Integrated Neurotechnologies Laboratory

Our research at INL lies at the intersection of circuit design, machine learning, and neuroscience, and our mission is to develop new diagnostic and therapeutic devices for neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders.

We use advanced circuit design techniques to build low-power and miniaturized system-on-chips (SoCs) that can record neural activity, detect brain dysfunction in real time, and respond by therapeutic intervention such as neurostimulation. We use machine learning techniques for accurate detection of neurological symptoms in closed-loop neural implants, and for motor decoding in brain-machine interface systems.

INL News

2024 EPFL/Adrien Buttier - CC-BY-SA 4.0

Our top 10 news articles from 2024

— More than just a year, the end of 2024 marks a turning point for EPFL, with the departure of its President Martin Vetterli after 8 years at the helm of the institution. From January 1, 2025, a new team, led by Anna Fontcuberta i Morral, will take over for a four-year term. This will be the first time a woman has presided over a Swiss federal institute of technology. Here are the most widely read scientific, academic, student and institutional news items of the past 12 months, broken down by faculty and the institution.

Researchers from EPFL have developed a next-generation miniaturized brain-machine interface - 2024 EPFL / Lundi13 - CC-BY-SA 4.0

An entire brain-machine interface on a chip

— Researchers from EPFL have developed a next-generation miniaturized brain-machine interface capable of direct brain-to-text communication on tiny silicon chips.

© 2023 EPFL

Four School of Engineering Professors Honored with IEEE Awards

— EPFL Professors Ionescu, Kis, Shoaran, and Lacour are recognized as leading scientists in their field by the prestigious Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

© Alain Herzog

Uisub Shin receives Predoctoral Achievement Award

— Uisub Shin, a PhD student in the School of Engineering’s Integrated Neurotechnologies Laboratory, led by Mahsa Shoaran, has received a Predoctoral Achievement Award from the Solid-State Circuit Society (IEEE SSCS).

© Alain Herzog

A neuro-chip to manage brain disorders

— EPFL researchers have combined low-power chip design, machine learning algorithms, and soft implantable electrodes to produce a neural interface that can identify and suppress symptoms of various neurological disorders.

© 2021 EPFL

Professors Mahsa Shoaran and Romain Fleury awarded ERC Starting Grant

— Prof. Mahsa Shoaran and Prof. Romain Fleury, from the Institute of Electrical and Micro Engineering (IEM) at the School of Engineering have been awarded Starting Grants from the European Research Council (ERC). Due to the non-association of Switzerland to Horizon Europe, their projects will be financed by Switzerland (SERI).

© 2021 EPFL

EPFL School of Engineering well represented at the ISSCC Conference

— This year International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), which is a major conference for circuit designers, will be well represented by EPFL’s School of Engineering.

© 2020 EPFL

TWO CNP labs awarded an eSeed grant from STI

— Mahsa Shoaran and Diego Ghezzi were awarded eSeed interdiscpilnary projects among the five selected by the School of Engineering

© 2020 EPFL

eSeed: a fund for collaboration between the STI's laboratories

— Launched by the School of Engineering, the eSeed initiative aims to encourage collaboration and interdisciplinarity between the laboratories of the faculty.

Mahsa Shoaran © 2020 EPFL

A $6.6 million grant to develop neurostimulator for mental disorders

— Professor Mahsa Shoaran, leading the Integrated Neurotechnologies Laboratory of EPFL, has been awarded a prestigious grant from the US National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) to develop a new implantable brain stimulation system that can measure and control oscillatory brain networks to treat severe psychiatric illness, especially mood and anxiety disorders.

© 2020 EPFL

EPFL welcomes a new neurotechnology expert to its faculty

— Mahsa Shoaran has joined EPFL’s School of Engineering as a tenure-track assistant professor. 

© 2019 EPFL

The Center for Neuroprosthetics welcomes 4 new Professors

— Among the Professors newly nominated by the Board of the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology this month, four of them are joining the Center for Neuroprosthetics.

[March 2025] I gave a talk at the MRC Brain Network Dynamics Unit at the University of Oxford this week and shared our work on Intelligent Neural Interfaces for Neuromodulation and BCI
[Feb 2025] I presented a tutorial on “Intelligent Neural Interfaces: Fundamentals and Future Directions” at the ISSCC 2025 in San Francisco
[Jan 2025] Congratulations to Cong Ding on having her paper accepted to the Journal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC)! The paper is titled “A 49.8mm2 IR-UWB Transmitter with Co-Designed Power Amplifier and Antenna for Neural Implants with Extended Transmission Range” and has been funded by the SwissChips Initiative
[Nov 2024] Congratulations to Cong Ding and Yiheng Fu for receiving the IEEE SSCS Travel Grants to attend the ISSCC 2025!
[Sep 2024] New paper accepted to Journal of Neural Engineering! Congratulations Jinhan!
[Aug 2024] Congratulations to Cong Ding for successfully defending her PhD thesis!
[Aug 2024] Our invited paper has been accepted to JSSC 2024, Special Issue on ISSCC 2024! Congratulations to Yasser, Uisub and Amitabh!
[May 2024] New paper accepted to ESSERC 2024! Congratulations Cong!
[May 2024] We have a new paper accepted to ICML 2024! Congratulations Arshia!
[April 2024] Congratulations to Uisub Shin for successfully defending his PhD thesis!
[April 2024] Our invited CICC paper titled Intelligent Neural Interfaces: An Emerging Era in Neurotechnology was nominated for the best paper award at the CICC 2024! Congratulations to the team!
[Feb 2024] New paper in collaboration with the TNE lab accepted to AICAS 2024! Congratulations Mohammad, Yasser, and the team!
[Jan 2024] We have two papers accepted to CICC 2024! Congratulations to Cong, Yasser, and Uisub!
[Oct 2023] We have a new paper accepted to ISSCC 2024! Congratulations to our fantastic BMI team (Yasser, Uisub and Amitabh)!
[Oct 2023] Congratulations to Yasemin Engur for winning the 2023 IEEE CASS Student Travel Grant to attend BioCAS 2023!
[Oct 2023] INL received a new fund from the Swiss NSF to develop the next generation of implantable BMIs for movement and communication recovery.
[Aug 2023] Two papers accepted to the IEEE BioCAS conference in Canada, October 2023! Congratulations to Yasemin Engur, Arman Zarei, and Bingzhao Zhu!
[June 2023] We received the prestigious IEEE Brain-SSCS Best Paper Award in 2022, for our ISSCC 2022 paper on NeuralTree. Congratulations to the team!
[June 2023] Congratulations to Bingzhao Zhu for successfully defending his PhD thesis!
[Apr 2023] Paper accepted to ICML 2023! Congratulations Bingzhao!
[Apr 2023] I gave an invited talk at the DATE 2023 Special Day on Human-AI Interaction.
[Apr 2023] I gave an invited talk at the tinyML meetup in Switzerland.
[Feb 2023] I gave an invited talk at NeuroPace in CA.
[Feb 2023] I chaired the session on Intelligent Biomedical Circuits and Systems at the ISSCC 2023.

[Jan 2023] New paper accepted toIEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters (SSC-L)! Congratulations, Uisub and Cong! The paper was invited to SSC-L Special Issue on CICC 2022, and presents our latest neuromodulation chip for psychiatric disorders funded by NIH.
[Dec 2022] Uisub Shin won theIEEE Solid-State Circuits Society Predoctoral Achievement Award! Congratulations, Uisub!
[Sept 2022] I gave a keynote talk at the 2022 IEEE Swiss CAS/ED Women in CAS (WiCAS) Symposium.
[Aug 2022] Invited paper accepted to IEEE JSSC, Special Issue on ISSCC 2022! Congratulations Uisub, Cong, and Bingzhao!
[Aug 2022] Paper accepted to BioCAS 2022! Congratulations Yasser and Xiaorang!
[July 2022] I gave an invited talk at the 2022 ICTALS conference.
[July 2022] I gave an invited talk at the 2022 Swiss Nanoconvention.
[Apr 2022] Paper accepted to AICAS 2022! Congratulations Yasser and Arshia!
[Mar 2022] I have joined the Technical Program Committee of the International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC)!
[Jan 2022] Paper accepted to CICC 2022! Congratulations Uisub, Cong, and Laxmeesha!
[Jan 2022] Paper on ECoG-based Motor Decoding accepted to Journal of Neural Engineering! Congratulations Bingzhao!
[Jan 2022] Congratulations to Uisub Shin for winning an ISSCC 2022 Student Travel Award! 
[Oct 2021] Paper accepted to ISSCC 2022! Congratulations Uisub, Laxmeesha, Cong and Bingzhao!
[Oct 2021] Paper accepted to NeurIPS 2021! Congratulations Bingzhao!
[Oct 2021] Paper accepted to Current Opinion in Biotechnology
[Sept 2021] Our EPFL team was ranked 2nd among 808 teams in the Women in Data Science Datathon (WiDS21), Stanford, 2021:
[Sept 2021] New paper published in IEEE TBioCAS, 2021
New paper published in IEEE TCAS-II, 2021
Paper accepted to IEEE A-SSCC, 2021
Our work on mental fatigue prediction in Traumatic Brain Injury was published in Journal of Neural Engineering, 2021
Co-chaired the IEEE CICC Forum on “Human Brain-Machine Interface” with speakers from UCLA, UoT, Neuralink, and Oxford, together with Prof. Jerald Yoo from National University of Singapore.
Served as Award Chair and Associate Editor for the IEEE NER conference 2021
Serving as Guest Editor for Current Opinion in Biotechnology
Paper on transfer learning for seizure detection presented at the IEEE NER 2021
Invited paper on Edge AI for Brain Implants presented at the IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems (ICECS) 2021
Our recent work on ResOT: Resource-Efficient Oblique Trees for Neural Signal Classification has been accepted to the IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems (TBioCAS). Congratulations Bingzhao!
Our work on ML-based detection of tremor in Parkinson’s disease in collaboration with Dr. Peter Brown from University of Oxford has been published in Clinical Neurophysiology. Congratulations Lin!
Received the Google Faculty Research Award 2019 for research in Machine Learning and Data Mining
I will chair the Emerging Technology Session at CICC 2020, on Energy-Efficient Wearable, Implantable, and IoT Devices
Our work on traumatic brain injury in collaboration with Weill Cornell Medicine has been accepted to ICASSP 2020
Our paper on “Cost-Efficient Classification for Neurological Disease Detection” has been accepted for a Lecture presentation at BioCAS 2019 in Nara, Japan. Congratulations Bingzhao!
We will present our work on ML-based motor decoding for minimally-invasive ECoG-BMIs at the SfN 2019 in Chicago and Asilomar 2019
Two papers accepted to the Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers. Congratulations Lin and Bingzhao!
Our paper on migraine classification published in Cephalalgia journal is now available online
Paper accepted to NeuroImage. Congratulations Lin!
Paper accepted to NER’19
Poster presented at the International Symposium on Translational Research in Brain Stimulation 2018 in Shanghai
Two abstracts accepted to the IEEE Brain Initiative Workshop on Advanced NeuroTechnologies in San Diego, Nov 2018
I will be serving on the technical committee of the IEEE CICC’19. Submit your best papers!
I will be co-chairing a Special Session on “On-chip machine learning design & applications” at BioCAS 2018
Lin receives one of the three International Travel Awards to attend the Symposium on Translational Research in Brain Stimulation, Sep 2018
Paper accepted for presentation at BioCAS’18, and BioCAS’18 Travel Award for Lin Yao
Paper accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers (TCAS-I) 2018
Paper accepted for publication in the IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems (JETCAS) 2018
Paper accepted for presentation at ICASSP’18
Paper accepted for presentation at EMBC’18