

Prof. Dr. Marc Gruber  |  2 ECTS credits  |  Spring Term

In this course students will gain a broad-based knowledge of the process of new firm creation, and the commercialization of technologies. The course further helps understanding entrepreneurship as a career choice and getting initial experience in what it means to become a successful entrepreneur in a technology-based business.

The purpose of this course is to highlight the importance of entrepreneurship for economic development and national competitiveness. Students will improve their understanding of new venture creation by adopting a process perspective – from opportunity recognition to establishing a successful new firm. The course will offer a thorough theoretical understanding of new venture creation combined with practical techniques and methods for analyzing and evaluating business opportunities, crafting growth-oriented strategies and developing creative approaches to commercialization. The class will prepare students to work as key employees in new ventures, to pursue careers as autono­mous entrepreneurs, careers as intrapreneurs and careers in the start-up community. The main contents of this course are:

  • Entrepreneurial opportunity identification
  • Challenges in setting up and growing a new firm
  • Financing an innovative firm
  • Technology ventures

Please refer to the coursebook for course dates and times.