December 2013

IC School’s Teaching Awards 2013
Congratulations to Gökhan for winning one of the Outstanding Teaching Assistants Awards 2013.
November 2013

Yusuke Monno from the Tokyo Institute of Technology joined us for a 4 month internship.

Satoko Kagami from Sony Research Japan joined IVRG as a visiting researcher for one year.

2013 Fritz Kutter Award
Albrecht Lindner received the 2013 Fritz Kutter Award for Best Industry Related Thesis in Computer Science. The award, which honors the best thesis (diploma, master, doctoral) at a Swiss university, was given by the Rektor of ETHZ, Prof. Guzzella during the award ceremony on November 25, 2013. Congratulations, Albrecht!
November 2013

IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI)
Our shadow detection paper “Automatic and Accurate Shadow Detection using Near-Infrared Information” was accepted for publication.

IS&T 21st Color and Imaging Conference, Albuquerque, NM, USA
Albrecht Lindner presented a Focal Paper on “Automatic Color Palette Creation from Words” and Sabine Süsstrunk a Keynote on “Controversial Color”.
October 2013

21st ACM International Conference on Multimedia
Gokhan presented our work on “Estimating Beauty Ratings of Videos using Supervoxels”. Follow the link for further information.

2nd ACM International Workshop on Geotagging and its Applications in Multimedia, 21st ACM International Conference on Multimedia
Gokhan presented our work on “Rare is Interesting: Connecting Spatio-Temporal Behavior Patterns with Subjective Image Appeal”. Follow the link for further information.

EPFL and Ca’ Foscari University’s Digital Humanities Venice Fall School (DHV)
IVRG helped organize and participated in EPFL and Ca’ Foscari University’s first Digital Humanities Venice Fall School (DHV) hosted by Ca’ Foscari University from Oct. 7-11, 2013. Four world class researchers from the computer science and digital humanities (Franziska Frey, Harvard Libraries, Elena Pierazzo, King’s College, Roberto Scopigno, CNR Italy, Jeffrey T. Schnapp, Harvard Metalab) gave great morning lectures. In the afternoon, we visited some of the most famous Venetian sites.
September 2013

Best (Open) Paper Award at ICIP
Sabine Süsstrunk and her co-authors C. Feng, S. Zhuo, X. Zhang, and L. Shen from Qualcomm, Toronto, CA received one of the three Best (Open) Paper Awards for the publication “Near-Infrared Guided Color Image Dehazing” at the IEEE 20th International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). ICIP, a premier venue for research in image and video processing, received 2’200 submissions in 2013.

IEEE 20th International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)
Dominic Rüfenacht presented our collaborative work with the University of Basel’s Digital Humanities Lab on “Automatic Detection of Dust and Scratches in Silver Halide Film using Polarized Dark-Field Illumination”.

Internship abroad
Zahra Sadeghipoor Kermani started a four months internship at Apple, Cuppertino, USA.
July 2013

New PhD reasearch assistant
Nikolaos Arvanitopoulos joined IVRG as a PhD research assistant.

Successful candidacy exam
Bin Jin successfully passed his candidacy exam. Congratulations, Bin!

Google Anita Borg Scholarship Finalist
Zahra Sadeghipoor Kermani was a Google Anita Borg Scholarship Finalist and attended the Google Scholarship Retreat in Zürich, Switzerland.
July 2013

Internship abroad
Gökhan Yildirim joined the Multimedia Analysis and Synthesis Lab at the National University of Singapore (NUS) for a three months internship.

Haleema Sadia
Haleema Sadia from the National University of Sciences and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan, joined us for a 2 months Summer@EPFL internship.

Public Defense
Neda Salamati succesfully defended her PhD thesis entitled “Incorporating Near-Infrared into Scene Understanding”. Congratulations, Dr. Neda!
May 2013

IEEE 38th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP)
Zahra Sadeghipoor Kermani presented a poster on her research entitled “A Novel Comressive Sensing Approach to Simultaneously Acquire Color and Near-Infrared Images on a Single Sensor.” Follow the link for more information:
April 2013

Qualcomm Innovation Fellowships
Zahra Sadeghipoor received one of the prestigious Qualcomm Innovation Fellowships. Gökhan Yildrim was a finalist. Congratulations!
March 2013

Appu Shaji selected for Venture Leaders
Appu Shaji was selected as one of 20 entrepeneurs resprenting the Swiss national team as a part of Venture Leaders.
February 2013

Gokhan presented our work on “Text Recognition in Natural Images Using Multiclass Hough Forests” .

2013 IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging Scientist of the Year Award
Sabine Süsstrunk was honored with the 2013 Electronic Imaging Scientist of the Year Award at the IS&T/SPIE 25th Electronic Imaging Symposium. Sabine received this award in recognition of her “seminal contributions to color imaging, computational photography, and image analysis.

25th IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging Symposium, San Francisco, USA
Sabine Süsstrunk gave a plenary entitled “Another Look at Signals and Images” at the 25th IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging Symposium, San Francisco, USA.
January 2013

CUSO Winter School on Computational Photography and Display
IVRG organized and participated in the CUSO sponsored Winter School on Computational Photography and Display in Lenk, Switzerland. We enjoyed six world class researchers and speakers (Marc Levoy, Dani Lischinski, Kyros Kutulakos, Christian Perwass, Rafael Piestun, and Gordon Wetzstein) and beautiful weather. For more info, see here.