Category: internetofthings

x-heep – designing healthcare devices of the future

biomedical, health, internetofthings, research

The advancement of continuous healthcare monitoring depends on the development of new and more efficient ultra-low power wearable platforms as well as new algorithms. However, the teams that develop the algorithms are usually not the same as those that design the platforms, thus, optimization opportunities are often lost in the way. Not less importantly, the (…)

epiPhone – discretely monitoring brain activity

health, internetofthings, presentationvideo, research, wearable

We are proud to present epiPhone, a discreet headset which can monitor brain activity and transmit the data in real time. Today, epilepsy is one of the most common chronic diseases affecting more than 65 million people worldwide. However, no reliable wearable device currently exists for real-time epileptic seizure detection. One of the main challenges (…)

Sensemodi and Nespresso challenge presented at Engineering Industry Day

biomedical, health, internetofthings, research, wearable

Jérôme Thevenot, Matteo Feo and David Atienza participated in the EPFL Engineering Industry Day at the SwissTech on Thursday, 8th March. Jérôme presented ESL spin-off Sensemodi, featuring an in-motion, knee diagnosis platform. David and Matteo presented the Nespresso challenge, where ESL addressed the need to use Machine Learning enabled Artificial Intelligence to identify coffee capsules (…)

ESL researcher rewarded for gender-based violence prevention technology

achievements, internetofthings, research, wearable

The Spanish Government Office against Gender-based violence has awarded the First Prize, for a PhD thesis that promotes technology protecting women against violence, to José Ángel Miranda Calero, for his research at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Dr Miranda Calero, who joined ESL as a post-doctoral assistant in 2022, pioneered a multimodal fear recognition (…)

Giovanni Ansaloni talks pervasive AI at SSIE

achievements, internetofthings, research

Dr. Giovanni Ansaloni lectured at the SSIE Summer PhD School of Information Engineering in Bressanone (Italy), advocating for a Swiss Knife of solutions to enable Artificial Intelligence at the edge. See on LinkedIn

EPFL EMBA participants connecting with EPFL labs for a Digital day

internetofthings, research

Our EPFL EMBA participants experienced a special Digital Day on campus, changing from their usual classroom learning. They spent the day visiting labs and learning about robotics and Internet of Things (IoT) with Prof. Auke Ijspeert, Prof. David Atienza and the teams of their respective labs. The cursus of the EPFL EMBA students includes a (…)

The nervous system as an IoT: David Atienza on brain-inspired healthcare wearables

biomedical, health, internetofthings, presentationvideo, research

David Atienza featured in HiPEAC interview on brain-inspired computing

internetofthings, research

Lyon, October 2021 – Computer Systems Week, organised by HiPEAC and the systems-on-chip and embedded systems/connected objects research group of CNRS. HiPEAC took the opportunity to interview Prof. David Atienza on the topic of “Brain-inspired computer architectures”: You can also see the full presentation David gave on “The nervous system as an IoT”.

Intel funds EcoCloud Midgard-based research

achievements, internetofthings, memory, research, servers

An exciting new development in the progress of Midgard, a novel re-envisioning of the virtual memory abstraction ubiquitous to computer systems, sees a tech leader funding research that will bring together experts from Yale, the University of Edinburgh and EcoCloud at EPFL. Global semiconductor manufacturer Intel is sponsoring an EcoCloud-led project entitled “Virtual Memory for (…)

CHF 150,000 for smart wearables invented in Switzerland

achievements, biomedical, health, internetofthings, research, thermalaware, wearable

EPFL spin-off Sensemodi, focusing on monitoring joint health, wins the final stage of Venture Kick. Congratulations to the team of founders Tomás Teijeiro Campo, Jerome Thevenot, and David Atienza! Sensemodi is developing a smart wearable device that can analyse thermal, acoustic and kinematic data for fast joint health assessment at any Point of Care. The (…)