Category: health

Coughvid: Here & Now, US National Public Radio

biomedical, carouselvideo, coughvid, health, research

Coughvid featured on US national radio

biomedical, coughvid, health, research

As global interest in the Coughvid initiative increases, its inventor has appeared on American national radio. Researcher Lara Orlandic was interviewed on Hear & Now, a US national public radio show with an estimated 4.5 million listeners. WBUR-FM, the Boston station who recorded the show, also produced an article: Scientists Developing App Based On Sound (…)

Coughvid – taking the fight to COVID-19

biomedical, carouselvideo, coughvid, health, research

Coughvid wins prize at LauzHack

achievements, biomedical, coughvid, health, research

The Coughvid initative, which started life in LauzHack Against COVID-19, was the brainchild of Lara Orlandic (project student at ESL), who developed the idea with Stefano Vojinovic, Maja Stamenkovic, Alon Tchelet and Aurélien Kinet, under the guidance of Dr. Tomas Teijeiro and Prof. David Atienza. The project has now been awarded 3rd place in the (…)

A new app can help detect the coronavirus

biomedical, coughvid, health, internetofthings, research

EPFL researchers have developed an artificial intelligence-based system that can listen to your cough and indicate whether you have COVID-19. Coughvid coughvid@helpfulETH Article on SlashGear Development page Coughvid on Twitter With the new app developed by five researchers at EPFL’s Embedded Systems Laboratory (ESL), you can record your cough on a smartphone and find out (…)