Completed projects

(c) Christopher Rusev

Modelling demand and supply dynamics in socio-technical energy systems to investigate the active role(s) of residential consumers in the Smart Grid paradigm and assess how residential demand side flexibility can support the energy transition.

Urban Sustainability Indicators
Procedural and normative aspects of sustainability indicators for cities.

Urban Sustainability Through Spatially Explicit Lenses
Examining the role and relevance of local neighborhood units and their impact on urban sustainability assessment in Geneva, Switzerland.

Social Life of Campus Public Spaces
Experimental study on the role of temporary interventions in fostering social activity at Avenue Piccard, on the EPFL campus.

Swiss Sustainability Indicators
Harmonizing urban sustainability measurement initiatives without losing context-relevance. The case of Cercle Indicateurs in Switzerland.

Tipping points in the energy transition
The influence of social interactions on individual decisions in the fields of photovoltaics and electro-mobility.

Swiss Corona Citizen Science
A collaborative investigation on housing conditions and wellbeing in times of COVID-19 containment: exploring the social effects of the crisis and co-creating sustainable post-crisis futures.

Tactical Urbanism
The potential of tactical urbanism to leverage urban sustainability transitions: analysing temporary walking and cycling infrastructure related to COVID-19.

Assessing Cities
Facilitating transitions towards sustainable ways of living through sustainability assessment of cities: categorizing and interpreting indicators, understanding real-world impacts in policy and decision-making processes, and creating interpretative frames of the ethical and value-related issues involved in sustainability assessment.

Urban Metabolism
Drivers and dynamics of the urban metabolism: the resource and energy flows which pass through a city.

Sharing Economy
The consumer and environmental potential of the Sharing Economy: motives, barriers and rebound effects.

Resilience and Energy Transition
Investigating the transition towards renewable energies bringing together conceptual ideas from resilience and transitions thinking.

Shrinking Housing’s Environmental Footprint
Identifying and promoting practical measures that all building stock owners (cooperatives, institutional owners, private owners etc.), public authorities and tenants can implement to reduce the use of primary resources for housing.

Circular Economy
An exploration of the concept of the Circular Economies in cities and an analysis of its implementation into the construction and demolition sector.

Urban Mosquito
Risk evaluation of mosquito-borne disease transmission through urban commutes pathways.

Quality of Space
Quality of space of Swiss cities through the lens of big data insurance customers.

Swiss Diets
Tipping points toward healthy and sustainable Swiss diets: assessing prescriptions, practices and impacts.

Civil society and research for sustainable development: claiming and fostering transdisciplinary.