in-SRAM computing

In-memory computing, near-memory computing.


  Ansaloni Giovanni
  Choné Clément Renaud Jean
  Eggermann Grégoire Axel
  Rios Marco Antonio

Machine learning algorithms like Deep Neural Networks have dramatically improved tasks such as speech/visual recognition, object detection and many other tasks. Although the network training phase requires very powerful Graphics Processing Units (GPU), the inference process can be performed with a much smaller energy budget and computation complexity, making edge devices attractive to deploy such workloads. In fact, 90% of the DNN inference operations are convolutions, which requires word-level multiplications. Thanks to the regularity of their data-access and instructions, these operations benefit from fine-grain parallelism.
However, in conventional Von-Neumann computer architectures, performances of such data-intensive applications are limited due to the disparity of speed between the memory access and the processing units. Additionally, memory access uses orders of magnitude more energy than a bit-wise multiplication. Therefore, to break the memory wall, provide huge parallelism, and reduce energy consumption, In-Memory Computing (IMC) architectures are considered as one of the ultimate solutions.
In-SRAM computing is particularly interesting, since it enables seamless integration of SRAM-based IMC architectures with the most advanced standard architectures. Moreover, they are closer to commercial availability thanks to their maturity. In-SRAM can be performed trough bit-line computing: cycle by activating multiple word-lines in an SRAM memory array. This not trivial operation results in bitwise logic operations (AND and NOR) between the accessed words, directly on the bit-lines. It enables SIMD operations on the memory hierarchy while maintaining the inherent geometry of cache memory or other SRAM arrays.

In ESL, we have proposed several architectures based on bit-line computing and several methods of co-design to extract the most in terms of efficiency of these architectures.


Bit-line computing between two bits
Bit-line computing between two bits

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