PhD student at EPFL, under the supervision of Kathryn Hess.
My work is on Topological Image Processing, at the crossroad between applied topology, machine learning and image processing.
Msc in Mathematics at the University of Geneva, 2016-2018
BSc in Mathematics at the University of Geneva, 2013-2016
(Exchange at the University of California, San Diego)
Publications and Preprints
L. Kanari, A. Garin, K.Hess, “From trees to barcodes and back again: theoretical and statistical perspectives” Submitted to Algorithms, 2020
URL: https://arxiv.org/abs/2010.11620
A. Garin, T. Heiss, K. Maggs, B. Bleile and V. Robins, “Duality in Persistent Homology of Images”, Extended abstract for SoCG YRF 2020
URL: https://arxiv.org/abs/2005.04597
A. Garin and G. Tauzin, “A Topological “Reading” Lesson: Classification of MNIST using TDA,” 2019 18th IEEE International Conference On Machine Learning And Applications (ICMLA), Boca Raton, FL, USA, 2019
URL: https://arxiv.org/abs/1910.08345
Presentations and Posters
Oxford Applied Topology Seminar, August 2020
University of Oxford, online
Noisy neurons and rainbow worms: theoretical and statistical perspectives on trees and their barcodes
SMB minisymposium on TDA and network science for biological data, August 2020
Heidelberg, Germany (moved online)
Topological Data Analysis for (biological) image analysis
SoCG Young Researcher Forum, June 2020
ETHZ, Switzerland (moved online)
Duality in Persistent Homology of Images
Brain Mind Institute annual report, June 2020
EPFL, Switzerland (moved online)Topological Data Analysis for Image Processing
Poster at GeoCoW Workshop, January 2020
Les Diablerets, Switzerland
A Topological Reading Lesson – A TDA Pipeline for Image Analysis
Topology Seminar, November 2019
Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
A Topological Reading Lesson – A TDA Pipeline for Image Analysis
Graduate Seminar, May 2019
University of Geneva, Switzerland
An introduction to Euler calculus
TopApp Workshop, April 2019
IST Vienna, Austria
From Euler curves to shapes: going backward
Workshop on persistent homology, July 2017
Institut Alexander Grothendieck, Montpellier, France
Persistent homology and stability theorem
Topology Seminar, October 2017
University of Geneva, Switzerland
Persistent homology and stability theorem
Euler course at EPFL: https://www.epfl.ch/education/education-and-science-outreach/fr/cours-euler/
Geometry I, Euler course, 2019
Algebraic structures, Euler course, 2020
Students Semester projects
Topology applied in deep learning: a study of topology-preserving image segmentation
Luca Bracone, 2020
Cosupervised with Celia Hacker and Stefania Ebli
A study of C. elegans neural network through graph theory and topology
Thomas Negrello, 2020
Cosupervised with Celia Hacker and Stefania Ebli
Euler calculus on elementary cubical complexes
Pierre Jaillot, 2019
Cosupervised with Celia Hacker