Agilent LDIR 8700
- Thermoelectrocally cooled mercury cadmium telluride (MCT) detector
- Infrared quantum cascade laser (QCL) light source
- Fast scanning objective
- High resolution camera
- Spectral range 900 – 1800 cm-1
- Spatial resolution ~1 micron
- Spectral resolution ~0.06 cm-1
- reflection modes
- Motorised xy-stage controlled by software
- Ge Attenuated total reflectance (ATR) objectives equipped with internal pressure sensor and highly accurate and stable column guidance mechanism of precise crystal positioning
Perkin Elmer Spectrum Two
- ATR crystal: 1 reflection diamond ATR crystal
- spectral range: 8300 – 350 cm-1
- spectral resolution: 0.5 cm-1
- Atmospheric Vapor Compensation
- LC: Vanquish (Thermo Fisher Scientific)
- High resolution mass spectrometer: Orbitrap Exploris 120 (Thermo Fisher Scientific)
- Mass resolution: High mass resolution up to 120,000 (FWHM) at m/z 200 over the mass range m/z 40–3,000
- Determination of the elemental compositions based on the accurate m/z values
- Scan speed: 22 Hz
- Ionisation source: ESI and APCI
- Polarity switching: Fast polarity switching with one full experimental cycle acquired at >1.4 Hz
- Scan modes: Full scan, MS2 (DDA with Top4 @ 14 Hz), tMS2, tSIM, AIF, DIA and MSX
- Full Scan MS – most predominantly used due to comprehensive, high-quality quantitative data provided. Once a mass range is defined to capture all relevant ions, rest assured detection of all compounds in that range will be measured.
- Targeted Selected Ion Monitoring (t-SIM) – used for analyses requiring higher sensitivity because you can set a narrow mass range (as narrow as 0.4 Da).
- Targeted -MS2 (t-MS2 formerly Parallel Reaction Monitoring (PRM)) – used for analyses in complex samples requiring additional selectivity. A fragmentation-based acquisition mode, Targeted-MS2 provides more selectivity because a high-resolution product ion spectrum is created for only desired precursor ions based on the inclusion list.
- Softwares: Compound Discover, m/z Cloud mass spectral library, TraceFinder and Chromeleon
Waters Acquity Xevo TQ MS
- Ionisation source ESI or APCI
- Peripherals online preconcentration system
Agilent Technologies Infinity 1290
- Detectors fluorescence, UV-vis and refractive index detectors
Thermo Scientific TRACE 1310 ISQ single quadrupole
- Sample type liquid injection only
- Injector type standard
Thermo Scientific TRACE 1310 TSQ Quantum XLS Ultra
- Sample type liquid injection only
- Injector type standard and PTV
Micro furnace Pyrolyzer Frontier 3030D
GC-MS Agilent 8890
Elementar Vario TOC Cube
- Measured items TC,IC,TOC,NPOC, TN
- Measurement method wet oxidation/NDIR TN: chemiluminescence
- Measurement range (mg/L) TC: 0 to 500’000 IC: 0 to 5’500 TN:0 to 1’000
- Detection limit 6 µg/L TC, 8 µg/L TN
- Measuring time IC or TC: approx. 4 mins
- Automatic dilution dilution factor 2 to 50
- Measurement accuracy CV1.5 % max. (CV2 % max. at 1000mg/L or higher)
Solid sample combustion unit
- Measured items TC, TOC
- Measuring Range TC: 0 to 100%
Biotek Synergy MX
- Methods absorption, fluorescence, luminescence
- Peripherals automatic dual syringe dispenser
PerkinElmer Tri-Carb 4910 TR
- Energy range 0-2,000 keV
- Efficiency, Normal Count Mode (minimum acceptable)
3H (0-18.6 keV): 60%
14C (0-156 keV): 95%
- Observed Background, Normal Count Mode (average)
3H (0-18.6 keV): 17 CPM
14C (0-156 keV): 26 CPM