Title: | Cultural influences on users’ disposition for decision accuracy and trust in e-commerce |
Duration: | One Semester |
Responsible TA: | Li Chen |
Goals: | The goal of this project is to design and implement a prototype vacation package recommendation system through blog articles that the users are interested. |
Keywords: | qualitative user study design, statistical analysis |
Abstract: |
In recent years, although many researches have emerged to study the antecedents and subsequences of user trust in online environments, they were mostly targeted to a relatively narrow range of people, i.e. the people from similar cultures or same nationality. Few works have in depth investigated whether the cultural background will have effect on users’ decision behavior and more importantly their subjective perception formation in e-commerce. The goal of the project is therefore to resolve the problem by means of user interviews and qualitative survey. We aim to revealing the actual role of cultural background in users’ disposition for decision accuracy and trust, so as to finally identifying the set of website design guidelines to be useful for a more general range of consumers. |
Project Results: |
Required Skills |