Research projects

(c) Christopher Rusev

Solar Parties
The peer effects of community live demonstration events on residential photovoltaic adoption.

Quantifying the carbon footprint of residents in the Arc Lémanique to co-construct interventions towards sustainable lifestyles.

Evidence-based dialogue on trade-offs in wicked societal problems.

Panel Lémanique
Identifying change levers towards low-carbon lifestyles.

Sustainability in the Global South
Analysing plastic waste flow across different urban landscapes: a case study from Bandung, Indonesia.

Agent-based simulation of transition scenarios for regional heating and energy transformation.

A consortium of research institutes has begun working on the digital twin of a Swiss town.

Circular Economy for Cities
Examining household contributions to the urban circular economy at the dwelling scale.

Improving the resilience of Switzerland’s energy supply: possible transition pathways as well as future disruptive events, related uncertainties and the implications for the energy system and society.

Enabling decentralized renewable generation in the Swiss cities, midlands, and the alps.

Diffusion of innovations in the energy landscape: the role of supply and demand side network effects for integrated energy management systems.