Category: research

Embedded Systems have evolved


From the era of pocket calculators to today’s Internet-of-Things, embedded systems have developed at an astonishing rate – and the possiblities for innovation have multiplied. In the context of a competitive industry it is not always possible to take risks by carrying out innovative research. Within academia, however, researchers can strike out into the unknown. (…)

Tech-Transfer: A wireless patch for monitoring emergency-room patients


A small, wireless patch developed by EPFL spin-off Smartcardia can measure emergency-room patients’ vital signs with the same reliability as existing systems involving cumbersome cables. After extensive testing at several hospitals, the device recently obtained the European Union’s CE marking for medical devices and will be launched on the market in the coming days. To (…)

Clearing up space junk


The European Union has allocated €86 million to a project designed to capture and remove a piece of space debris weighing 120kg, which has been in orbit around the Earth since 2013. The startup ClearSpace, working from the EPFL Innovation Park, will seek private funds to raise the total to €100 million. Space debris has (…)

Combating fatigue with a smartwatch application


Stress and fatigue have major health consequences and generate substantial costs for society. However, fatigue levels among individuals are rarely measured. That’s why scientists from EPFL’s Embedded Systems Laboratory (ESL), the Lausanne University Institute of Sport Sciences (ISSUL), the Lausanne University Sports Center and have developed a system for easily measuring those levels and determining what kind of fatigue patients are suffering (…)

An intelligent network for better water management


Droople’s smart meters record not just water flow rates and temperatures, but also peak usage times and total consumption – valuable data for facilities managers seeking to cut costs. The system consists of a series of smart flow meters installed at the point of use that collect data and send them through a low-power wide-area (…)

They weren’t sure it could be done


In 2017, Nespresso presented researchers at Prof. David Atienza’s Embedded Systems Laboratory with an intimidating challenge. The industrial giants were aware this project was anything but simple: to design a system that would enable a coffee machine to distinguish between different Nespresso Professional coffee capsules.   “They needed a system that worked with the capsules (…)

Nespresso Momento

carouselvideo, internetofthings, research

Combatting fatigue with a Smart Watch

biomedical, carouselvideo, research

Forget joysticks: use your torso to pilot drones


Imagine piloting a drone using the movements of your torso only and leaving your head free to look around, much like a bird. EPFL research has just shown that using your torso to pilot flying machines is indeed more immersive – and more effective – than using the long-established joystick. The results are published in (…)

Forget joysticks – use your torso to pilot drones

biomedical, carouselvideo, research