
(c) Fahrul Azmi

Journal Articles

Beyond the average consumer: Mapping the potential of demand-side management among patterns of appliance usage

M. Barsanti; C. R. Binder; S. Yilmaz 

Energy Research & Social Science. 2024. Vol. 111, num. 103463. DOI : 10.1016/j.erss.2024.103463.

An empirical comparative analysis of functional and perceived neighbourhood boundaries across Geneva, Switzerland

M. Pang; C. R. Binder; F. Golay 

Cities. 2024. Vol. 146, p. 104786. DOI : 10.1016/j.cities.2023.104786.

A tale of two coal regimes: An actor-oriented analysis of destabilisation and maintenance of coal regimes in Germany and Japan

M. Duygan; A. Kachi; P. Temocin; G. Trencher 

Energy Research & Social Science. 2023. Vol. 105, p. 103297. DOI : 10.1016/j.erss.2023.103297.

Corrigendum to “Geographic network effects to engage people in the energy transition: The case of PV in Switzerland” (vol 9, e17800, 2023)

G. Serra-Coch; R. Wyss; C. R. Binder 

Heliyon. 2023. Vol. 9, num. 9, p. e19884. DOI : 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e19884.

“The crisis justified the urgency, but now we have to go back to the rule of law”: Urban mobility governance during Covid-19

F. X. Meinherz; L. Fritz 

Environmental Politics. 2023. DOI : 10.1080/09644016.2023.2242741.

Building resilience in high-tech supply chains

G. A. A. Aguilar-Hernandez; A. Singhvi; C. Bocher; X. Zhong 

Nature Electronics. 2023. DOI : 10.1038/s41928-023-01015-w.

Conference Papers


L. Ferrarello; J. K. E. K. Campfens; R. Massoud; S. P. Ramanandan 

2024. 2024 SEFI Annual Conference, Lausanne, 2024-09-02 – 2024-09-05.

Diffusion of energy technologies: the role and dynamics of supply-side information networks

G. Serra Coch; M. A. Hecher; R. Wyss; C. R. Binder 

2023. BEHAVE, the 7th European Conference on Behaviour and Energy Efficiency, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 28-29th November 2023.


Drivers and barriers to participation in the sharing economy: Does the environment really matter? A systematic review of 175 scientific articles

A. Merino-Saum; P. A. R. Jemio; R. Hansmann; C. R. Binder 

Resources Conservation And Recycling. 2023. Vol. 198, p. 107121. DOI : 10.1016/j.resconrec.2023.107121.


Surveys, survey-informed models, and model-informed surveys: Socio-technical modelling of household energy demand heterogeneity for effective demand-side management

M. Barsanti / C. R. Binder; S. Yilmaz (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2024. 

Working Papers

Ausbau erneuerbarer Energien biodiversitäts- und landschaftsverträglich planen

U. Neu; L. Reusser; S. Ismail; U. Schüpbach 



InnoNet-Energy. Diffusion of innovation in the energy landscape: The role of supply and demand-side network effects for integrated energy management systems

M. A. Hecher; G. Serra Coch; C. R. Binder 


Social life of campus public spaces: Experimental study on the role of temporary interventions in fostering social activity

A. Singhvi; K. Sakamoto 



Provision of housing services within planetary limits: A methodological framework for the urban circular economy

A. Singhvi 

11th International Conference on Industrial Ecology (ISIE 2023), Leiden, the Nethelands, July 2-5, 2023.


Exploring Social Tipping Dynamics in Socio-Technical Energy Transitions: Insights into Feedback Loops and Leverage Points

J. K. E. K. Campfens 

15th International Sustainability Transitions Conference, Oslo, Norway, 2024-06-16 – 2024-06-20.

Researching with values for more ethical decisions

L. Ferrarello 

Lunch talk: A Fresh Look at Ethics in Research and Scientific Integrity, Academia Retica, November 21, 2023.

A Value–Led Landscape Design as Model for Ethical Governance

L. Ferrarello 

Setting the Course: Future Core Studio Pedagogies in Landscape Architecture, Harvard GSD, October 18-20, 2023.

(In)visible reuse: Retrofit and refurbishment practices in the home

A. Singhvi 

(in)visible reuse – Research Symposium, Lausanne, Switzerland, September 11, 2023.

A novel backcasting approach to study the governance of urban energy transitions

M. Duygan; J. K. E. K. Campfens; C. Binder 

14th International Sustainability Transitions Conference, Utrecht, The Netherlands, August 30 – September 1, 2023.

Teaching Resources

The Practice of Ethics in Engineering Research

L. Ferrarello 
