Predicting the future with CloudProphet

memory, research, servers

If we are going to reduce the carbon footprint of data centers we need to use computing resources more efficiently. If processes always made use of data center facilities in a regular way, it would be an easy game. However, the resources of a data center are used by customers (more often customers of customers) (…)

Digipredict: what is a digital twin?

biomedical, carouselvideo, health, internetofthings, presentationvideo, research, wearable

X-HEEP community is growing fast: X-Agora at EPFL

achievements, internetofthings, memory, research, wearable

The Internet of Things is expanding at an incredible rate, and consequently demands for ever smaller intelligent hardware are constantly increasing. The Embedded Systems Lab has collaborated with other EPFL teams and EcoCloud to design X-HEEP: a RISC-V chip which is aimed at tiny platforms with big jobs to do. The X-HEEP platform is open (…)

FPGA Emulation Framework Enhancement for X-HEEP


In the realm of wearable healthcare devices, a sophisticated co-design approach that seamlessly integrates hardware and software components is essential to meet their stringent energy, area, and timing constraints. Prototyping tools play a pivotal role in this collaborative process, enabling engineers to iteratively test and optimize both the hardware and software functionalities of these devices. (…)

WaSTeLeSS – using AI and IoT to track every drop of water

carouselvideo, internetofthings, research

Water is a valuable commodity: Dr. Michael Burry, who predicted (and profited from) the sub-prime crisis, famously turned his attention to investing in water thereafter. By 2050 the United Nations World Water Development Report predicts that nearly 6 billion people will suffer from clean water scarcity. In an effort to minimize the waste of water, (…)

Heating Bits – an EPFL collaboration

memory, research, servers, thermalaware

Five labs are collaborating on Heating Bits, an initiative to get ultimate levels of control over our data centers. Prof. Mario Paolone spoke to EcoCloud in detail about this exciting initiative.

Flavio Ponzina presents paper on edge AI acceleration at Embedded Systems Week

achievements, internetofthings, memory, presentationvideo, research, servers

Dr Flavio Ponzina, who recently defended his PhD thesis on Hardware-Software co-design Methodologies for Edge AI Optimization, presented a paper entitled “Overflow-free compute memories for edge AI acceleration” at Embedded Systems Week, which took place in Hamburg. The video of his presentation is below: 

New framework for Epilepsy Benchmarks presented at MHDTE

achievements, biomedical, health, internetofthings, research

Yesterday we presented our work on a unified framework for the validation of epileptic seizure detection algorithms at MHDTE. This should finally give us the tools to build a benchmark of the best algorithms. Check it out on

ACM Fellow Prof. Atienza: Shaping Sustainable Computing & Edge AI

achievements, internetofthings, research, thermalaware, thermalsoc

David Atienza, director of the EPFL EcoCloud Center, was interviewed by the organisation Association for Computer Machinery (ACM) on the occasion of a presentation that he gave as a Distinguished Speaker and Fellow. Here is a summary of that conversation. While a core focus of your research has been embedded systems, you have branched out (…)

Research assistant needed – Android development


Laboratory: Embedded Systems Laboratory – STI Role: research assistant – android development Start time : September 2023 Work time: 15h/week – 4 months Salary: CHF ~1’450.– net per month (on the basis of 65 hours per month at CHF 25.- gross per hour) Requirement: Enrolled EPFL student                                                          The Embedded Systems Laboratory is looking for an (…)