Biomechanical model of the shoulder: a highly overactuated manipulator
Yvan Michellod, Philippe Müllhaupt, Denis Gillet, Alexandre Terrier, Dominique Pioletti, Roland Longchamp, Martin Aeberhard
The shoulder is a very complex system of four articulations, actuated by more than twenty muscles. Hence the system is highly overactuated and the force-distribution on the different muscles must be determined by optimization. The muscle-forces have a direct impact on the resulting force inside the articulations. Arthrisis seems to be a consequence of an eccentric load on the glenohumeral joint. Also the design of shoulder implants is highly influenced by the prevailing reaction-forces.
In collaboration with the Joint Biomechanics group of the laboratory of Biomechanical Orthopedics LBO , a dynamic model of the shoulder is currently developed including the glenohumeral joint and eleven muscles.
Keywords : Biomechanics; Overactuation; Muscle Wrapping; Null Space; Pseudoinverse; Shoulder; Dynamic Model; Glenohumeral Joint;

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