November 2014

12th Asian Conference on Computer Vision
Gökhan Yildirim presented a poster on “FASA: Fast, Accurate, and Size-Aware Salient Object Detection” at the 12th Asian Conference on Computer Vision.
October 2014

21th International Conference on Image Processing
Gökhan Yildirim presented a poster on “Saliency Detection using Regression Trees on Hierarchical Image Segments” at the 21th International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP).

Di55erent wins Venture Kick prize
Di55erent was one of the four start-ups to win the Venture Kick prize. Congratulations, RK and Thomas! Check out their solutions uKeep!t, Swi5t, MakeSends.

19th International Workshop on Vision, Modelling and Visualization
Sabine Süsstrunk gave a plenary talk on “Opponent Color Revisited” at the 19th International Workshop on Vision, Modelling and Visualization, which took place in Darmstadt, Germany, October 8-10.
October 2014

A digital safe for sending confidential documents
Radhakrishna Achanta and Thomas Lochmatter’s start-up Di55erent provide solutions for end-to-end secure file transfer and cloud storage. They make the usage of the clouds secure against any unauthorised access of files stored on them. Check out their solutions ukeep!t, Swi5t, MakeSends.

Sabine Süsstrunk named Full Professor
Sabine Süsstrunk is named Full Professor of Communication Systems in the School of Computer and Communication Sciences (IC).
September 2014

The 2014 EyeEm Festival and Awards
The 2014 EyeEm Festival gathered photographers, publishers, engineers, journalists, creatives and digital strategists from all over the world to discuss and debate the future of photography. We participated in one panel discussion regarding the future of photography. EyeEm is using our computational aesthetics technology.

International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition
Nikolaos Arvanitopoulos presented our work on “Seam Carving for Text Line Extraction on Color and Grayscale Historical Manuscripts” at the 14th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition.
August 2014

Expressive 2014
Cheryl Lau presented our paper on “Creating Personalized Jigsaw Puzzles” at the 12th International Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering.
July 2014

IS&T Fellowship for Sabine Süsstrunk
Sabine Süsstrunk has been awarded the status of Fellow by the Society of Imaging Science and Technology (IS&T).

Digital Humanities 2014
The most important Digital Humanities Conference will take place at EPFL and UNIL, July 7-12. There will be interesting talks on a varietly of topics. The registration deadline is July 5th.
May 2014

All about Imaging: Transactions
Sabine Süsstrunk gave a talk on “Computational aesthetics” at the “All about Imaging: Transactions” Symposium, University of Westminster, UK.

Philips Research Eindhoven
Sabine Süsstrunk gave a talk about our group’s research projects at Philips Research, Eindhoven, NL.

IEEE International Conference on Computational Photography
Zahra Sadeghipoor presented a poster on “Compressive Acquisition of Color and Near-infrared Images” at the International Conference on Computational Photography.
May 2014 acquired by EyeEm
Our spin-off, headed by Appu Shaji, was acquired by EyeEm, a photo sharing and discover app that is up and coming! (Forbes considered it one of the Hottest Global Startups in 2013). Appu is now working his magic for EyeEm in Berlin. Stay Tuned!
March 2014

Qualcomm Innovation Fellowships
Zahra Sadeghipoor received one of the prestigious Qualcomm Innovation Fellowships. Congratulations, Zahra!

University of Geneva, Dental School
Sabine Süsstrunk gave an invited talk on “CIE Colorimetry” at the University of Geneva’s Dental School.

IIT Kanpur, India
Sabine Süsstrunk gave an invited talk on “Opponent Colors Revisited” in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at IIT Kanpur, India.
March 2014

20th National Conference on Communications, IIT Kanpur, India
Sabine Süsstrunk gave a plenary talk on “Moving Beyond RGB” at the 20th National Conference on Communications, IIT Kanpur, India.
February 2014

Swi5t receives a 2014 EPFL Innogrant
Radhakrishna Achanta and Thomas Lochmatter’s spin-off swi5t that offers smart document encryption solutions received a 2014 EPFL Innogrant. Congratulations, RK and Thomas!

26th IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging Symposium
Ying Song presented her Master semester project entitled “An Interactive Tool for Gamut Masking” at the 26th IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging Symposium.

26th IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging Symposium
Florian Savoy presented his Master Thesis project entitled “Recovering Badly Exposed Objects From Digital Photos Using Internet Images“. This research was conducted during Florian’s internship at the Advanced Digital Sciences Center, Singapore.
January 2014

9th International Conference on Computer VIsion Theory and Applications (VISAPP), 2014
Dominic Rüfenacht presented our work on “Temporally Consistent Snow Cover Estimation from Noisy, Irregurarly Sampled Measurements“. Follow the link for more information.