Category: carouselvideo

Digipredict: what is a digital twin?

biomedical, carouselvideo, health, internetofthings, presentationvideo, research, wearable

WaSTeLeSS – using AI and IoT to track every drop of water

carouselvideo, internetofthings, research

Water is a valuable commodity: Dr. Michael Burry, who predicted (and profited from) the sub-prime crisis, famously turned his attention to investing in water thereafter. By 2050 the United Nations World Water Development Report predicts that nearly 6 billion people will suffer from clean water scarcity. In an effort to minimize the waste of water, (…)

Brain-inspired computer architectures


DIGIPREDICT — Digital Twins for predicting disease progression and need for early intervention

biomedical, carouselvideo, health, internetofthings, research

Wireless plasticity for massive architectures: new promotional video

carouselvideo, research, servers, thermalaware

Our European project has just released a promotional video: WiPLASH H2020: Architecting More Than Moore – Wireless Plasticity for Heterogeneous Massive Computer Architectures

Coughvid on Al Arabiya

biomedical, carouselvideo, coughvid, health, research

Tomas Teijeiro is interviewed by Al Arabiya news about the Coughvid, in its last stages of testing. Subtitles provided by Halima Najibi (click on CC)

David Atienza interviewed by RTS on Swiss national TV

biomedical, carouselvideo, coughvid, health, research

French-speaking RTS interview David Atienza about the upcoming release of Coughvid. Subtitles in English: click on CC on the bottom right.

Coughvid Crowdsourcing Dataset

biomedical, carouselvideo, coughvid, health, research

Lara Orlandic, a final year Master’s student at ESL, gives a presentation on the aims and strategies of Coughvid, during the the COVID-19 Sounds Workshop at Cambridge University.

Coughvid on Spanish TV

biomedical, carouselvideo, coughvid, health, research

Dr Tomas Teijeiro was interviewed in his native Galician about the ongoing development of Coughvid. English subtitles are available (click on CC).

Tomas Teijeiro on Swiss National TV

biomedical, carouselvideo, coughvid, health, research

Dr. Tomas Teijeiro was interviewed by RTS on the ongoing development of the Coughvid application. English subtitles are available (click on CC).