Associate editor
R. Boulic
- Associate editor of Frontiers Virtual Reality section on “Virtual Reality and Human Behavior” [from 2019]
- Associate Editor of the Elsevier journal Computers & Graphics [from 2015 to 2023] and Graphics and Visual Computing [from 2021 to 2023]
- Associate Editor of the Wiley journal Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds [2009 to 2020]
- Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics [2011 to 2014]
Guest editor
- Hubert Shum (Northumbria University), Michael Neff (University of California – Davis), Ronan Boulic, special section of Computers & Graphics (Elsevier), extended and re-reviewed version of best papers for the conference ACM Motion in Games 2016, published in 2017
- R. Boulic, Carolina Cruz-Neira (University of Louisiana, USA), Kiyoshi Kiyokawa (Osaka University, Japan) and David Roberts (University of Salford, UK), Proceedings of Joint Virtual Reality Conference of ICAT-EGVE-EuroVR JVRC 2012
- R. Boulic, Y. Chrysanthou, T. Komura, Proceedings of the third conference Motion in Games, Zeist, The Netherlands, November 2010
- M. Lin, M. Otaduy, R. Boulic, Special issue of IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, extended and re-reviewed version of best short papers from the conference ACM VRST07, december 2008
- R. Boulic and Dinesh Pai, Special issue of Graphical Models, Elsevier Publisher, extended and re-reviewed versions of the best papers from SCA04, Volume 68, Issue 2, Pages 65-234 (March 2006).
- R. Boulic, EG05 Animation Theater, integrated within the Eurographics’05 DVD, September 2005.
- R. Boulic and Dinesh Pai, Paper chairs of ACM SIGGRAPH- EG Symposium on Computer Animation 2004 (General chairs: N. BadlerUpenn, M. Desbrun USC). The on-line SCA04 Proceedings is accessible on the Eurographics digital library and the ACM digital library.
- R. Boulic and V. Del Sol, Editors., Slides and Video Session, Eurographics’03, ISSN 1017-4656, The Eurographics Association, September 2003.
- R. Boulic and G. Hegron, Chairs and Editors.,7th EUROGRAPHICS Int. Workshop on Computer Animation and Simulation, Poitier, France, ISBN 3-211-828-850, Springer-Verlag Wien.
- R. Boulic, Ludovic Hoyet (INRIA-Rennes), Motion, Interaction and Games 2021, EPFL (virtual conference with 217 attendees)
- R. Boulic, Carolina Cruz-Neira (University of Louisiana, USA), Kiyoshi Kiyokawa (Osaka University, Japan) and David Roberts (University of Salford, UK), Program co-Chair of Joint Virtual Reality Conference of ICAT-EGVE-EuroVR JVRC 2012
- R. Boulic and Taku Komura (Un. Edinburgh), Co-Chair of SIGGRAPH-Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation SCA’12, hosted in EPFL (80 submissions, 116 attendees)
- R. Boulic, Taku Komura (Un. Edinburgh) and Yiorgos Chrisanthou (Un. Cyprus): Paper co-chair of MIG 2010
- R. Boulic and Miguel Otaduy (ETHZ) : Short Paper co-Chair of VRST 2007
- R. Boulic: Technology co-Chair of ENACTIVE07 Enaction-in-ArtConference
- R. Boulic and Dinesh K. Pai (UBC) : Paper co-Chair of SIGGRAPH-Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation SCA’04
- R. Boulic and Gerard Hégron : General co-Chair of the seventh Eurographics Workshop on Computer Animation and Simulation EGCAS’96
Member of organizing & scientific committees
- Gamification & Serious Games Symposium (GSGS 23), June 26th-30th, Neuchatel, Suisse
- Gamification & Serious Games Symposium (GSGS 22), June 29th-July 1st, Geneva, Suisse
- Gamification & Serious Games Symposium (GSGS 21), June 21st-July 9th, Lausanne @ La Source (School of Nursing), Suisse
- Gamification & Serious Games Symposium (GSGS 20), postponed to september-november with online activities, Neuchatel, Suisse
- Gamification & Serious Games Symposium (GSGS 19),July 4-5th 2019, Neuchatel, Suisse
- Gamification & Serious Games Symposium (GSGS 18),July 5-6th 2018, Neuchatel, Suisse
- Gamification & Serious Games Symposium (GSGS 17),June 30th – July 1st 2017, Neuchatel, Suisse
- Virtual Reality Summer School: August 25-29th, 2014, Biarritz, France
- International Symposium on 3D Analysis of Human Movement 2014, Lausanne
- Eurographics Conference 2005, Dublin
- Eurographics Conference 2003, Granada
Member of steering committees
R. Boulic :
- IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence in Games, from 2011 to 2017
- ACM Motion in Games from 2011, steering committee chair from 2014 to 2023
- SIGGRAPH-Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation, from 2004 to 2008, and 2011 to 2016, representative to Eurographic symposia board from 2015 to 2018
- International Conference on Enactive Interfaces 2005, Genoa
Member of international program committees
R. Boulic except otherwise mentioned before the link to the conference
- 2025
- IEEE VR & 3DUI 2025, Conference, Saint-Malo, France
- 2024
- IEEE VR & 3DUI 2024, Conference, Orlando, FLorida
- IEEE workshop PANDAS (Perception and ANimation of Dissimilar AvatarS), as part of IEEEVR 2024
- IEEE workshop WISP (Immersive Sickness Prevention), as part of IEEEVR 2024
- ACM MIG 2024, Arlington, USA
- 2023
- IEEE VR & 3DUI 2023, Conference, Shanghai, China
- ACM MIG 2023, Rennes, France
- 2022
- IEEE VR & 3DUI 2022, Conference, Christchurch, New-Zealand
- EUROXR 2022, Stuttgart, Germany
- 2021
- ACM SCA 2021, Online Conference
- IEEE VR & 3DUI 2021, virtual Conference, Lisbon, Portugal
- IEEE workshop VHCIE (Virtual Humans and Crowds in Immersive Environments), as part of IEEEVR 2021
- 2020
- joint 30th Int Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence and 25th Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments ICAT-EGVE 2020, hybrid conference, Orlando, USA
- ACM Motion Interaction and Games MIG 2020, Virtual Meeting, Charleston, South Carolina, USA
- ACM SCA 2020, Online Conference, Montréal, Canada
- SIBGRAPI 2020, Virtual Conference, Brazil
- ACM I3D, Virtual conference, San Francisco, USA
- IEEE VR & 3DUI 2020, Virtual Conference, Atlanta, USA
- VHCIE@IEEEVR2020, Virtual workshop, Virtual Human and Crowds for Immersive Environments, Atlanta,USA
- Phil Lopes: ACM Foundations in Digital Games 2020, Virtual conference, Valletta, Malta
- 2019
- IEEE International conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality 2019, San Diego, USA
- ACM Motion Interaction and Games MIG 2019, Newcastle, UK
- ACM VRST 2019, Sidney, Australia
- IEEE VR & 3DUI 2019, Osaka, Japan
- VHCIE@IEEEVR2019, Virtual Human and Crowds for Immersive Environments, Osaka
- 2018
- IEEE Artificial Intelligence Virtual Reality 2018, Taiwan
- ACM Motion Interaction and Games 2018, Cyprus
- SBC SIBGRAPI 2018, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil
- IEEE VR & 3DUI 2018, Reutlingen, Germany
- ACM SCA 2018, Paris, France
- VHCIE@IEEEVR2018, Virtual Human and Crowds for Immersive Environments, Reutlingen
- ACM CASA 2018, Beijing, China
- 2017 :
- IEEE VR 2017, Los Angeles, USA
- SCA17, UCLA Campus, Los Angeles, USA
- VHCIE@IEEEVR2017, Virtual Human and Crowds for Immersive Environments, Los Angeles
- MIG17, Barcelona
- CASA,2017 Seoul, South Korea
- 2016 :
- Eurographics 2016, Lisbon, Portugal
- SCA16, Zurich
- MIG16, San Francisco
- CASA2016, Geneva
- VHCIE@IEEEVR2016, Virtual Human and Crowds for Immersive Environments, Greenville, USA
- 2015 :
- Eurographics 2015, Zurich, CH
- ACM VRST 2015, Beijing, China
- MIG15, Motion in Games 2015, Telecom Paris Tech, France
- SCA15, Santa Barbara / Los Angeles, USA
- CASA 2015, Singapore
- CAD & GRAPHICS, Xian, China
- 2014 :
- ACM VRST 2014, Edinburgh, UK
- Motion in Games 2014, Los Angeles, USA
- IEEE VR 2014 , Minnesota, USA
- IEEE/ASME MESA 2014, Senigallia, Italy
- CASA 2014, Houston, USA
- International Symposium on 3D Analysis of Human Movement 2014, Lausanne
- 2013 :
- ACM SIGGRAPH-Eurographics SCA13, Anaheim, CA, USA
- Eurographics 2013 , Girona, Spain
- IEEE VR 2013 , Orlando, Florida, USA
- CASA 2013, Istanbul, Turkey
- CyberEmotions 2013, Warsaw, Poland
- VR Mix conference, Laval Virtual, France
- VRST 2013, Singapore
- CAD/Graphics 2013, Hong-Kong
- 2012 :
- Eurographics 2012 , Cagliari, Italy
- IEEE VR 2012 , Orange County, CA, USA
- CASA (Computer Animation and Social Agents) 2012, Singapore
- MIG (Motion in Games) 2012, Rennes, France
- 2011 :
- SIGGRAPH Asia Technical Sketches & Posters 2011 , Hong-Kong
- S. Gobron GRAPP 2011 , Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal
- S. Gobron CGI 2011 , Ottawa, Canada
- Eurographics 2011 , Llandudno, Wales, UK
- Pacific Graphics 2011 , Kaohsiung, Taiwan
- CASA (Computer Animation and Social Agents) 2011, Chengdu, China
- SCA11 , Vancouver, Canada
- MIG (Motion in Games) 2011, Edinburgh, UK
- 2010 :
- ACM VRST 2010 , Hong-Kong
- IEEE BioRob 2010 , Tokyo
- SIGGRAPH Asia Technical Sketches & Posters 2010 , Seoul
- SCA 2010, SIGGRAPH-Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation, Madrid
- CASA 2010 , Computer Animation and Social Actors, Saint Malo
- AMDO 2010, VI Conference on Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects, Andratx, Mallorca
- VCBM 2010, second Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine, Leipzig
- GRAPP 2010, International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, Angers
- 2009 :
- SCA 2009, SIGGRAPH-Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation, New orlean
- IEEE VR 2009, Lafayette, Louisianna
- CASA09 , Computer Animation and Social Actors, Amsterdam
- CGI09 , Computer Graphics International, Victoria, Canada
- GRAPP 2009, International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, Lisboa
- 2008 :
- SCA 2008, SIGGRAPH-Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation, Dublin
- GRAPP 2008, International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, Madeira
- AMDO 2008, V Conference on Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects, Mallorca
- CW 2008, Cyberworlds 2008, Hangzhou
- CGI 2008, Computer Graphics international, Istanbul
- 2007 :
- SCA 2007, SIGGRAPH-Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation, Los Angeles
- GRAPP 2007, International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, Barcelona
- MMM07, 13th International Multimedia Modeling Conference , Singapore
- GW 2007, International Workshop on Gesture in Human-Computer Interaction and Simulation, Lisbon
- 2006:
- SCA’2006, ACM Symposium on Computer Animation, at Eurographics 2006, Vienna
- Second Conference on Enactive Interfaces, Montpellier , France
- CASA’2006, Computer Annimation and Social Agent, Geneva
- AMDO06, IV Conference on Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects, Andratx, Mallorca , Spain
- GRAPP 2006, International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, Setubal , Portugal
- Cyberworlds 2006, International Conference on CYBERWORLDS, Lausanne, Switzerland
- ICVGIP 2006, Indian Conference on Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing, Madurai , India
- 2005 :
- SCA’2005, ACM Symposium on Computer Animation, at SIGGRAPH’05, Los Angeles , California
- 2004 :
- Senior reviewer of EG’2004 EUROGRAPHICS’ 2004, Grenoble , France
- 2003 :
- SCA’2003, ACM Symposium on Computer Animation, at SIGGRAPH’03, San Diego , California
- ICVS2003, 2nd International Conference on Virtual Storytelling, Toulouse , November 2003
- Computer Graphics International CGI’03, Tokyo , 9-11 July 2003
- Jounnee Thematique de la Societe Francaise de Biomecanique “HUMANOID”, Valencienne, 15 mai 2003
- CASA’2003 16th Annual Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents 2003, Rutgers University , New-Brunswick, New-Jersey
- 2002 :
- EG’2002 Eurographics’02 Short Papers & Poster program, Saarbruecken
- SCA’2002, ACM Symposium on Computer Animation, at SIGGRAPH’02 Austin , Texas
- Computer Animation ‘2002, Geneva
- IAPR (International Association for Pattern Recognition) International Workshop on Articulated Motion and Deformable ObjectsAMDO’2002, Palma de Mallorca
- CGIM’2002,Hawai
- 2001 :
- EGCAS’01, Manchester
- CGI’2001, Hong-Kong
- First International Game Technology Conference GTEC, Hong-Kong
- CGIM’2001, Hawai
- 2000 :
- 1999 :
- EGCAS’99, Milano
- CA’99, Geneva
- CGIM’99, Palm Spring
- Since 1993 : EGCAS, the Eurographics Workshop on Computer Animation and Simulation
Invited speaker (international conferences and workshops, national events, seminars, Webinars)
R. Boulic:
- Frontiers Webinar Series on Virtual Reality, “Ensuring Self-Presence through Embodied Interaction in Immersive VR”, June 12th, 2020.
- CrowdBot EU project Workshop, January 15th, EPFL
- Workshop on Virtual Reality and Interpersonal Skills Development, October 9th, 2019, UNI-Lausanne
- Rencontres du 7ième Art de Lausanne, Réalité Virtuelle: Le Forum “Quel cinéma pour demain ?” Tables rondes : conversations avec des experts de la VR, EPFL Rolex Learning Center, March 25th, 2018, Lausanne
- Innovation Forum Lausanne, “Virtual & Augmented Realities: How are they shaping our future?”, EPFL Rolex Learning Center, April 4th, 2017, Lausanne
- Korean-Swiss Science Days, “New worlds Beyond Reality”, ETHZ, December 7-8th, 2015, Zurich
- Expressive Virtual Actors workshop, Maison Jean Kuntzmann, November 23rd, 2015, ERC Expressive, Grenoble,France
- Transdisciplinary Workshop on Human Motion Analysis and Synthesis, June 26th, 2015, INRIA Rennes, France
- Virtual Reality Summer School: August 25-29th, 2014, Biarritz, France
- “Horizons in Social Science 2013”, Joint meeting of the four COSI-ICT projects, and the new projects from DyM-CS initiative sponsored by FET Open Project European Commission, Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca, IMT, July 11th, 2013.
- International Symposium on “Fostering learning through emotions, virtual reality and video-games”, University of Geneva, June 13-14 2013
- Colloque Robotique “Des robots et des Hommes”, organisé en l’honneur du départ en retraite de Bernard Espiau, “Du réel au Virtuel et vice-versa en temps-réel”, INRIA Grenoble Rhône-Alpes, Montbonnot, 8 juin 2012
- Ecole Centrale de Nantes, Décembre 2012
- Keynote speaker, First International Symposium on Digital Human Modeling, IEA-DHM, Lyon, June 2011
- International Workshop “Motion in Games” 2010, November, Zeist, The Netherlands
- Keynote speaker, 7th Workshop on Virtual Reality Interaction and Physical Simulation VRPHYS10, Copenhagen, November 2010
- International Union of Theoretical and applied Mechanics, Symposium on ‘Analysis and simulation of human motion’, Leuven, Belgium, September 2010
- International Workshop “Motion in Games” 2009, November, Zeist, The Netherlands
- Symposium international Locanthrope, Collège de France, Novembre 2008
- International Workshop “Motion in Games” 2008, June, Utrecht , The Netherlands
- Université Technologique de Compiègne, July 2009
- MPI Tübingen, Institute for Biological Cybernetics, June 2007
- Collège de France, Laboratoire de Neurophysiologie, March 2007
- University of Balearic Islands , Laboratory of Computer Vision and Graphics, February 2005
- Keynote speaker, International Gesture Workshop 2005, May 20h 2005, Berder Island, Vannes, France
- Journée INRETS “Préhension”, May 14th 2004, Bron, France
- Journée Thematique de la Societe Francaise de Biomecanique “HUMANOID”, Valencienne, 15 mai 2003
- IMAGINA’2002, Monte-Carlo
- INRIA-Rennes (IRISA), “Signal and Images” Seminar Cycle, November 28th 2002
- University of Alcala de Henares , Madrid , Laboratory of Automatic Control, November 25th 2002
- Technical University Vienna , Computer Graphics Lab, November 8th, 2002
- 13iemes Journees de l’Association Francaise d’Informatique Graphique (AFIG), Grenoble, Novembre 2000.
- ICPR’2000 Workshop on Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects, Palma de Mallorca, September 2000.
- Journée INRETS “Mannequin Numerique”, March 16th 2000, Lyon , France .
Project evaluator (selection since 2005)
R. Boulic
- INRIA (France): member of the expert committee of the MIMETIC projec, August-December 2023
- EU-FETPROACT EIC 07, July-September 2020
- SFI (Ireland): Sept. 2018 /mid-project site visit review of the Face Game project at Trinity College Dublin.
- ANR (France) : project reviewer (spring 2018), member of the CONTINT expert committee from 2006 to 2009, reviewer in March/May/June 2010
- France 2011: evaluator of one LABEX proposal and one EQUIPEX proposal
- INRIA (France): member of the “Perception and Interaction” expert committee, October 2010
- AERES (France): member of the expert committee for the LBMC (Lyon1, INRETS) evaluation, February 2010
- Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Concil (UK): 2007
- Research Grant Council of Hong-Kong: 2004, 2006,2007
- Fond Nature et Technologie (Québec) : 2007
- Organization for Scientific Research (The Netherland): 2007
Reviewer for major journals & conferences including
R. Boulic
- IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation
- IEEE Transactions on Robotics
- IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics
- IEEE Transactions on Computer Graphics and Visualization
- IEEE Transactions on System Man and Cybernetics
- ACM Transactions on Graphics
- Elsevier Linear Algebra and its Applications
- Elsevier Computers & Graphics
- Elsevier Graphical Models
- NCC, Blackwell, Computer Graphics Forum (Journal of the Eurographics Association)
- Springer, The Visual Computer
- Springer, Virtual Reality
- Wiley, The Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation
- SIGGRAPH and SIGGRAPH Asia conferences
- EUROGRAPHICS conferences
- ICRA, IROS conferences
PhD jury reporting member (rapporteur)
R. Boulic
o Habilitation Thesis (France’s HDR )
- Mme Valérie Gouranton, “Modèles et Outils pour la Production d’Applications de RX, Focus sur le Patrimoine Culturel”, Université de Rennes-1, Mars 2022
- M Julien Pettré, “Towards realistic and efficient virtual crowds”, Université de Rennes-1, Juin 2015
- M Richard Kulpa, “L’humain virtuel au service de la performance sportive : de l’analyse des duels sportifs vers l’entraînement en environnement virtuel.”, Université de Rennes, décembre 2014
- M Lionel Revéret, “Mesures et Modèles pour la capture de mouvements”, Université de Grenoble, Mai 2014
- M Nicolas Courty, “Contributions to Analysis/Synthesis Schemes in Computer Animation”, Université de Bretagne Sud, Avril 2013
- M Franck Multon, “Analyse, Modélisation et Simulation du Mouvement Humain”, Université Rennes I, Décembre 2006
- M Eric Marchand “Contributions à la commande d’une caméra réelle ou virtuelle dans des mondes réels ou virtuels”, Université de Rennes I, Novembre 2004
- Mme Sylvie Gibet “Modèles d’analyse synthèse de mouvements”, Université de Bretagne Sud, Juillet 2002
o European PhD Thesis
- M Jordi Gonzalez i Sabaté, « Human Sequence Evaluation : the key-frame Approach », Centre deVisió per Computador & Dept. Informàtica, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona , Spain , May 2004
o PhD Thesis
- M Antonin Cheymol, “Reshaping the virtual body’s appearance and movements : a contribution to the study of avatar “alteration” in Virtual Reality”, INSA de Rennes, December 2024
- M Eduardo Alvarado, “Efficient Models for Human Locomotion and Interaction in Natural Environments”, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, December 2023
- M Grégoire Richard, “Rôle du retour haptique dans les interactions avec des avatars en réalité virtuelle”, Université de Lille, June 2023
- M Walid Amanhoud, “Control of Contact Tasks in Autonomous and Human-Robot Collaborative Scenarios: A Dynamical System Approach”, EPFL, October 2021
- M Florian Berton, “Immersive Virtual Crowds: Evaluation of Pedestrian Behaviors in Virtual Reality”, Université de Rennes-1, Décember 2020
- Mme Rebecca Fribourg, “Contribution to the Study of Factors Influencing the Sense of Embodiment towards Avatars inVirtual Reality”, Université de Rennes-1, November 2020
- M Emmanuel Pignat, “Product of experts for Robot Learning from Demonstration”, EPFL, October 2020
- M Axel Lopez, “Optical flow-based navigation algorithms for virtual humans”, Université de Rennes-I, Décembre 2019
- M Goeffrey Gorisse, “Impact du point de vue et de la fidélité des avatars sur les sentiments de présence et d’incarnation en environnement virtuel immersif”, ENSAM Paris Tech, January 2019
- M Ajay Tanwani, “Generative Models for Learning Robot Manipulation Skills from Humans”, EPFL, December 2017
- M Onur Yürüten, “Recommender Systems for Healthy Behavior Change”, EPFL, August 2017
- M Julien Bruneau, “Studying and modeling complex interactions for crowd simulation”, Univ. de Rennes I, Novembre 2016
- M Stanislas Brossette, “Viable Multi-Contact Posture Computation for Humanoid Robots using Nonlinear Optimization on Manifold”, LIRMM, Univ. de Montpellier, Octobre 2016
- M Alberto Crivellaro,”Robust 3D Object Pose Estimation and Tracking from Monocular Images in Industrial Environments”, EPFL, September 2016
- M Kevin Jordao, “Interactive Design and animation of Crowds for Large Environments”, INSA de Rennes, December 2015
- Mme Adela Barbulescu, “Generation of Audiovisual Prosody for Expresive Virtual Actors”, Univ. de Grenoble, Novembre 2015
- M Kenneth Alberto Funes Mora, “3D Gaze Sensing from remote RGB-D Sensors with Application to Non-cooperative and Cooperative Users and Scenarios”, Thèse N° , J.-M. Obodez, EPFL, May 2015
- M Peter Sandiland, “Capture and Generalization of Close Interaction with Objects”, University of Edinburgh, Sept. 2014
- M Giovanni de Magistris, “Etude et conception de la commande de mannequins virtuels dynamiques pour l’évaluation ergonomique des postes de travail”, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris VI, Décembre 2013
- M Thibaut Le Naour, “Utilisation des relations spatiales pour l’analyse et l’édition de mouvement”, Université de Bretagne Sud, Décembre 2013
- M Sébastien Cuendet, “tangible interfaces for Learning: Training Spatial Skills in Vocational Classrooms”, thèse N°5931, P. Dillenbourg, EPFL, Sept. 2013
- M Zhaopeng Qiu, “Déplacement d’un mannequin virtuel dans un environnement encombré: simulation de mouvement en intégrant les contraintes d’équilibre”, Université Pierre et Marie-Curie, ParisVI, Décembre 2012
- Mme Joëlle Tilmanne,”Data-driven Stylistic Humanlike Walk Synthesis”, Université de Mons, Nov. 2012
- M Samuel Lemercier,”Simulation du comportement de suivi dans une foule de piétons à travers l’expérience, l’analyse et la modélisation”,Université de Rennes 1, Avril 2012
- M Martin Prazack,””Locomotion for Crowd Animation”, Trinity College Dublin, February 2012
- M Ben van Basten,”Motion Synthesis Techniques for Navigation and Manipulation Tasks” , University of Uttrecht (date to be defined)
- M Sébastien Rubrecht, “Contributions to the control of constrained robots”, Université Pierre et Marie-Curie, Paris, Septembre 2011
- M Ludovic Hoyet, “Adaptation dynamique de mouvements humains”,INSA de Rennes, Novembre 2010.
- Mme Sarah Degallier, “Discrete and Rhythmic motor primitives for the control of humanoid robots”, these N°4819, Pr Ijspeert, EPFL, Septembre 2010.
- M Tan Viet Anh Truong, “Unifying nonholonomic and holonomic behaviours in human locomotion”, Institut national Polytechnique de Toulouse, juillet 2010.
- M Andrea Fossati, ”Bridging the gap between detection and tracking for 3D human motion recovery”, Thèse N°4699, Pr Fua, EPFL, Avril 2010.
- M Alexandre Bouënard, “Synthesis of Music Performances: Virtual Character Animation as a Controller of Sound Synthesis”, Université de Bretagne Sud, Vannes, décembre 2009.
- M Liang Ma, “Contributions pour l’analyse ergonomique de Mannequins virtuels », Ecole centrale de Nantes, Octobre 2009
- M Mohand Ouidir Ait El Menceur, «Modélisation, Analyse et Simulation du Mouvement d’Entrée dans des Véhicules Automobiles à Géométrie Variable », Université de Valencienne, Septembre 2009
- M Luis Unzueta Irurtia, “Markerless full-body human motion capture and combined action recognition for human-computer interaction”, Escuela Superior de Ingenieros, Universidad de Navarra, Spain, January 2009
- M Etienne Lyard, «Dynamically Adaptive Animation of Virtual Humans », Geneva University , September 2008
- M Thomas Di Giacomo, «Dynamically Adaptive Animation of Virtual Humans », Geneva University , February 2007
- M Nicolas Chevalot, « Caractérisation et simulation des mouvements d’atteinte par un opérateur en position assise en vue d’applications ergonomiques », Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers, Paris, presented in INRETS-Lyons, December 2006
- M Laurent Favreau, « Modélisation du mouvement des quadrupèdes à partir de la vidéo », INPG, Grenoble, November 2006
- M Laurent Saroul « Surface extraction and flattening for anatomical visualization”, Thèse EPFL, no 3575, Laboratoire des Systèmes Périphériques, Pr. Hersch, EPFL, Lausanne, Juin 2006
- Mme Raquel Urtasun, “Motion models for robust 3D human body tracking”, Thèse EPFL, no 3541, Computer Vision Laboratory. Pr.Pascal Fua., EPFL, Lausanne, May 2006
- M Antoine Rennuit « Contribution au Contrôle des Humains Virtuels Interactifs », Ecole Centrale de Nantes, Ecole Doctoral en Mécanique thermique et Génie Civil, Spécialité Génie Mécanique, Soutenue au CEA Fontenay aux Roses en Février 2006
- M Richard Kulpa “Adaptation interactive et performante des mouvements d’humanoïdes synthétiques : aspects cinématique, cinétique, et dynamique », Laboratoire SIAMES/IRISA, INSA de Rennes, Ecole Doctoral Matisse, Novembre 2005
- M Gilles Monnier “Simulation de mouvements humains complexes et prédiction de l’inconfort associé, Application à l’évaluation ergonomique du bouclage de la ceinture de sécurité », (manuscript in english), INSA de Lyon, Laboratoire LBMC de l’INRETS, Bron, Septembre 2004
- M Fabrice Lamarche “Humanoïdes virtuels, réaction et cognition : une architecture pour leur autonomie”, Laboratoire SIAMES/IRISA, Université de Rennes 1, Décembre 2003
- M Stéphane Ménardais « Fusion et Adaptation Temps-réel de Mouvements Acquis pour l’Animation d’Humanoïdes Synthétiques », Laboratoire SIAMES/IRISA, Université de Rennes I, Janvier 2003
- M Nicolas Courty “Animation référencée vision: de la tache au comportement”,LaboratoireSIAMES/IRISA, Institut National des Sciences Appliquées et IRISA-Rennes, Novembre 2002
- M. Bilal El Ali “Contribution à la commande du centre de masse d’un robot bipède”, INRIA Rhône-Alpes, INPG, Grenoble, Décembre 1999
- M. Bernard Valton “Gestion de la complexité de scènes animées et interactives: contributions à la conception et a la représentation”, INRIA-Rennes, Université de Rennes 1, Décembre 1999
- Mlle Laure France “Simulation graphique d’un robot bipède dans un environnement structure'”, Université J. Fourier, Grenoble, Octobre 1999
- M Razavi Ebrahimi “Contrôle du mouvement en Animation et Réseaux de Neurones”, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, Université de Nantes, Février 1997
PhD jury president [ EPFL ]
- Mme Evgenia Roussinova, December 2024
- Mme Kalpani Anuradha Welivita, June 2023
- M David Gonon, December 2022
- M Gabriel Laupré,November 2022
- M Yubo Xie, October 2022
- M Jacob Hernandez Sanchez, January 2022
- M Kevin Gonyop Kim, December 2021
- M Guillaume Burnand, December 2019
- M Mahdi Khoramshahi, November 2018
- M Almaric Ortlieb, November 2018
- M Georgios Chatzopoulos, September 2018
- M Florian Copt, August 2018
- M Daniel Camilo Rojas Quiros, August 2018
- M Tomislav Horvat, July 2018
- M Bugra Tekin, July 2018
- M Stefan Lienhard, February 2017
- M Mirco Raca, September 2015
- M Vahid Babaei, July 2015
- M Gökhan Yildirim, June 2015
- Mme Cynthia Duc, Mars 2013
PhD jury member (examinateur)
o Habilitation Thesis (France’s HDR )
- M Ludovic Hoyet, “Towards Perception-based Character Animation”,Université de Rennes-1, Mai 2022
o PhD Thesis
- M Lucas Mourot, “Deep Learning for Skeletal Character Animation: Topology Editing, Retargeting and Cleaning”,Université de Rennes-1, May 2023
- M Kai Pfeiffer “Efficient Kinematic and Algorithmic Singularity Resolution for Multi-Contact and Multi-Level Constrained Dynamic Robotic Control” LIRMM, Montpellier, Décembre 2019
- M Olivier Martineau “vers une approche géométrique du schema analyse et synthèse pour la locomotion humaine”, Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Rennes, Ecole Doctorale Matisse, Octobre 2006.