December 2016

IC Teaching Assistant Award 2016
Bin Jin received the Teaching Assistant Award 2016 for teaching excellence and exceptional work in the Introduction to Computer Vision and Computational Photography Courses.
November 2016

IEEE Fellowship for Prof. Sabine Süsstrunk
Prof. Sabine Süsstrunk has been awarded the status of Fellow by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Congratulations to Majed El Helou and his LauzHack team for reaching top-3 position. The team worked to perform shadow detection and removal, relying on previous work done at IVRL, leading to a substantial performance improvement on this difficult real-world problem. Well done!

PhD Candidate
VRL welcomes Ruofan Zhou who has joined the lab after successfully passing her PhD Candidacy exam. Congratulations!
October 2016

VisArt Workshop
Leonardo Impett presented a paper on Aby Warburg at the VisArt Workshop on Computer Vision for Art Analysis in Amsterdam.
September 2016

IEEE International Conference on Image Processing
Bin Jin presented our paper on “Image Aesthetic Predictors based on Weighted CNNS” in the IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2016, Phoenix.
IVRL member Leonardo Impett has been made a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts in London.

Adrien Birbaumer and Martijn Bosch have advanced to the second stage of Venture Kick with ‘Vizir’. Congratulations!
August 2016

PhD Candidate
Leonardo Impett has joined IVRL after successfully passing his PhD Candidacy exam. Welcome!
May 2016

Adrien Birbaumer and Martijn Bosch’s “Vizir” project, aiming at providing firefighters with thermal information on an augmented reality display, received a lot of press this week, having been featured on EPFL’s main page. They have successfully developed a Proof of Concept which has been tested and validated by professional firefighters of the Vaud Canton.
April 2016

IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging
Bin Jin, Gökhan Yildirim, Cheryl Lau, Appu Shaji, Maria Ortiz Segovia and Sabine Süsstrunk won the best student paper runner-up award for “Modeling the Importance of Faces in Natural Images” at the Human Vision and Electronic Imaging XX Conference in the Electronic Imaging Symposium, 2015.