Project team:
Claudia R. Binder, Simòn Ladino Cano, Hélène Cristofari – EPFL
Julia Steinberger, Vivien Fisch-Romito – UNIL
Funding: CROSS – Collaborative Research on Science and Society Program
Duration: 2024
To bolster transition policies within the Arc Lémanique, the LOCAL (Lifestyles and Carbon Impact in the Arc Lémanique territory) project aims to quantify the energy and carbon footprint of residents’ lifestyles, considering their socio-economic determinants and involving a comprehensive analysis of various spheres of activity and their interplay. The project employs an interdisciplinary methodology, encompassing elements of environmental economics, urban metabolism, urban sociology, and industrial ecology.
Likewise, it is a pivotal component of the extensive research initiative “Panel lémanique de suivi de la durabilité des pratiques” overseen by EPFL’s ENAC School over a 5-year period. Therefore, LOCAL aims to provide local authorities with tools for comprehending regional carbon emissions contextually while advancing research on the interconnected dynamics of individual behavioral changes and territorial policies in response to climate change.

I am contributing to this research with my doctoral project – Unraveling transformative change towards sustainability: The intertwined roles of agency and interventions in social tipping points.