Industrial Process and Energy Systems Engineering IPESE Vision IPESE News EPFL takes part in EU Tender for Industrial DecarbonisationPublished:30.03.21 — AID-RES: Advancing industrial decarbonisation by assessing the future use of renewable energy in industrial processesEtat de Vaud Award: Louis JewellPublished:15.10.20 — Louis Alexandre Jewell received the État de Vaud Award for his Master's thesis, entitled "Designing a neighbourhood energy infrastructure: Applying a novel framework to Lisbon". The project was supervised by Dr Nils Schüler, Dr Sébastien Cajot and Prof. François Maréchal, as well as Dr Ricardo Gomes and Prof. Carlos Santos Silva, in collaboration with the research centre IN+ and the EPFL spin-off Urbio. The Etat de Vaud award is intended to reward a Master's project presenting an original solution which promotes the rational use of energy.Robert Zanelli Prize: Jonas SchnidrigPublished:09.10.20 — IPESE congratulates Jonas Schnidrig on winning the Robert Zanelli Prize for his Master's thesis. His work under the supervision of Dr. Tuong-Van Nguyen was entitled "Assesment of green mobility scenarios on European energy systems". The Robert Zanelli award is intended to reward the candidate engineer or architect who has presented a Master’s project contributing significantly to technology in the field of sustainable development.H2020 project EPOS in European review of industrial symbiosisPublished:22.04.20 — A recent review of industrial symbiosis projects highlights the EPOS project and the contributions of IPESEPublic thesis defense: Hür BütünPublished:14.02.20 — On February 7, 2020, Hür Bütün successfully defended his PhD thesis in front of a public audience. The title of the thesis is "Optimal retrofit and investment planning methodologies for improving industrial energy and resource efficiency".All news Past IPESE-related news Contact Industrial Process and Energy Systems Engineering GroupEPFL Valais WallisRue de l’Industrie 17Case Postale 440CH-1951 Sion Tel: +41 (0) 21 693 35 06Fax: +41 (0) 21 693 35 02 Access map