Celia Hacker


PhD student under the supervision of Kathryn Hess since 2018.

BSc in Mathematics at EPFL 2013-2016
(Exchange year at the University of Oslo)
MCs in Mathematics at the University of Geneva 2016-2018

Publications and Preprints

Morse-Based Fibering of the Persistence Rank Invariant, with A. Bapat, R. Brooks, C. Hacker, C. Landi, B.I. Mahler
URL: https://arxiv.org/abs/2011.14967

k-simplex2vec: a simplicial extension of node2vec, NeurIPS 2020, TDA and Beyond Workshop
URL: https://arxiv.org/abs/2010.05636

Talks and Posters

EPFL Applied Topology Seminar, December 2020
Morse based fibering of the persistence Rank invariant

NeurIPS – TDA and beyond, December 2020
k-simplex2vec: a simplicial extension of node2vec
Talk, Poster

TopoNets: Networks beyond pairwise interactions
Satellite at NetSci, Rome, September 2020 (online)
Vector Representations of Simplicial Complexes

Applied Algebraic Topology Research Network online seminar, June 2020
Morse based fibering of the rank invariant, with Robyn Brooks

GeoCoW Workshop, February 2020
Les Diablerets, Switzerland
Embeddings of Simplicial Complexes (Best Poster Award)