December 2011

AdImpact, an IVRG Start-Up
Appu Shaji officially joins IVRG as a Postdoc to work with Radhakrishna Achanta on their start-up.
November 2011

The 7th International Conference on Signal Image Technology & Internet Based Systems (SITIS 2011), Dijon, France
Sabine Süsstrunk gave a keynote entitled “RGB+ – Exploiting Near-Infrared to Advance Computational Photography and Computer Vision.”

13th International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Barcelona, Spain
Our collaborative research with NUS on Radiometric Calibration for Color Computer Vision was presented as a poster.

RIT Center of Imaging Science Seminar Series
Sabine Süsstrunk gave an invited lecture on “RGB+ – Exploiting Near-Infrared to Advance Computational Photography and Computer Vision.”
October 2011

Dominic Rüfenacht
joins us as a Research Engineer after successfully defending his MS thesis at EPFL.
September 2011

IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Bruxelles, Belgium
We presented three papers: “Correlation-based Joint Acquisition and Demosaicing of Visible and Near-infrared Images”, “Removing Shadows from Images Using Color and Near-infrared”, and “Multispectral Interest Points for RGB-NIR Image Registration”.

Wojciech Makowiecki
joins IVRG as PhD research assistant. Welcome, Wojciech!

Gökhan Yildrim
successfully passed his PhD candidacy exam. Congratulations, Gökhan!
August 2011

The 22nd British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), University of Dundee, UK
Neda Salamati presented her paper “Combining Visible and Near-Infrared Cues for Image Categorisation,” which is joint work with D. Larlus and G. Csurka from Xerox Research Europe.
July 2011

AdImpact, an IVRG Start-Up
AdImpact, the start-up of Radhakrishna Achanta and Appu Shaji, receives the NCCR MICS Spin Fund support. Congratulations, RK and Appu!

Javier Vazquez Corral
joins IVRG for a three months Post-Doc.

Society of Imaging Science and Technology (IS&T)
Sabine Süsstrunk was elected Conference Vice-President and Member of the Board of the Society of Imaging Science and Technology (2011-2013).
June 2011

IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Colorado Springs, USA
Matthew Brown presented our work on “Multispectral SIFT for Scene Category Recognition” and “Spatio-Chromatic Decorrelation by Shift-Invariant Filtering”.

Neda Salamati
won First Prize for her research and presentation at the Xerox Research Centre Europe intern day. Congratulations, Neda!
April 2011

Zahra Sadeghipoor
successfully passed her PhD candidacy exam. Congratulations, Zahra!
March 2011

Sabine Süsstrunk
gave a keynote at the ICICS/ECE/IEEE Workshop on Future Communications and Multimedia Systems in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
February 2011

Internship abroad
Neda Salamati started her internship at Xerox Research Centre Europe in Grenoble, France, Albrecht Lindner his internship at OCE Print Logic Technologies in Créteil, France, and Sabine Süsstrunk her one semester sabbatical in the US.
January 2011

23rd IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging Symposium in San Francisco, CA
We presented three papers at the Color Imaging XVI, Human Vision and Electronic Imaging XVI, and the Digital Photography VII conferences. Sabine Süsstrunk was the General Chair of the Symposium.

Radhakrishna Achanta
successfully defended his thesis Finding Objects of Interest in Images using Saliency and Superpixels. Congratulations, Dr. RK!

Sabine Süsstrunk
gave an invited talk about the future of photography at the 10th anniversary of Image Engineering Gmbh in Cologne, Germany.