The laboratory is strongly involved in the teaching of design to students of all levels. It focuses on training the creative processes from which the act of design originates and its complementarity with the analytical mind necessary to model, simulate and predict the behaviour of engineering systems.
L’ingénierie comme levier pédagogique: plaidoyer pour un enseignement vivant
Simon Henein & Cédric Tomasini
Captation vidéo intégrale (52’) de la conférence-performance donnée le 12.5.2022 à la Journée de l’Education, Swiss Tech Convention Center – EPFL
Performing art improvisation techniques for mechanical engineering design teaching and learning, Online lecture (50′) presented at the IGM Colloquium (Institute of Mechanical Engineering, EPFL), on December 1st, 2020.
Mechanism Design I & II / Conception de mécansimes I & II
Summary: This two semester course develops the creative capabilities of the students in the field of mechanisms design in microengineering. The course focuses as well on the the knowledge (components, physical principles, dimensioning) as on the cognitive processes from which the act of design originates.
Lecturer: Prof. S. Henein
Section: Microtechnique
Level: Bachelor semesters 2 and 3
Hours per week: 3
Collective creation: improv-arts and engineering I & II / Création collective: arts improvisés et ingénierie I & II
Summary: In September 2017, the College of humanities of EPFL launched a new course in collaboration with the Centre d’art scénique contemporain de Lausanne (Arsenic). It comes within the Social and Human Sciences teachings at Master level. This course contrasts improvisation in the performing arts (theatre, music, dance, performance) with engineering design. Collective creative processes will be studied and put into practice through student projects culminating with an improvised public performance. Students will design technical artefacts to enhance their performance and will be evaluated based on the interplay of their artistic and technical creations.
Lecturer: Prof. S. Henein
Section: all EPFL sections
Level: Master semesters 1 and 2
Hours per week: 3
Blog of the course
Présentations publiques des étudiants du cours EPFL-ARSENIC “Création collective : arts improvisés et ingénierie”, 23.5.2018, ARSENIC, Salle “Studio“, Rue de Genève57, Lausanne. Performances de 19h30 à 21h15, table ronde avec le jury de 21h30 à 22h00, avec 24 étudiants EPFL en première année de Master venant de diverses sections.
Elements of mechanical design I & II / Construction mécanique I & II
Lecturers: Course taught by external lecturers, supervised by Prof. S. Henein & Prof. J. Schiffmann
Sections: Microtechnique / Génie mécanique
Level: Bachelor semesters 1 and 2
Hours per week: 3
Industrial and applied robotics / Robotique industrielle et appliquée
Contributing lecturers: Prof. S. Henein and Dr. Ch. Baur
Section: Microtechnique
Level: Master semestre 2
Hours per year: 6
– Flexure mechanisms
– Design of mechanisms for vacuum application
– Medical robotics
Open Ph.D. positions
The open Ph.D. positions are poster on the home page of the lab under “Open Positions“
Open Student Projects: Semester and Master
The open student projects are posted on the home page of the lab under “Student Projects“