Student projects

These are full-time research projects that count towards obtaining a M.Sc. degree at EPFL.

We are looking for highly motivated students who wish to engage in an ongoing research project in the lab. Current research topics range from memory consolidation, to epigenetic modifications in Alzheimer’s disease to circuit analyses of remote fear memories.

Please contact Prof. Johannes Gräff if you are interested.

Image result for warning sign icon no border Please note that our lab is full until the end of Summer 2025! Image result for warning sign icon no border

These are small research projects accounting for 6 credits.

Within the framework of the third main research interest of the lab on traumatic memories (see Research Activities), a B.Sc. project will involve the genetic, epigenetic and molecular characterization of transgenic animals that we use to interrogate which memory traces underlie long-term traumatic memories.

Please contact Prof. Johannes Gräff if you are interested.

Image result for warning sign icon no border Please note that our lab is full until the end of Summer 2025! Image result for warning sign icon no border

These are small to medium-sized research projects accounting for 8-12 credits available within all three main research interests of the lab (see Research Activities).

Please contact Prof. Johannes Gräff if you are interested.

Image result for warning sign icon no border Please note that our lab is full until the end of Summer 2025! Image result for warning sign icon no border