December 2017
Marjan Shahpaski has won a Student Assistent award. Congratulations!

October 2017
IVRL members Sami Arpa and Vassilis Kalofolias won the second stage of Venture Kick with their short film distribution platform Largo.

August 2017
IVRL welcomes Vassilis Kalofolias who joined the lab as a project engineer.

August 2017
Leonardo Impett of IVRL presented his work on Aby Warburg’s Mnemosyne at this year’s Digital Humanities Conference in Montreal, Canada.

July 2017
Nina Zizakic from the University of Novi Sad, Serbia, joined IVRL for a summer internship.

July 2017
Congratulation to Nikolaos Arvanitopoulos for successfully passing his PhD thesis defense

July 2017
IVRL member Leonardo Impett, along with Berhnard Böhm (Architecture, ETHZ), organised the ‘Exploring Edges’ ETH-domain doctoral summer school – sponsored by Prof. Sabine Süsstrunk (IVRL, EPFL) and Michael Stauffacher (TdLab, ETHZ). The 4-day interdisciplinary school included faculty from EPFL , ETHZ , the University of Cambridge, FHNW Basel, Orpheus Institute Ghent, Ludwig-Maximilians Universität Munich and the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science.
July 2017
IVRL welcomes Majed El Helou who has joined the lab after successfully passing his PhD Candidacy exam. Congratulations!

May 2017
Indu Ilanchezian from the International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore, started a summer internship at the lab.

May 2017
IVRL members Bin Jin, Majed El Helou and Edo Collins will be presenting papers at the International Conference on Image Processing, to be held in Beijing, China.

April 2017
Sami Arpa has been featured on EPFL news demonstrating his research on hiding images in videos such that they are invisible to the human eye but become visible with long exposure photography.

March 2017
IVRL welcomes Jia Lim from the National University of Singapore NUS as a new intern at the lab. He is here as part of the NUS Overseas Colleges program and will be working on the VIZIR project for six months.

March 2017
Gaspard Chevassus-Agnes from Grenoble INP ended his six-month final Master internship in the laboratory. He successfully worked with Nick Arvanitopoulos, Marjan Shahpaski and Sami Arpa on their respective topics of research.

March 2017
Congratulations to IVRL members Radhakrishna Achanta, Nikolaos Arvanitopoulos, Bin Jin and Marjan Shahpaski on having their papers accepted to the Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, taking place in Honolulu, Hawaii.

March 2017
IVRL member Leonardo Impett will present the lab’s research on Aby Warburg and the Pathosformel at the TRAFIC lectures on art and digital technologies. The lecture will take place on Thursday 17 April, at 1900.