Welcome to the SCI-STI-MM Group
The research and didactic activities of the SCI-STI-MM Multimedia Group are centered around the design and development of software/hardware system architectures for digital signal processing and communications. SCI-STI-MM focuses specifically on:
- Multimedia: implementation methodologies, video processing, video coding, audio coding and sound analysis.
- Telecom applications: media broadcast and networking technologies
- CAD tools for dataflow based HW and SW synthesis and optimizations: development of CAD tools as support of dataflow based design flows (algorithmic complexity analysis, virtual memory architectures high level data flow modeling) for scalable and portable parallel implementations of streaming computation applications.
- Blockchain: authors of the first IEEE peer-reviewed paper on non-fungible tokens (NFTs), we are currently working on the analysis of heterogeneous data (transactions on blockchain, social media such as Twitter), and we want to transfer our design and validation methodology of standardized applications on heterogeneous platforms from the field of digital media to the field of multi-chain blockchain smart contracts.
- Bioinformatics: the group has recently started applying its expertise in SW and HW optimization and parallelization to the domain of genomic data compression and processing.