Category: servers

EcoCloud center gets a makeover and expands its activities
As of January 1st, 2022, the EPFL EcoCloud Center is headed by Professor David Atienza. Its mission has been expanded with a strong new focus on fundamental research and education in the domain of sustainable cloud computing. “Historically, Ecocloud’s main focus has been to deliver technologies jointly with top companies in the information technologies (IT) (…)

Intel funds EcoCloud Midgard-based research
An exciting new development in the progress of Midgard, a novel re-envisioning of the virtual memory abstraction ubiquitous to computer systems, sees a tech leader funding research that will bring together experts from Yale, the University of Edinburgh and EcoCloud at EPFL. Global semiconductor manufacturer Intel is sponsoring an EcoCloud-led project entitled “Virtual Memory for (…)
More computing, less energy
Today’s data centres have an efficiency problem – much of their energy is used not to process data, but to keep the servers cool. A new server architecture under development by the EU-funded COMPUSAPIEN project could solve this. © cherezoff / Adobe Stock As the digital revolution continues to accelerate, so too does our demand (…)
David Atienza takes part in panel discussion at IFIP60
To celebrate its 60th Anniversary, the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) is joined with its Member Societies, Technical Committees, Working Groups and Partner organisations to stage a series of events around the world. Prof. David Atienza took part in a panel discuission about Trends on Computing Systems, which was organised and moderated by Graziano (…)
Joshua Klein: Hands-on with gem5-X and RISC-V
Part One: Part Two:
Alex Levisse: Enhancing caches with emerging technologies and architectures
Marina Zapater – What is Gem5-X?
Wireless plasticity for massive architectures: new promotional video
Our European project has just released a promotional video: WiPLASH H2020: Architecting More Than Moore Wireless Plasticity for Heterogeneous Massive Computer Architectures
ICCAD Award from Opening Session ICCAD 2020
Servers designed to look like humans
David Atienza believes that when it comes to IT systems, everything that can be done locally, should be. That includes processing data where they are generated – thereby substantially reducing the amount of power required. EPFL’s Embedded Systems Laboratory (ESL) is studying two major energy-related problems with servers. The first is that they aren’t being (…)