Open positions

Our laboratory is always open to potential new candidates: if interested, contact Prof. Pasquale Scarlino (and the project contact when applicable) with a motivation letter, a full CV and academic track records to inquire about available research positions in the laboratory.

Postdoc positions available in HQC lab (EPFL Switzerland)

We are looking for a highly motivated post-doctoral researcher to work on the design, fabrication, and characterization of superconducting-semiconducting hybrid devices and superconducting metamaterials. The work will be part of the SNF project ‘High Impedance Metamaterials for Quantum Simulation with Semiconductor/Superconductor Hybrid Circuits.’ This position is immediately available, and we will be continuously evaluating applications. All applications filled in by July 15, 2021 will receive full consideration.

Details (PDF)

Master’s Thesis Projects:

TQD in Ge/SiGe coupled to a high-impedance SQUID array resonator. A DQD is formed in a Ge/SiGe quantum well (pink) by confining holes with electrostatic gates (orange and yellow). The λ/4-resonator (violet) is coupled to the readout line in a hanged configuration and it is galvanically connected to one of the DQD gates (violet). The vacuum-Rabi splitting of the cavity mode is a signature of strong charge-photon coupling.

Contacts: Franco De Palma ([email protected]), Fabian Oppliger ([email protected])

Download File: Master Hybrid QDots

The project is going to aim to model, design and perform measurements on the platform. The project will consist of three main phases:

  1. Modelling and Simulation. In the first months, the student will learn about multimode quantum electrodynamics and atom photon bound states. The student will then simulate the platform.
  2. Design and Fabrication. The student will learn how to design and fabricate the device.  
  3. Measurements. The device will then be measured in a LD250 dilution refrigerator, a cryogenic system capable of reaching temperatures in the range of 10 mK.
(Left) Image of two giant atoms coupled to a metamaterial. (Right) Upper pass band of the metamaterial measured in transmission vs the bias voltage applied to the flux line.

Contact: Vincent Jouanny ([email protected])

Download File: Master AtomPhotonBoundStates

The project is going to aim the model, design and test a superconducting nanowire-based circuit for multiple purposes. The project will consist of three main phases:

  1. Characterization and Modeling. In the first months, the student will focus on designing and simulating the device to ensure correct operation.
  2. Fabrication. The student will then fabricate the circuit in the CMi cleanrooms.
  3. Testing. The chip will be tested in one of the cryogenic systems available in HQC.
Schematics and SEM image of a superconducting nanowire-based memory made of NbN [4]


Contact: Simone Frasca ([email protected])

Download File: Master Superconducting Electronics


The project is going to aim the model, design and test readout resonators and superconducting components in grAl material platform. The project will consist of three main phases:

  1. Preparation and Characterization. In the first months, the student will learn about grAl and fabrication techniques, how to characterize the films and how to simulate and tune the main design parameters of superconducting resonators.
  2. Design. The student will focus in designing and fabricating the readout resonators, potentially to couple with other platforms.
  3. Testing. The chip will then be tested in a LD250 dilution refrigerator, a cryogenic systems capable of reaching temperatures in the range of 10 mK.
Image of a transmon qubit with grAl nonlinear element [5]

Contact: Simone Frasca ([email protected])

Download File: Master GrAl

Internship Projects (post MSc Thesis):

The project consists on the design and the test of a coldfinger by means of qubit characterization. The project will consist of two phases:

  1. Design of the coldfinger. In the first months, the student will design the mechanical parts necessary to assemble a qubit-compatible coldfinger.
  2. Fabrication and testing. The student will then learn how to perform qubit characterization in the lab by measuring the qubit in the fabricated coldfinger.
Colfingers in IBM cryostat

Contact: Simone Frasca ([email protected])

Download File: Internship Coldfinger

Semester’s Projects (TP4 and equivalent):