Scientific contributions 2008

Journal Articles

Electric Drive System for Automatic Guided Vehicles Using Contact-free Energy Transmission

M. Jufer 

Przeglad Elektrotechniczny. 2008. Vol. 84, p. 35 – 39.

Optimization of a new type of ultrasonic linear motor

J. M. Fernandez; Y. Perriard 

IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control. 2008. Vol. 55, num. 3, p. 659 – 667. DOI : 10.1109/TUFFC.2008.690.

Analytical Solution for Rotor Eddy-Current Losses in a Slotless Permanent-Magnet Motor: The Case of Current Sheet Excitation

M. Markovic; Y. Perriard 

IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 2008. Vol. 44, num. 3, p. 386 – 393. DOI : 10.1109/TMAG.2007.914620.

Analytical Force Determination in an Electromagnetic Actuator

M. Markovic; M. Jufer; Y. Perriard 

IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 2008. Vol. 44, num. 9, p. 2181 – 2185. DOI : 10.1109/TMAG.2008.888573.

Conference Papers

Adaptive Control of Ultrasonic Motors Using the Maximum Power Point Tracking Method

M. Flückiger; J. Fernandez; Y. Perriard 

2008. UFFC IEEE Conference 2008, Beijing, China, November, 2008. p. 1823 – 1826. DOI : 10.1109/ULTSYM.2008.0448.

Analytical Modeling of the Flux Density in Permanent Magnet Motor

C. Koechli; Y. Perriard 

2008. Electrimacs 2008, Quebec City, Canada, June 8-11, 2008.

Analysis of the Commutation Currents for a Sinusoidal BLDC Motor

M. Markovic; A. Hodder; Y. Perriard 

2008. ICEMS 2008, Wuhan, China, October 17-20, 2008. p. 3016 – 3019.

Power Supply of Long stator Linear Motors – Application to Multi Mobile System

A. Cassat; B. Kawkabani; Y. Perriard; J-J. Simond 

2008. IEEE-IAS 2008 Annual Meeting, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, October 5-9, 2008. p. 2280 – 2286. DOI : 10.1109/08IAS.2008.43.

Contactless System Dedicated to Colic Stimulation

P. Germano; I. Stefanini; Y. Perriard 

2008. ICEM 2008, Vilamoura, Portugal, September 6-9, 2008. DOI : 10.1109/ICELMACH.2008.4799980.

Self-Sensing Methods from MEMs to Solar Aircraft Motors

Y. Perriard; O. Scaglione; M. Markovic 

2008. 11th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems, Wuhan, PEOPLES R CHINA, Oct 17-20, 2008. p. 3680 – 3684.

Electric Drive System for Automatic Guided Vehicles Using Contact-free Energy Transmission

M. Jufer 

2008. 13th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, Poznan, POLAND, Sep 01-03, 2008. p. 1 – 6. DOI : 10.1109/EPEPEMC.2008.4635238.

Analytical Modelling of a BLDC Drive with 120°/180° Block Commutation

A. Hodder; Y. Perriard 

2008. Electrimacs 2008, Quebec City, Canada, June 8-11, 2008.

Active Damping Actuators Combined with Passive Guidance Force of Polarized Linear Motor – Application to Swissmetro

A. Cassat; C. Espanet; V. Bourquin; Y. Perriard 

2008. Maglev 2008, San Diego (CA), December, 2008.

A Simplified Determination of the Permanent Magnet (PM) Eddy Current Losses due to Slotting in a PM Rotating Motor

M. Markovic; Y. Perriard 

2008. ICEMS 2008, Wuhan, China, October 17-20, 2008. p. 309 – 313.

Computer-Aided Design and Optimization of Piezoelectric Ultrasonic Motors

M. Flückiger; J. Fernandez Lopez; Y. Perriard 

2008. Electrimacs 2008, Quebec City, Canada, June 8-11, 2008.

Brushless DC Motor for a Solar Airplane Application: Comparison between Simulations and Measurements

P. Ragot; P. Germano; M. Markovic; Y. Perriard 

2008. IAS Annual Meeting 2008, Edmonton, Canada, October 5-9, 2008.

Study of a Hollow Ultrasonic Rotary Motor

J. Fernandez Lopez; M. Flückiger; Y. Perriard 

2008. UFFC IEEE Conference 2008, Beijing, China, November 2-5, 2008. p. 1449 – 1452. DOI : 10.1109/ULTSYM.2008.0352.

A 200 000 rpm, 2 kW Slotless Permanent Magnet Motor

P-D. Pfister; Y. Perriard 

2008. ICEMS 2008, Wuhan, China, October 17-20, 2008. p. 3054 – 3059.

Torque Measurement Methods for Very High Speed Synchronous Motors

P-D. Pfister; Y. Perriard 

2008. 18th international conference on electrical machines, ICEM 2008, Vilamoura , Portugal, September 6-9, 2008. DOI : 10.1109/ICELMACH.2008.4799885.

Design Procedure for a Very High Speed Slotless Permanent Magnet Motor

P-D. Pfister; Y. Perriard 

2008. 9th International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of Electric Machines, Converters and Systems (ELECTRIMACS), Québec, Canada, June 8-11, 2008.

A New Electrically Assist Scooter

A. Hodder; P. Jaquier; Y. Perriard 

2008. ICEM 2008, Vilamoura, Portugal, September, 2008. DOI : 10.1109/ICELMACH.2008.4800040.

Genetic Algorithm Optimization for a Surgical Ultrasonic Transducer

D. Porto; A. Bourquard; Y. Perriard 

2008. UFFC IEEE Conference 2008, Beijing, China, November, 2008. p. 1457 – 1460. DOI : 10.1109/ULTSYM.2008.0354.

Development of Planar Microcoils for an Electromagnetic Linear Actuator Fabricated in Batch-Type Wafer Technology

S. Merzaghi; P. Meyer; Y. Perriard 

2008. IAS Annual Meeting 2008, Edmonton, Canada, October 5-9, 2008.


Modélisation analytique multiphysique pour la conception optimale de moteurs synchrones à aimants permanents

P. Ragot / Y. Perriard (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2008. 

Student Projects

Conception of a Piezoelectric Micromotor

T. Sob 


Optimisation d’un instrument chirurgical ultrasonique par algorithmes génétiques

A. Bourquard 


Modeling and Optimisation of a Hybrid Stepping Motor

G. Savioz 


Table d’alimentation à induction- Gestion d’énergie

A. Heraïef 


Commande d’un micro-moteur piézoélectrique

F. Loizeau 


Développement d’une électronique de commande permettant de contôler en position et en vitesse un contacteur

L. Vionnet 


Conception and realisation of a haptic system for transportable musical fingerboard instrument with MIDI interface

R. Ansermot 


Pertes éléctromagnétiques dans l’aimant d’un moteur synchrone à très haute vitesse

V. Müller 


Développement et caractérisation de microbobines pour un système électromécanique en technologie MEMS

P. Meyer 


Modélisation SIMULINK d’une microcentrale solaire thermique de faible puissance (2-10KW) qui alimentera un reseau ilote

M. Betschart 


Détermination des performances dynamiques du capteur de courant LAX 100-NP de LEM avec Flux2D/3D

J. M. Kouotang Téné 


Charge universelle réalisée à l’aide d’un moteur DC alimenté par pont en H quatre quadrants

S. Tinguely 


Conception et développement d’un système de Sun Tracking pour centrale solaire

M. Baillifard 


Caractérisation de courbe B-H

C. Winter 


Système de détection d’objet par induction pour une table à induction

A. Arnaud 


Détection de la fréquence de résonance par la méthode de la puissance maximal

S. Bourgeois 


Assistance électrique pour trottinette

P. Jaquier 


Digital control of a piezoelectric motor

S. Rigert 


Modelisation and optimisation of a mechatronic system

V. Vitanov 
