Category: health

DIGIPREDICT — Digital Twins for predicting disease progression and need for early intervention

biomedical, carouselvideo, health, internetofthings, research

Best student paper award for Lara Orlandic

achievements, biomedical, health, research

Lara Orlandic received a   Best student paper award   at the 34th IEEE CBMS International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems. The paper is a study of how a person’s perception of the passage of time can be monitored and assessed, as a continuous evaluation of their mental health. Co-authors on the paper were Prof. (…)

Full Presentation: Self-aware anomaly detection for epilepsy monitoring

biomedical, health, internetofthings, presentationvideo, research, wearable

Farnaz Forooghifar presents our research on self-aware anomaly detection for epilepsy monitoring on low-power, wearable electrocardiographic devices.

Coughvid on Al Arabiya

biomedical, carouselvideo, coughvid, health, research

Tomas Teijeiro is interviewed by Al Arabiya news about the Coughvid, in its last stages of testing. Subtitles provided by Halima Najibi (click on CC)

Digipredict digital twin will predict the evolution of Covid-19

biomedical, health, internetofthings, research

Under a cross-disciplinary program spearheaded by EPFL, scientists will develop an AI-based system that can predict whether Covid-19 patients will develop severe cardiovascular complications and, in the longer term, detect the likely onset of inflammatory disease. Covid-19 comes with a range of symptoms – from a sore throat and the loss of taste to more (…)

Cough on your smartphone, it will tell you (more or less) if you’re Covid positive

biomedical, coughvid, health, research

A laboratory at EPFL is developing a system, based on artificial intelligence, which will make it possible to diagnose Covid-19 from the sound of a cough. The application, which should be available in early 2021, will allow free, widely available testing. Given all the different types of cough that are related to infectious diseases, it (…)

David Atienza interviewed by RTS on Swiss national TV

biomedical, carouselvideo, coughvid, health, research

French-speaking RTS interview David Atienza about the upcoming release of Coughvid. Subtitles in English: click on CC on the bottom right.

Coughvid Crowdsourcing Dataset

biomedical, carouselvideo, coughvid, health, research

Lara Orlandic, a final year Master’s student at ESL, gives a presentation on the aims and strategies of Coughvid, during the the COVID-19 Sounds Workshop at Cambridge University.

BioAlps monitor progress of Coughvid

biomedical, coughvid, health, research

The BioAlps Life Sciences Cluster featured the following article as part of their testimonial series. This series aims to provide a platform for the different life sciences actors from western Switzerland, who are active in finding and developing solutions to fight against the new coronavirus, to share their experience. The Embedded Systems Laboratory at EPFL (…)

Modular Biomedical Applications for Ultra-Low Power Heterogeneous Platforms – Elisabetta De Giovanni

biomedical, health, presentationvideo, research

Embedded Systems Laboratory of EPFL IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems: ESWEEK-TCAD 2020