m2 of painting for the imaging phase (April 2023).

The Murten Panorama ready for inspection. Photo credits: eM+ 2023

Timelapse of the construction of the rig for the inspection platform. Video credits: eM+ 2023

This inspection platform was designed for the project by engineer specialists. It is motorised and automated, fully equipped to the highest conservation standards. The same system will be used for the digitalisation phase, with another platform made to measure to allow the imaging with our sponsor PhaseOnetm, leader for cultural heritage imaging technologies.

Stay tuned for the next phase and book the dates if you would like to get the chance to view the painting during the EPFL Open Days (29-30 April 2023).