Welcome !
FIMAP (Laboratory of Photonic Materials and Fiber Devices) is part of the Institute of Materials (IMX) at EPFL and pursue fundamental and applied research in the field of photonic devices and fiber technology. In particular, at the heart of our research is the development of innovative materials processing approaches, as well as novel device architectures, to realize micro- and nanostructure-based photonic devices to be deployed over unconventional substrates (large area, 1D, flexible, stretchable, etc..). Two major approaches are favored: one relies on innovative combinations of nano-imprinting strategies of polymer and sol-gel layers, with thin-film deposition techniques to realize multi-material nanostructured photonic systems over large area substrates. Another approach explores the emerging field of multi-material fibers where materials with a wide range of functionalities such as optic, optoelectronic or acoustic, can be integrated in precise nanostructured arrangements within thin, flexible and very long fiber substrates. While we study the fundamental aspects of the material processes at play in our different fabrication techniques, as well as the optical and optoelectronic properties of our devices, we also try to exploit our discoveries to propose new solutions in different fields of application such as energy harvesting, saving and storage, sensing and monitoring, health care and smart fabrics.
- 20/06/2024 Stella won the audience prize at the Swiss finals of MT180. Go check her video here !
- 14/06/2024 Pierre-Luc successfully defended his thesis entitled “All-Dielectric Nanophotonic via Glass Fluid Instabilities”. Congrats Dr. Piveteau !
- 27/05/2024 Hritwick won the Young Researcher Award for his presentation at the symposium “Smart textiles for human health and well-being” during the EMRS in Strasbourg. Well done Hritwick !
- 21/03/2024 Stella won the 3rd place of the jury during her participation in the MT180s EPFL final ! To learn more about thermally drawn fibers, you can watch her 3min pitch there. Next step: Swiss finals in Fribourg on June the 20th!
- 13/03/2024 Laurène’s photographic talents have once again been recognized as she won the January/February CIME image. Go have a look at her “Lunar eclipse”. Congrats to her !
- 16/01/2024 Laurène won the November/December CIME image contest with her “Selenium Valley”. Go check it out. Congrats Laurène !