“I am a PhD student in Gräff Lab at EPFL and I am enrolled in the EDNE Program (PhD Program in Neuroscience). Before I joined the lab, I completed my Bachelor in Biological Sciences and my Master in Cellular and Molecular Biology from the University of Turin, Italy. As part of this, I performed a research project for my Master in the Department of Clinical and Biological Sciences at San Luigi Hospital (Orbassano, Turin) on the characterization of rat sciatic nerve injury and following regeneration, investigating the molecular mechanisms behind. After completing my Master, I obtained a Fellowship to work in the Genomic Regulation Research Group at San Luigi Hospital, where I started focusing on epigenetics and molecular pathways involved in breast cancer. In the Gräff Lab my main project is to have a broad understanding on the mechanisms of long-term memory storage in mice models: I will focus on the morphological, epigenomic and transcriptomic features of the neurons involved in memory.”