Adhesive joints

Structural adhesives have been used for a long time for bonding various adherends as alternatives to traditional connection techniques. The advantages of adhesively bonded joints are multiple including the ease of use, the lighter weight, the versatility they offer and the good mechanical properties. Therefore, adhesively bonded joints gained rapid success in aerospace, automotive, construction, and civil engineering. Research on the long term and durability, especially under thermomechanical long term (realistic) loadings, is significant for facilitating the acceptance of such joining methods in practice. The technological challenge of designing such structures against operational loading conditions for lifetimes exceeding several decades with minimal maintenance is exciting.

Fracture mechanics joints

– Exp. investigation Mode I, Mode II and mixed-Mode fracture
– Quasi-static and fatigue thermomechanical loads
– Modeling, mixed-Mode failure criteria for QS and fatigue 

Structural composite joints

– Fatigue and fracture (fracture mechanics and structural joints)
– Failure analysis and failure criteria
– Crack measurement techniques

Thick bonded composite joints

– Performance investigation under quasi-static and fatigue loads
– Modeling and life prediction methodologies
– Crack arresting features


Completed PhD theses

Durability and fatigue performance of a typical cold-curing structural adhesive in bridge construction
M. Savvilotidou, T. Keller and A. Vassilopoulos (Dirs.). EPFL, Lausanne, 2017.
AbstractFull Text

Ductility and strain rate-dependency of adhesively-bonded timber joints
M. Angelidi, T. Keller and A. Vassilopoulos (Dirs.). EPFL, Lausanne, 2017.
AbstractFull Text

Mixed-mode static and fatigue failure criteria for adhesively-bonded FRP joints
M. Shahverdi, T. Keller and A. Vassilopoulos (Dirs.). EPFL, Lausanne, 2013.
Abstract – Full Text

Fatigue life prediction of adhesively-bonded fiber-reinforced polymer structural joints under spectrum loading patterns
R. Sarfaraz Khabbaz, T. Keller and A. Vassilopoulos (Dirs.). EPFL, Lausanne, 2012.
Abstract – Full Text

Thermophysical and thermomechanical behavior of cold-curing structural adhesives in bridge construction
O. Moussa, T. Keller and A. Vassilopoulos (Dirs.). EPFL, Lausanne, 2011.
AbstractFull Text

Fracture and fatigue of adhesively-bonded fiber-reinforced polymer structural joints
Y. Zhang, T. Keller and A. Vassilopoulos (Dirs.). EPFL, Lausanne, 2010.
Abstract – Full Text


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