

Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)

EPFL is one of two Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology. It is a world-renowned school of engineering and was recently ranked 2nd in Europe in the Shangai ranking. The Signal Processing Laboratory is headed by Prof. Pierre Vandergheynst and is active in sparsity based algorithms for signal and image processing. The Embedded Systems Laboratory is headed by Prof. David Atienza and is active in the fields of system-level design and energy management approaches for wireless sensor networks.

Main tasks:

The main activities of EPFL will consist on one hand in bringing its expertise in algorithms for sparse models and compressive sensing to implement the new sensing methods develop in this project. On the other hand EPFL will bring it expertise in system level design to explore synergies between hardware and software components for achieving design trade-offs in terms of complexity and power consumption.

Short profile of the staff undertaking the tasks:

Professor Pierre Vandergheynst: Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, will lead

the compressive sensing and signal processing efforts at the EPFL node. Pierre Vandergheynst is the author or co- author of more than 200 papers and has received two IEEE best paper awards. Professor Vandergheynst is a senior member of the IEEE, a laureate of the Apple 2007 ARTS award and of the 2009-2010 De Boelpaepe prize of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Belgium. He is currently participating in the FP7 FET SMALL and FET UNLocX projects, which are relevant for PHIDIAS.

Ass. Professor David Atienza: Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) of Electrical Engineering, will lead the system-level design efforts at the EPFL node. His research interests focus on low-power design methodologies for embedded systems, WBSNs and Multi-Processor SoCs. In these areas, David Atienza has published more than 180 publications in prestigious journals and conferences, including 4 patents. David Atienza is currently participating in the FP7 ICT-SME IcyHeart project and the FP7 STREP PRO3D. He acts as Deputy Director for EPFL of “Guardian Angels”, one of the six pre-selected FET Flagships Projects, where he specifically coordinates the system-level technologies roadmap for the Physical GA family of demonstrators.

Hossein Mamaghanian: Dr. Hossein Mamaghanian is a post-doctoral associate at the Embedded Systems Laboratory (ESL) at EPFL, Switzerland. His research interests focus on the Signal processing and algorithm design and hardware/software co-design , including multi-objective optimization of smart sensor nodes at the algorithmic, software and hardware level. He is coordinator and main representative of the PHIDIAS European research project and ICT energy (

Imec Netherlands (IMEC-NL)

Imec Netherlands is located on the High Tech Campus in Eindhoven, The Netherlands, and is part of Holst Centre, an independent open-innovation R&D center that develops generic technologies for Wireless Autonomous Transducer Solutions and Systems-in-Foil. A key feature of the center is its partnership model with industry and academia based around shared roadmaps and programs. At Imec Netherlands applied research is conducted on Wireless Autonomous Transducer Solutions, aiming at delivering miniaturized, all-integrated autonomous and wireless devices.

Main tasks:

IMEC-NL will use its expertise in developing ultra-low-power analog circuitry for biomedical signals to design low power Instrumentation Amplifier (IA) and multi-channel readout circuitry for the CS-based signal processing platform. Furthermore, IMEC-NL will exploit its background in designing energy efficient application specific processing platform to develop an ultra-low-power memory subsystem suited for CS-based biomedical signal processing. Due to its unique position as the bridge between the research world and industry, IMEC-NL is capable of bringing the results achieved in this project to a wider exposure through its industrial partnership.

IMEC-NL efforts will concentrate mainly on WP2 and WP3 and it will lead the WP2 activities.

Short profile of the staff undertaking the tasks:

Dr. Tobias Gemmeke: Tobias Gemmeke. Technical lead of the ultra-low power digital signal processing (ULP-DSP) group at IMEC-NL will coordinate the contribution of IMEC-NL as well as the dissemination to industry. His research interest cover the field of ultra-low power digital design from technology to system level. Dr. Gemmeke is part-time lecturer at the RWTH Aachen. He holds 15 patents and has received the Borchers-Medal and the Gertraude-Holste-Award.

Dr. Refet Firat Yazicioglu: R&D Team Leader and Senior Scientist at IMEC-NL will be contributing to this project in the field of Analog Front-End design and exploration of digital assisted analog signal processing for portable and implantable biomedical applications. Dr. Yazicioglu received the Ph.D. degree in Electronics Engineering from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL), Belgium, in 2008. During his research on analog integrated circuit design, he has (co)authored over 50 publications, 3 book chapters, and a book on ultra-low-power circuit and system design for biomedical applications.

University of Bologna (UNIBO)

The University of Bologna, founded in 1088, recognized as the oldest university in the western world, and one of the largest in Italy (more than 90,000 students). UNIBO is the top-ranked Italian Academic Institution for EU project funding in FP7. The Department of Electronics, Computer Science and Systems (DEIS) is one of the largest departments In UNIBO. DEIS is a research-led institute with more than 70 professors, 40 researchers, 100 PhD students and post-doctoral and visiting researchers. Within DEIS, the research activity of the MICREL lab, led by prof. Benini focuses on architecture, hardware and software design of energy-efficient many-core platforms. The laboratory has a staff of more than 20 full-time researchers, and it is involved in a number EU-funded research projects (e.g. PRO3D, VIRTICAL, in the ICT Cooperation program, SCALOPES, SMECY in the ARTEMIS JTI, MODERN, END in the ENIAC JTI, MULTITHERMAN in the PE6 IDEAS program) and Networks of Excellence (Strategic Board Members of the ARTIST-DESIGN NoE, member of the HIPEAC2 and CONET NoEs). The group is also very active in industrial cooperation and technology transfer, and receives, or has received, direct funding from STMicroelectronics, INTEL, Hewlett-Packard, Freescale Semiconductors, among others.

Main tasks:

UNIBO is in charge of the development of static and dynamic optimization strategies for application mapping, power and resiliency management. Including both software and architectural optimization.

WP1: Software optimization of reconstruction algorithms (Task leader)
WP2: Design of resilient cluster interconnect (Task leader).
WP3: Contribute to the architecture definition and cluster interconnect modeling.
WP4: Design of the CS applications mapping and run-time management layer. Coordination of this work package.

Short profile of the staff undertaking the tasks:

Prof. Luca Benini: received PhD degree in electrical engineering from Stanford University in 1997. He is currently full professor at UNIBO and he also serves as Chief Architect in STMictroelectronics (AST division, Grenoble). His research interests are in in the design of SoC platforms for embedded applications. He published more than 500 papers in Int. Journals and Conferences, four books and several book chapters. He is Associate Editor of several Int. journals (IEEE Trans. on industrial informatics, ACM Trans. on Embedded Computing Systems). He is a Fellow of the IEEE, A member of the Academia Europaea, a Member of the steering board of ARTEMISIA. He is also director of the DEIS doctoral School. Prof. Benini has received an ERC-Advanced Grant for his research on energy and thermal efficient multi-core platforms.

Daniele Bortolotti received the PhD in Electronics Engineering in May 2014 from University of Bologna under the supervision of Prof. Luca Benini. He is holding a research assistant position in the “Guglielmo Marconi” DEI department at the University of Bologna and recently joined AES research group at TUBerlin. His research interests concern virtual platforms for multi-core systems and HW/SW solutions for ultra-low power biosensor nodes able to operate at near-threshold.

Andrea Bartolini: is a postdoc researcher in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (DEIS) at the University of Bologna. He received the PhD degree in electronic engineering from the University of Bologna, Italy, in 2011. His research interests concern dynamic resource management of embedded systems and multicore systems with special emphasis on software level thermal and power aware techniques. His research interest includes also simulation and operating system design for many-core devices.

European Research Services GmbH (ERS)

The European Research Services GmbH is a public-private-partnership, founded in 2007. ERS supports researchers in setting-up, and conducting EC-funded projects. ERS provides general technical and administrative support, and project-management fitted to the size and complexity of the project, implements risk assessment, internal monitoring and common standard procedures, all with a view of safeguarding outcomes within time, budget, and EC guidelines. In addition ERS will organise internal communication to meet the reporting needs of the European Commission efficiently.

Main tasks:

ERS supports the Coordinator in the non-scientific project-management. In particular:

  • ERS sets up a ‘helpdesk’ for the project correspondence and day-to-day requests from partners and external bodies.
  • ERS sets up the management structure and processes (project infrastructure), including management tools, contact lists, and partner specific templates for collecting input to the required EC documents.
  • ERS helps setting up rules for internal communication and for reporting and controlling, including the adaptation of the structure after changes in the work plan and the consortium,
  • ERS is responsible for the technical setup and maintenance of tools on the project-website
  • ERS is, together with EPFL, responsible for preparing, executing and post-processing of major project meetings such as Telephone Conferences, Steering Board meetings, General Assemblies and meetings with the advisory board (agenda setting, invitations, location of meeting places, organization of rooms and equipment, preparation and distribution of materials, conclusions and action lists),
  • ERS supports the technical coordination of periodic reporting and reviews, including preparing and post-processing of EC reviews from the consortium-side including support in the implementation of recommendations from the EC and reviewers.

Short profile of the staff undertaking the tasks:

Oliver Panzer is private stockholder and managing director of ERS. He holds a Diploma in physics, and worked 5 years as a postgraduate researcher in the area of nano-analytics. Next to experience in industry and in managing the office of a national network of excellence, he spent 2.5 years at the European Commission as a Seconded National Expert. In this function he was responsible for the negotiation and monitoring of projects, and for the organisation of proposal evaluations. As a PTA he supports the European Commission in the review of projects, as well as the consortia of these projects in management matters. Recently, he became trainer for new PTAs for all projects in ‘nanotechnology’-projects of the NMP Directorate. His background will make sure that the management structure & procedures really meet the needs of the European Commission, while taking away administrative burden from the researchers.