Open positions

PhD positions
The IdePHICS lab. at Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) is currently looking for multiple PhD students on problems at the interface between machine learning and statistics.
We especially welcome enthusiast, motivated, and curious students with background in
- Probability and Statistics
- Computer Science, Signal Processing, Machine learning
- Theoretical Statistical Physics
Candidates should directly apply to the doctoral programs (in physics, computer science, or engineering) and list Prof. Florent Krzakala as a potential host for their PhD studies.
For more details please check:
Starting date: Continuous
Postdoc positions
The IdePHICS lab. at Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) is currently looking for postdoctoral fellows with a strong theory background who wish to explore problems at the interface between machine learning, computer science and statistics. We especially welcome candidates with a solid theory background in either:
- Probability and Statistics
- Applied Mathematics (Computer Science, Signal Processing, Machine learning)
- Theoretical Physics (Phase transitions, disorder systems, field theory)
For the postdoctoral positions, candidates should have or be close to finishing a PhD degree and should send their CV, a research statement outlining their expertise and interests, any supplemental information, and a list of at least three references with full contact information to Prof. Florent Krzakala. The detailed rules to apply are given here: