2020 Seminars Massive fermion's correlation functions on a dilute instanton gas background14-12-202014-12-2020With: Juan S. Cruz (TUM)Category: Conferences – SeminarsNew ideas on quenching and detecting BH rotational superradiances07-12-202007-12-2020With: Diego Blas (King’s College London)Online: https://epfl.zoom.us/j/5467603482Category: Conferences – SeminarsMagnetic scattering: pairwise little group and pairwise helicity30-11-202030-11-2020With: Csaba Csaki (Cornell U.)Place and room: ZoomOnline: https://epfl.zoom.us/j/86370587147Category: Conferences – SeminarsFrom Boundary Data to Bound States23-11-202023-11-2020With: Rafael Porto (DESY/Hamburg)Place and room: Zoom webinarOnline: https://epfl.zoom.us/j/81370549597Category: Conferences – SeminarsA boundary view on cosmological correlators16-11-202016-11-2020With: Austin Joyce (University of Amsterdam)Place and room: ZoomOnline: https://epfl.zoom.us/j/83628749649Category: Conferences – SeminarsâQuantum optomechanicsâ11-11-202011-11-2020With: Tobias KippenbergPlace and room: Join zoom linkOnline: https://epfl.zoom.us/j/84831995406Category: Conferences – SeminarsEmergent gravity from hidden sectors and TT deformations09-11-202009-11-2020With: Elias Kiritsis (APC Paris and University of Crete)Place and room: Zoom WebinarOnline: https://epfl.zoom.us/j/88943395153Category: Conferences – SeminarsFrom AdS/CFT to soft theorems in flat space02-11-202002-11-2020With: Eliot HijanoOnline: https://epfl.zoom.us/j/85721843057Category: Conferences – SeminarsExploring quantum Hall effects and its exotic properties via quantum circuits28-10-202028-10-2020With: Mitali BanerjeePlace and room: Join zoom linkOnline: https://epfl.zoom.us/j/8396293408Category: Conferences – SeminarsCorrections to Entropy and Extremality at Fixed Charge26-10-202026-10-2020With: Garrett Goon (Carnegie Mellon U.)Place and room: ZoomCategory: Conferences – SeminarsCrunching Dilaton, Hidden Naturalness19-10-202019-10-2020With: Prof. Michael Geller (Tel Aviv University)Place and room: ZoomCategory: Conferences – SeminarsBeyond the Standard Model physics searches with the LHCb and SND experiments at the LHC30-09-202030-09-2020With: Lesya ShchutskaOnline: https://epfl.zoom.us/j/92512666018?pwd=Qjc1YTJVbzRXMEVZSGNkMFpkb0IzUT09Category: Conferences – SeminarsBroken and emerging symmetries of turbulent states22-06-202022-06-2020With: Gregory Falkovich (Weizmann Institute of Science)Place and room: ZoomCategory: Conferences – SeminarsNon-local self-healing of Higgs inflation15-06-202015-06-2020With: Anna Tokareva (Moscow, INR)Category: Conferences – SeminarsA CMB Millikan Experiment with Axion Strings25-05-202025-05-2020With: Prateek Agrawal (Harvard University)Place and room: ZoomCategory: Conferences – SeminarsTBA18-05-202018-05-2020With: Prof. Alexander Kusenko (UCLA & Tokyo U)Place and room: BSP 727Category: Conferences – SeminarsThree small lessons from analogue gravity11-05-202011-05-2020With: Prof. Stefano Liberati (SISSA)Place and room: ZoomCategory: Conferences – SeminarsTBA11-05-202011-05-2020With: Isabella Masina (Ferrara)Place and room: BSP 727Category: Conferences – SeminarsUnitarity and Entropy: From Black Holes to Baryons – and Back05-05-202005-05-2020With: Gia Dvali (Ludwig-Maximilians-University)Place and room: ZoomCategory: Conferences – SeminarsTBA06-04-202006-04-2020With: Nabil IqbalCategory: Conferences – SeminarsTBA30-03-202030-03-2020With: Bartomeu FiolCategory: Conferences – SeminarsOld and new perspectives on surface operators in 6d11-03-202011-03-2020With: Nadav DrukkerPlace and room: BSP 727Category: Conferences – SeminarsThe equation of state after inflation02-03-202002-03-2020With: Dr. Kaloian Lozanov (MPI, Garching)Place and room: BSP 727Category: Conferences – SeminarsâQuantum optomechanicsâ25-02-202025-02-2020With: Prof. Tobias KippenbergPlace and room: BSP 234Category: Conferences – SeminarsSee all events