Title: | Implementation of an interactive travel map |
Duration: | One Semester |
Responsible TA: | Li Chen |
Goals: | Implement a prototype that could visualize the travel-related reviews |
Keywords: | usability study, visual analytics, visualization |
Abstract: |
The most distinguishable feature of Web2.0 would be it simulates a platform where users could freely share their reviews, experiences and stories with others. The increasing amount of the sharable information, however, sometimes overwhelms the average users since they could not effectively and efficiently obtain the most useful information to them. The aim of this project is to implement a prototype that could visualize the travel-related reviews, for example, the users’ recommendations on hotel, sight, shop and restaurant, on a map (e.g. Geneva city map). Therefore, with the map, the tourists can intuitionally get an overview of all the relevant spots with locations and icons representing their corresponding rates. The users could further specify their criteria on the type of spot they are interested in (e.g. filtering the map only leaving the shops that sell Swiss watches and are with average rate higher than 3). They could also move onto a specific recommendation to see its detail (e.g. the restaurant’s contact info). We believe that this kind of interactive travel map would be much more useful and effective for tourists to search for information, compared to listing all of the textual articles for them to read one by one. Welcome to join the project if you are interested! |
Project Results: |
Required Skills |