A warm welcome to Noélie Lecoanet and Flore Guichot, two new PhD students joining the Laboratory of Urbanism through The Doctoral Program Architecture and Sciences of the City (EDAR) is part of Doctoral School of EPFL (EDOC).
The atlas of the transition: exploring new perspectives on territorial representations

Sustainable transitions for rural-urban regions. Future scenarios for regional TOD development
Flore Jeanne Marie Andrea Guichot

Using a research by design approach, this project traces interactions between transport, urbanization, and landscape structures in rural-urban regions. Locating potential and understanding contradiction for improvement and sustainable transition, scenarios are developed offering tailor-made strategies fully rooted in rural-urban contexts.
The scenarios give a range of futures: from small landscape alterations improving ‘walking continuities’ to public transport structuring capacity in extended urbanization, to no-car multimodal scenarios questioning the TOD model within the RURs’ context. Scenarios aim to development new territorial figures going beyond radial-concentric hierarchical one. The cases examined are the RURs of Switzerland (in particular the Grand Genève) in comparison to Flanders’ model.
Key words: TOD – Urbanization – mobility – Landscape – Transition