Journal articles



Testing mechanical performance of adhesively bonded composite joints in engineering applications: an overview

M. K. Budzik; M. Wolfahrt; P. Reis; M. Kozlowski; J. Sena-Cruz et al. 

Journal Of Adhesion. 2022. Vol. 98, num. 14, p. 2133 – 2209. DOI : 10.1080/00218464.2021.1953479.


Review of hybrid composites fatigue

P. Zuo; D. Vadugappatty Srinivasan; A. Vassilopoulos 

Composite Structures. 2021. Vol. 274, p. 114358. DOI : 10.1016/j.compstruct.2021.114358.

Review of fatigue of bulk structural adhesives and thick adhesive joints

P. Zuo; A. P. Vassilopoulos 

International Materials Reviews. 2021. Vol. 66, num. 5, p. 313 – 338. DOI : 10.1080/09506608.2020.1845110.

Journal articles


Void content and displacement ratio effects on fatigue crack growth in thick adhesively bonded composite joints under constant amplitude loading

J. Fan; K. Ikeda; A. Vassilopoulos; V. Michaud 

International Journal of Fatigue. 2024. Vol. 188. DOI :

An experimental and analytical study of mode I fracture and crack kinking in thick adhesive joints

A. Shivaie Kojouri; J. Karami; K-A. Kalteremidou; J. Fan; A. Sharma et al. 

Composites Part B: Engineering. 2024. Vol. 284. DOI : 10.1016/j.compositesb.2024.111695.

Construction and Building Materials

A. Dushimimana; A. Vassilopoulos; J. Sena-Cruz; J. Pereira; L. Correia et al. 

Construction and Building Materials. 2024. Vol. 438. DOI : 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2024.137201.

Experimental and numerical investigation of an additively manufactured sandwich composite bridge deck utilizing gyroid building blocks

L. Stepinac; J. Galić; A. Vassilopoulos 

Composite Structures. 2024. Vol. 343, p. 118304. DOI :

Combining X-ray micro-CT and microscopy-based images of two lianas species to derive structural, mechanical and functional relationships

C. B. Karlen; P. Turberg; A. Buttler; O. Martin; F. Schweingruber et al. 

Plant Systematics And Evolution. 2024. Vol. 310, num. 2, p. 10. DOI : 10.1007/s00606-024-01889-z.

Damage-tolerant behavior of structural epoxies with thin PEI and PVDF interlayers

D. V. Srinivasan; A. P. Vassilopoulos 

Materials & Design. 2024. Vol. 240, p. 112843. DOI : 10.1016/j.matdes.2024.112843.

Numerical investigation of two-dimensional Mode-II delamination in composite laminates

C. Wang; A. P. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

Composites Part A-Applied Science And Manufacturing. 2024. Vol. 179, p. 108012. DOI : 10.1016/j.compositesa.2024.108012.

Mode I fracture of thick adhesively bonded GFRP composite joints for wind turbine rotor blades

J. Fan; A. P. Vassilopoulos; V. Michaud 

Composite Structures. 2024. Vol. 327, p. 117705. DOI : 10.1016/j.compstruct.2023.117705.


Fatigue dataset of hybrid non-toughened and toughened epoxy adhesives

D. V. Srinivasan; A. P. Vassilopoulos 

Data In Brief. 2023. Vol. 52, p. 109862. DOI : 10.1016/j.dib.2023.109862.

Experimental investigation of two-dimensional Mode-II delamination in composite laminates

C. Wang; A. P. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

Composites Part A-Applied Science And Manufacturing. 2023. Vol. 173, p. 107666. DOI : 10.1016/j.compositesa.2023.107666.

Opening Up Amj’S Research Methods Repertoire

A. Langley; E. Bell; P. Bliese; C. LeBaron; M. Gruber 

Academy Of Management Journal. 2023. Vol. 66, num. 3, p. 711 – 719. DOI : 10.5465/amj.2023.4003.

Effects of core air gaps and steel inserts on thermomechanical response of GFRP-balsa sandwich panels subjected to fire

N. Vahedi; J. R. Correia; A. P. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

Composite Structures. 2023. Vol. 313, p. 116924. DOI : 10.1016/j.compstruct.2023.116924.

Dataset for the hybrid non-toughened and toughened epoxy adhesive properties

D. V. Srinivasan; A. P. Vassilopoulos 

Data In Brief. 2023. Vol. 47, p. 108912. DOI : 10.1016/j.dib.2023.108912.

Fatigue performance of wind turbine rotor blade epoxy adhesives

D. Vadugappatty Srinivasan; A. P. Vassilopoulos 

Polymer Testing. 2023. Vol. 121, p. 107975. DOI : 10.1016/j.polymertesting.2023.107975.


Effects of core air gaps and steel inserts on thermal response of GFRP-balsa sandwich panels subjected to fire

N. Vahedi; J. R. Correia; A. P. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

Fire Safety Journal. 2022. Vol. 134, p. 103703. DOI : 10.1016/j.firesaf.2022.103703.

Manufacturing and toughening effects on the material properties of wind turbine blade adhesives

D. Vadugappatty Srinivasan; A. P. Vassilopoulos 

Polymer Testing. 2022. Vol. 116, p. 107770. DOI : 10.1016/j.polymertesting.2022.107770.

Probabilistic fatigue model for composites based on the statistical characteristics of the cycles to failure

G. Xiang; K. C. Bacharoudis; A. P. Vassilopoulos 

International Journal Of Fatigue. 2022. Vol. 163, p. 107085. DOI : 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2022.107085.

The challenges of quasi-static and fatigue experiments of structural adhesives

V. Perruchoud; A. P. Vassilopoulos 

International Journal Of Fatigue. 2022. Vol. 162, p. 106980. DOI : 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2022.106980.

Thermophysical properties of balsa wood used as core of sandwich composite bridge decks exposed to external fire

N. Vahedi; C. Tiago; A. P. Vassilopoulos; J. R. Correia; T. Keller 

Construction And Building Materials. 2022. Vol. 329, p. 127164. DOI : 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2022.127164.

Active anaerobic methane oxidation and sulfur disproportionation in the deep terrestrial subsurface

E. Bell; T. Lamminmäki; J. Alnebeg; C. Qian; W. Xiong et al. 

The ISME Journal. 2022. DOI : 10.1038/s41396-022-01207-w.

Isogeometric Kirchhoff-Love shell patches in free and forced vibration of sinusoidally corrugated FG carbon nanotube-reinforced composite panels

H. Mohammadi; A. R. Setoodeh; A. P. Vassilopoulos 

Thin-Walled Structures. 2022. Vol. 171, p. 108707. DOI : 10.1016/j.tws.2021.108707.


Energy efficiency and biological interactions define the core microbiome of deep oligotrophic groundwater

M. Mehrshad; M. Lopez-Fernandez; J. Sundh; E. Bell; D. Simone et al. 

Nature Communications. 2021. Vol. 12, num. 1, p. 4253. DOI : 10.1038/s41467-021-24549-z.

Numerical modeling of two-dimensional delamination growth in composite laminates with in-plane isotropy

C. Wang; A. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2021. Vol. 250, p. 107787. DOI : 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2021.107787.

A 3D printed bio-composite removable connection system for bamboo spatial structures

R. P. T. van Wassenhove; L. De Laet; A. Vassilopoulos 

Composite Structures. 2021. Vol. 269, p. 114047. DOI : 10.1016/j.compstruct.2021.114047.

Tension-tension fatigue behavior of hybrid glass/carbon and carbon/carbon composites

F. Ribeiro; J. Sena-Cruz; A. Vassilopoulos 

International Journal of Fatigue. 2021. Vol. 146, p. 106143. DOI : 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2021.106143.


Fabrication and curing conditions effects on the fatigue behavior of a structural adhesive

A. I. M. Foletti; J. S. Cruz; A. P. Vassilopoulos 

International Journal of Fatigue. 2020. Vol. 139, p. 105743. DOI : 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2020.105743.

Mechanical properties of a balsa wood veneer structural sandwich core material

W. Chao; N. Vahedi; A. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

Construction and Building Materials. 2020. Vol. 265, p. 120193. DOI : 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.120193.

The history of fiber-reinforced polymer composite laminate fatigue

A. P. Vassilopoulos 

International Journal Of Fatigue. 2020. Vol. 134, p. 105512. DOI : 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2020.105512.

Active sulfur cycling in the terrestrial deep subsurface

E. Bell; T. Lamminmäki; J. Alneberg; A. Andersson; C. Qian et al. 

The ISME Journal. 2020. Vol. 14, p. 1260 – 1272. DOI : 10.1038/s41396-020-0602-x.

Thermomechanical characterization of a balsa-wood-veneer structural sandwich core material at elevated temperatures

N. Vahedi; C. Wu; A. P. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

Construction And Building Materials. 2020. Vol. 230, p. 117037. DOI : 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2019.117037.

Experimental investigation of mesoscale variability of clear spruce mechanical properties in the radial direction

A. Farajzadeh Moshtaghin; S. Franke; T. Keller; A. P. Vassilopoulos 

Construction and Building Materials. 2020. Vol. 270, p. 121401. DOI : 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2020.121401.


Influence of curved delamination front on R-curve of DCB specimen

Z. Jiang; S. Wan; T. Keller; Z. Fang; A. P. Vassilopoulos 

Composite Structures. 2019. Vol. 227, p. 111311. DOI : 10.1016/j.compstruct.2019.111311.

Modeling of fatigue behavior based on interaction between time- and cyclic-dependent mechanical properties

A. V. Movahedi-Rad; T. Keller; A. P. Vassilopoulos 

Composites Part A-Applied Science And Manufacturing. 2019. Vol. 124, p. 105469. DOI : 10.1016/j.compositesa.2019.05.037.

Stress ratio effect on tension-tension fatigue behavior of angle-ply GFRP laminates

A. V. Movahedi-Rad; T. Keller; A. P. Vassilopoulos 

International Journal Of Fatigue. 2019. Vol. 126, p. 103 – 111. DOI : 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2019.04.037.

Two-dimensional fatigue debonding in GFRP/balsa sandwich panels

A. Cameselle-Molares; A. P. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

International Journal Of Fatigue. 2019. Vol. 125, p. 72 – 84. DOI : 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2019.03.032.

Creep effects on tension-tension fatigue behavior of angle-ply GFRP composite laminates

A. V. Movahedi-Rad; T. Keller; A. P. Vassilopoulos 

International Journal of Fatigue. 2019. Vol. 123, p. 144 – 156. DOI : 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2019.02.010.

Two-dimensional quasi-static debonding in GFRP/balsa sandwich panels

A. Cameselle-Molares; A. P. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

Composite Structures. 2019. Vol. 215, p. 391 – 401. DOI : 10.1016/j.compstruct.2019.02.077.

Numerically-based method for fracture characterization of Mode I-dominated two-dimensional delamination in FRP laminates

A. Cameselle-Molares; A. P. Vassilopoulos; J. Renart; A. Turon; T. Keller 

Composite Structures. 2019. Vol. 214, p. 143 – 152. DOI : 10.1016/j.compstruct.2019.02.014.

Niacin: an old lipid drug in a new NAD(+) dress

M. Romani; D. C. Hofer; E. Katsyuba; J. Auwerx 

Journal Of Lipid Research. 2019. Vol. 60, num. 4, p. 741 – 746. DOI : 10.1194/jlr.S092007.

Nonlinear electrical conductivity through the thickness of multidirectional carbon fiber composites

X. Chen; A. Smorgonskiy; J. Li; A. P. Vassilopoulos; M. Rubinstein et al. 

Journal of Materials Science. 2019. Vol. 54, num. 5, p. 3893 – 3903. DOI : 10.1007/s10853-018-3127-1.

Temperature effect on fatigue behavior of basalt fiber-reinforced polymer composites

X. Zhao; X. Wang; Z. Wu; T. Keller; A. Vassilopoulos 

Polymer Composites. 2019. Vol. 40, num. 6, p. 2273 – 2283. DOI : 10.1002/pc.25035.


Experimental investigation of two-dimensional delamination in GFRP laminates

A. Cameselle-Molares; A. P. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2018. Vol. 203, p. 152 – 171. DOI : 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2018.05.015.

Finite element analysis of initial imperfection effects on kinking failure of unidirectional glass fiber-reinforced polymer composites

W. Sun; A. P. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

Composite Structures. 2018. Vol. 203, p. 50 – 59. DOI : 10.1016/j.compstruct.2018.07.010.

Biogeochemical Cycling by a Low-Diversity Microbial Community in Deep Groundwater

E. Bell; T. Lamminmaki; J. Alneberg; A. F. Andersson; C. Qian et al. 

Frontiers In Microbiology. 2018. Vol. 9, p. 2129. DOI : 10.3389/fmicb.2018.02129.

Fatigue damage in angle-ply GFRP laminates under tension-tension fatigue

A. Movahedi-Rad; T. Keller; A. Vassilopoulos 

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FATIGUE. 2018. Vol. 109, p. 60 – 69. DOI : 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2017.12.015.

Numerical simulation of two-dimensional in-plane crack propagation in FRP laminates

A. Cameselle-Molares; A. Vassilopoulos; J. Renart; A. Turon; T. Keller 

Composite Structures. 2018. Vol. 200, p. 396 – 407. DOI : 10.1016/j.compstruct.2018.05.136.

Ductile adhesively-bonded timber joints – Part 1: Experimental investigation

M. Angelidi; A. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS. 2018. Vol. 179, p. 692 – 703. DOI : 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.05.214.

Distribution of thermophilic endospores in a temperate estuary indicate that dispersal history structures sediment microbial communities

E. Bell; L. Blake; A. Sherry; I. Head; C. Hubert 

ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY. 2018. Vol. 20, num. 3, p. 1134 – 1147. DOI : 10.1111/1462-2920.14056.

Interrupted tension-tension fatigue behavior of angle-ply GFRP composite laminates

A. Movahedi-Rad; T. Keller; A. Vassilopoulos 

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FATIGUE. 2018. Vol. 113, p. 377 – 388. DOI : 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2018.05.001.

Numerical and analytical investigation of tensile behavior of non-laminated and laminated CFRP straps

H. Fan; A. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

COMPOSITE STRUCTURES. 2018. Vol. 200, p. 79 – 87. DOI : 10.1016/j.compstruct.2018.05.055.

Effect of stress ratios on tension-tension fatigue behavior and micro-damage evolution of basalt fiber-reinforced epoxy polymer composites

X. Zhao; X. Wang; Z. Wu; T. Keller; A. Vassilopoulos 

JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE. 2018. Vol. 53, num. 13, p. 9545 – 9556. DOI : 10.1007/s10853-018-2260-1.

Load transfer mechanisms in CFRP ground anchors with multi-strap ends

H. Fan; A. P. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

Composite Structures. 2018. Vol. 184, p. 125 – 134. DOI : 10.1016/j.compstruct.2017.09.111.


Development of physical and mechanical properties of a cold-curing structural adhesive in a wet bridge environment

M. Savvilotidou; A. P. Vassilopoulos; M. Frigione; T. Keller 

Construction and Building Materials. 2017. Vol. 144, p. 115 – 124. DOI : 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2017.03.145.

Pull-Out Behavior of CFRP Single-Strap Ground Anchors

H. Fan; A. P. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

Journal of Composites for Construction. 2017. Vol. 21, num. 3, p. 04016102. DOI : 10.1061/(Asce)Cc.1943-5614.0000760.

Pull-out behavior of CFRP ground anchors with two-strap ends

H. Fan; A. P. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

Composite Structures. 2017. Vol. 160, p. 1258 – 1267. DOI : 10.1016/j.compstruct.2016.10.048.

Ductility, recovery and strain rate dependency of an acrylic structural adhesive

M. Angelidi; A. P. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

Construction and Building Materials. 2017. Vol. 140, p. 184 – 193. DOI : 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2017.02.101.

Evaluation of grout materials for CFRP ground anchors with strap ends

H. Fan; A. P. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

Construction and Building Materials. 2017. Vol. 145, p. 196 – 206. DOI : 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2017.04.002.

Are Standardized Lightning Current Waveforms Suitable for Aircraft and Wind Turbine Blades Made of Composite Materials?

A. Smorgonskiy; F. Rachidi; M. Rubinstein; N. V. Korovkin; A. P. Vassilopoulos 

IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility. 2017. Vol. 59, num. 4, p. 1320 – 1328. DOI : 10.1109/TEMC.2017.2682324.

Fracture mechanics-based progressive damage modelling of adhesively bonded fibre-reinforced polymer joints

A. Cameselle-Molares; R. Sarfaraz; M. Shahverdi; T. Keller; A. P. Vassilopoulos 

Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures. 2017. Vol. 40, num. 12, p. 2183 – 2193. DOI : 10.1111/ffe.12647.

Two-dimensional analytical stress distribution model for unbalanced FRP composite single-lap joints

Z. Jiang; S. Wan; T. Keller; A. P. Vassilopoulos 

European Journal of Mechanics A-Solids. 2017. Vol. 66, p. 341 – 355. DOI : 10.1016/j.euromechsol.2017.07.011.

Fatigue performance of a cold-curing structural epoxy adhesive subjected to moist environments

M. Savvilotidou; T. Keller; A. P. Vassilopoulos 

International Journal of Fatigue. 2017. Vol. 103, p. 405 – 414. DOI : 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2017.06.022.

Effects of aging in dry environment on physical and mechanical properties of a cold-curing structural epoxy adhesive for bridge construction

M. Savvilotidou; A. P. Vassilopoulos; M. Frigione; T. Keller 

Construction and Building Materials. 2017. Vol. 140, p. 552 – 561. DOI : 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2017.02.063.

Displacement rate and structural effects on Poisson ratio of a ductile structural adhesive in tension and compression

M. Angelidi; A. P. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives. 2017. Vol. 78, p. 13 – 22. DOI : 10.1016/j.ijadhadh.2017.06.008.


Experimental characterization of longitudinal mechanical properties of clear timber: Random spatial variability and size effects

A. F. Moshtaghin; S. Franke; T. Keller; A. P. Vassilopoulos 

Construction and Building Materials. 2016. Vol. 120, p. 432 – 441. DOI : 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2016.05.109.

Random field-based modeling of size effect on the longitudinal tensile strength of clear timber

A. F. Moshtaghin; S. Franke; T. Keller; A. P. Vassilopoulos 

Structural Safety. 2016. Vol. 58, p. 60 – 68. DOI : 10.1016/j.strusafe.2015.09.002.

Experimental and numerical investigation of tensile behavior of non-laminated CFRP straps

H. Fan; A. P. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

Composites Part B. 2016. Vol. 91, p. 327 – 336. DOI : 10.1016/j.compositesb.2016.01.049.

Effect of Natural Weathering on Durability of Pultruded Glass Fiber-Reinforced Bridge and Building Structures

T. Keller; N. A. Theodorou; A. P. Vassilopoulos; J. De Castro 

Journal of Composites for Construction. 2016. Vol. 20, num. 1, p. 04015025. DOI : 10.1061/(Asce)Cc.1943-5614.0000589.

Post-wrinkling behavior of webs in GFRP cell-core sandwich structures

B. D. Manshadi; A. P. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

Composite Structures. 2016. Vol. 138, p. 276 – 284. DOI : 10.1016/j.compstruct.2015.11.025.


Analytical model of asymmetrical mixed-mode bending test of adhesively bonded GFRP joint

M. Ševčík; P. Hutař; A. Vassilopoulos; M. Shahverdi 

Frattura ed Integrita Strutturale. 2015. Vol. 9, num. 34, p. 216 – 225. DOI : 10.3221/IGF-ESIS.34.23.

Experimental investigation of kink initiation and kink band formation in unidirectional glass fiber-reinforced polymer specimens

W. Sun; A. P. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

Composite Structures. 2015. Vol. 130, p. 9 – 17. DOI : 10.1016/j.compstruct.2015.04.028.

Physically Based Modeling of Shear Modulus-Temperature Relationship for Thermosets

W. Sun; A. P. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

Polymer Engineering and Science. 2015. Vol. 55, num. 12, p. 2893 – 2898. DOI : 10.1002/pen.24181.

Effect of temperature on kinking failure mode of non-slender glass fiber-reinforced polymer specimens

W. Sun; A. P. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

Composite Structures. 2015. Vol. 133, p. 178 – 190. DOI : 10.1016/j.compstruct.2015.07.054.

Optically-derived mechanical properties of glass fiber-reinforced polymer laminates for multifunctional load-bearing structures

C. Pascual; J. De Castro; A. Kostro; A. Schueler; A. P. Vassilopoulos et al. 

Journal of Composite Materials. 2015. Vol. 49, num. 28, p. 3539 – 3556. DOI : 10.1177/0021998314567696.

Analytical modeling of mixed-Mode bending behavior of asymmetric adhesively bonded pultruded GFRP joints

M. Sevcik; M. Shahverdi; P. Hutar; A. P. Vassilopoulos 

Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2015. Vol. 147, p. 228 – 242. DOI : 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2015.08.040.


Thermal performance evaluation of fiber-reinforced polymer thermal breaks for balcony connections

K. Goulouti; J. De Castro; A. P. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

Energy and Buildings. 2014. Vol. 70, p. 365 – 371. DOI : 10.1016/j.enbuild.2013.11.070.

Diffuse light transmittance of glass fiber-reinforced polymer laminates for multifunctional load-bearing structures

C. Pascual; J. De Castro; A. Kostro; A. Schueler; A. P. Vassilopoulos et al. 

Journal of Composite Materials. 2014. Vol. 48, num. 29, p. 3621 – 3636. DOI : 10.1177/0021998313511655.

Mixed-mode quasi-static failure criteria for adhesively-bonded pultruded GFRP joints

M. Shahverdi; A. P. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

Composites Part A. 2014. Vol. 59, p. 45 – 56. DOI : 10.1016/j.compositesa.2013.12.007.

Effect of thermal lag on glass transition temperature of polymers measured by DMA

W. Sun; A. P. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives. 2014. Vol. 52, p. 31 – 39. DOI : 10.1016/j.ijadhadh.2014.03.009.

Fracture in complex balsa cores of fiber-reinforced polymer sandwich structures

M. Osei-Antwi; J. De Castro; A. P. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

Construction and Building Materials. 2014. Vol. 71, p. 194 – 201. DOI : 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2014.08.029.

Analytical modeling of local stresses at Balsa/timber core joints of FRP sandwich structures

M. Osei-Antwi; J. De Castro; A. P. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

Composite Structures. 2014. Vol. 116, p. 501 – 508. DOI : 10.1016/j.compstruct.2014.05.050.

An iterative analytical/experimental study of bridging in delamination of the double cantilever beam specimen

B. D. Manshadi; E. Farmand-Ashtiani; J. Botsis; A. P. Vassilopoulos 

Composites Part A. 2014. Vol. 61, p. 43 – 50. DOI : 10.1016/j.compositesa.2014.02.001.

Structural limits of FRP-balsa sandwich decks in bridge construction

M. Osei-Antwi; J. De Castro; A. P. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

Composites Part B. 2014. Vol. 63, p. 77 – 84. DOI : 10.1016/j.compositesb.2014.03.027.

Total light transmittance of glass fiber-reinforced polymer laminates for multifunctional load-bearing structures

C. Pascual Agullo; J. De Castro; A. Schueler; A. P. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

Journal of Composite Materials. 2014. Vol. 48, num. 29, p. 3591 – 3604. DOI : 10.1177/0021998313511653.

Modeling of axial and shear stresses in multilayer Sandwich beams with stiff core layers

M. Osei-Antwi; J. De Castro; A. P. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

Composite Structures. 2014. Vol. 116, p. 453 – 460. DOI : 10.1016/j.compstruct.2014.05.049.

Mixed-Mode I/II fracture behavior of asymmetric adhesively-bonded pultruded composite joints

M. Shahverdi; A. P. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2014. Vol. 115, p. 43 – 59. DOI : 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2013.11.014.


Modeling the constant amplitude fatigue behavior of adhesively bonded pultruded GFRP joints

R. Sarfaraz; A. P. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology. 2013. Vol. 27, num. 8, p. 855 – 878. DOI : 10.1080/01694243.2012.727158.

Shear mechanical characterization of balsa wood as core material of composite sandwich panels

M. Osei-Antwi; J. De Castro; A. P. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

Construction and Building Materials. 2013. Vol. 41, p. 231 – 238. DOI : 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2012.11.009.

Modeling effects of asymmetry and fiber bridging on Mode I fracture behavior of bonded pultruded composite joints

M. Shahverdi; A. P. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2013. Vol. 99, p. 335 – 348. DOI : 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2013.02.001.

Long-Term Development of Thermophysical and Mechanical Properties of Cold-Curing Structural Adhesives Due to Post-Curing

O. Moussa; A. P. Vassilopoulos; J. De Castro; T. Keller 

Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2013. Vol. 127, num. 4, p. 2490 – 2496. DOI : 10.1002/app.37965.

Variable amplitude fatigue of adhesively-bonded pultruded GFRP joints

R. Sarfaraz; A. P. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

International Journal of Fatigue. 2013. Vol. 55, p. 22 – 32. DOI : 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2013.04.024.

A combined experimental/numerical study of the scaling effects on mode I delamination of GFRP

B. D. Manshadi; A. P. Vassilopoulos; J. Botsis 

Composites Science and Technology. 2013. Vol. 83, p. 32 – 39. DOI : 10.1016/j.compscitech.2013.04.016.

An analytical model for lateral contraction of composite laminates subjected to partially uniform tension

B. D. Manshadi; A. P. Vassilopoulos; J. De Castro; T. Keller 

International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2013. Vol. 68, p. 190 – 198. DOI : 10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2013.01.015.

FRP-Balsa Composite Sandwich Bridge Deck with Complex Core Assembly

M. Osei-Antwi; J. De Castro; A. P. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

Journal of Composites for Construction. 2013. Vol. 17, num. 6, p. 04013011. DOI : 10.1061/(Asce)Cc.1943-5614.0000435.

Block loading fatigue of adhesively bonded pultruded GFRP joints

R. Sarfaraz; A. P. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

International Journal of Fatigue. 2013. Vol. 49, p. 40 – 49. DOI : 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2012.12.006.

Mixed-mode fatigue failure criteria for adhesively-bonded pultruded GFRP joints

M. Shahverdi; A. P. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

Composites Part A. 2013. Vol. 54, p. 46 – 55. DOI : 10.1016/j.compositesa.2013.06.017.


Early-age tensile properties of structural epoxy adhesives subjected to low-temperature curing

O. Moussa; A. P. Vassilopoulos; J. de Castro; T. Keller 

International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives. 2012. Vol. 35, p. 9 – 16. DOI : 10.1016/j.ijadhadh.2012.01.023.

Time-temperature dependence of thermomechanical recovery of cold-curing structural adhesives

O. Moussa; A. P. Vassilopoulos; J. de Castro; T. Keller 

International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives. 2012. Vol. 35, p. 94 – 101. DOI : 10.1016/j.ijadhadh.2012.02.005.

Effects of low-temperature curing on physical behavior of cold-curing epoxy adhesives in bridge construction

O. Moussa; A. P. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives. 2012. Vol. 32, p. 15 – 22. DOI : 10.1016/j.ijadhadh.2011.09.001.

A total fatigue life model for the prediction of the R-ratio effects on fatigue crack growth of adhesively-bonded pultruded GFRP DCB joints

M. Shahverdi; A. P. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

Composites Part A. 2012. Vol. 43, num. 10, p. 1783 – 1790. DOI : 10.1016/j.compositesa.2012.05.004.

A hybrid S-N formulation for fatigue life modeling of composite materials and structures

R. Sarfaraz; A. P. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

Composites Part A. 2012. Vol. 43, num. 3, p. 445 – 453. DOI : 10.1016/j.compositesa.2011.11.008.

Experimental investigation of R-ratio effects on fatigue crack growth of adhesively-bonded pultruded GFRP DCB joints under CA loading

M. Shahverdi; A. P. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

Composites Part A. 2012. Vol. 43, num. 10, p. 1689 – 1697. DOI : 10.1016/j.compositesa.2011.10.018.

Experimental investigation and modeling of mean load effect on fatigue behavior of adhesively-bonded pultruded GFRP joints

R. Sarfaraz; A. P. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

International Journal of Fatigue. 2012. Vol. 44, p. 245 – 252. DOI : 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2012.04.021.

Modeling of Buckling and Wrinkling Behavior in GFRP Plate and Sandwiches Subjected to Biaxial Compression–Tension Loading

B. D. Manshadi; A. P. Vassilopoulos; J. de Castro; T. Keller 

Journal of Composites for Construction. 2012. Vol. 16, num. 4, p. 477 – 487. DOI : 10.1061/(Asce)Cc.1943-5614.0000277.

Instability of Thin-Walled GFRP Webs in Cell-Core Sandwiches under Combined Bending and Shear Loads

B. D. Manshadi; A. P. Vassilopoulos; J. de Castro; T. Keller 

Thin-Walled Structures. 2012. Vol. 53, p. 200 – 210. DOI : 10.1016/j.tws.2011.12.021.

Experimental DSC-based method to determine glass transition temperature during curing of structural adhesives

O. Moussa; A. P. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

Construction and Building Materials. 2012. Vol. 28, num. 1, p. 263 – 268. DOI : 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2011.08.059.


Le coût attentionnel associé aux fonctions exécutives impliquées dans le contrôle postural

M. Boisgontier; J-B. Mignardot; V. Nougier; I. Olivier; E. Palluel 

Science et Motricité. 2011. Vol. 74, p. 53 – 64. DOI : 10.1051/sm/2011106.

Shear Buckling Resistance of GFRP Plate Girders

B. D. Manshadi; A. P. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

Journal of Composites for Construction. 2011. Vol. 15, p. 431 – 440. DOI : 10.1061/(ASCE)CC.1943-5614.0000167.

Experimental investigation of the fatigue behavior of adhesively-bonded pultruded GFRP joints under different load ratios

R. Sarfaraz; A. P. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

International Journal of Fatigue. 2011. Vol. 33, num. 11, p. 1451 – 1460. DOI : 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2011.05.012.

Contribution to shear wrinkling of GFRP webs in cell-core sandwiches

B. D. Manshadi; A. P. Vassilopoulos; J. De Castro; T. Keller 

Journal of Composites for Construction. 2011. Vol. 15, num. 5, p. 833 – 840. DOI : 10.1061/(ASCE)CC.1943-5614.0000212.

A phenomenological analysis of Mode I fracture of adhesively-bonded pultruded GFRP joints

M. Shahverdi; A. P. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2011. Vol. 78, num. 10, p. 2161 – 2173. DOI : 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2011.04.007.


Thermomechanical behavior of multifunctional GFRP sandwich structures with encapsulated photovoltaic cells

T. Keller; A. P. Vassilopoulos; B. D. Manshadi 

Journal of Composites for Construction. 2010. Vol. 14, num. 4, p. 470 – 478. DOI : 10.1061/(ASCE)CC.1943-5614.0000101.

Influence of the constant life diagram formulation on the fatigue life prediction of composite materials

A. P. Vassilopoulos; B. D. Manshadi; T. Keller 

International Journal of Fatigue. 2010. Vol. 32, num. 4, p. 659 – 669. DOI : 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2009.09.008.

Mode I an II fracture behavior of adhesively-bonded pultruded composite joints

Y. Zhang; A. P. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2010. Vol. 77, num. 1, p. 128 – 143. DOI : 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2009.09.015.

Piecewise non-linear constant life diagram formulation for FRP composite materials

A. P. Vassilopoulos; B. D. Manshadi; T. Keller 

International Journal of Fatigue. 2010. Vol. 32, num. 10, p. 1731 – 1738. DOI : 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2010.03.013.

Effects of low and high temperatures on tensile behavior of adhesively-bonded GFRP joints

Y. Zhang; A. P. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

Composite Structures. 2010. Vol. 92, num. 7, p. 1631 – 1639. DOI : 10.1016/j.compstruct.2009.11.028.

Mixed-mode fracture of adhesively-bonded pultruded composite lap joints

Y. Zhang; A. P. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2010. Vol. 77, num. 100, p. 2712 – 2726. DOI : 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2010.06.017.

Fracture of adhesively-bonded pultruded GFRP joints under constant amplitude fatigue loading

Y. Zhang; A. P. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

International Journal of Fatigue. 2010. Vol. 32, num. 7, p. 979 – 987. DOI : 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2009.11.004.

A computational tool for the life prediction of GFRP laminates under irregular complex stress states: influence of the fatigue failure criterion

A. P. Vassilopoulos; R. Sarfaraz; B. D. Manshadi; T. Keller 

Computational Materials Science. 2010. Vol. 49, num. 3, p. 483 – 491. DOI : 10.1016/j.commatsci.2010.05.039.


Environmental effects on fatigue behavior of adhesively-bonded pultruded structural joints

Y. Zhang; A. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

Composites Science and Technology. 2009. Vol. 69, num. 7-8, p. 1022 – 1028. DOI : 10.1016/j.compscitech.2009.01.024.


Comparison of genetic programming with conventional methods for fatigue life modeling of FRP composite materials

A. Vassilopoulos; E. Georgopoulos; T. Keller 

International Journal of Fatigue. 2008. num. 30/9, p. 1634 – 1645. DOI : 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2007.11.007.

Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system in modelling fatigue life of multidirectional composite laminates

A. P. Vassilopouios; R. Bedi 

Computational Materials Science. 2008. Vol. 43, p. 1086 – 1093. DOI : 10.1016/j.commatsci.2008.02.028.

Prediction of the twisting moment and axial force in a circular rubber cylinder for combined extension and torsion based on the logarithmic strain approach

P. A. Kakavas; G. I. Giannopoulos; A. P. Vassilopoulos 

Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2008. Vol. 110, p. 1028 – 1033. DOI : 10.1002/app.28685.

Stiffness degradation and life prediction of adhesively- bonded joints for fiber-reinforced polymer composites

Y. Zhang; A. Vassilopoulos; T. Keller 

International Journal of Fatigue. 2008. num. 30/10-11, p. 1813 – 1820. DOI : 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2008.02.007.


Artificial neural networks in spectrum fatigue life prediction of composite materials

A. P. Vassilopoulos; E. Georgopoulos; V. Dionysopoulos 

International Journal of Fatigue. 2007. Vol. 29, num. 1, p. 20 – 29. DOI : 10.1016/j.ijfatigue.2006.03.004.


Precision electroweak measurements on the Z resonance☆☆☆

S. Schael; R. Barate; R. Brunelière; D. Buskulic; I. de Bonis et al. 

Physics Reports. 2006. Vol. 427, num. 5-6, p. 257 – 454. DOI : 10.1016/j.physrep.2005.12.006.


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