Prof. Laura Grigori

Short Biography

Professor Laura Grigori received her Ph.D. in Computer Science (December 2001) from Université Henri Poincaré, France, INRIA Lorraine. After spending two years at UC Berkeley and LBNL as a postdoctoral researcher, she joined INRIA in January 2004. Prof. Grigori was a member of the SAGE group at INRIA Rennes and the GRAND-LARGE group at INRIA Saclay (Ile de France) and LRI (Paris 11). From 2013 to 2023, she was the head of Alpines, a joint group between INRIA Paris and the Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions at Sorbonne Université. Prof. Grigori was also a Visiting Professor at UC Berkeley during the academic years 2014-2016 and again in 2022-2023. Since May 2023, she is a Professor of Applied and Computational Mathematics at EPFL and head of the Chair of high performance numerical algorithms and simulations (HPNALGS).

Research Interests

For details about the research being pursued at the HPNALGS chair, please visit our Research and Publications pages.  As representative examples, some video recordings of presentations given by Prof. Laura Grigori are listed below.

  • Communication Avoiding Algorithms in Linear Algebra
    Talk at BIRS workshop, Feb 2023
    Talk at SIAM CSE19 
    Overview talk from SC15

  • Randomization in numerical linear algebra
    Talk at IPAM, March 2023

  • Low rank approximation algorithms
    Talk at the online seminar series on numerical linear algebra, July 2020