Scientific contributions 2012

Journal Articles

First pulse technique for brushless DC motor standstill position detection based on iron B-H hysteresis

O. Scaglione; M. Markovic; Y. Perriard 

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 2012. Vol. 59, num. 5, p. 2319 – 28. DOI : 10.1109/TIE.2011.2158776.

Conference Papers

On-line Parameter Estimation for Improved Sensorless Control of Synchronous Motors

O. Scaglione; M. Markovic; Y. Perriard 

2012. ICEM, Marseille, p. 2229 – 2237. DOI : 10.1109/ICElMach.2012.6350192.

Design of a resonant power inverter for a piezoelectric actuator

C. Winter; C. Auvigne; Y. Perriard 

2012. IECON, Montréal, Canada,

Empirical modeling of a squeeze film haptic actuator

C. Winter; M. Markovic; Y. Perriard 

2012. ICEM, Marseille, France, p. 658 – 663. DOI : 10.1109/ICElMach.2012.6349941.

A Dual-topology ICPT Applied to an Electric Vehicle Battery Charger

C. Auvigne; P. Germano; D. Ladas; Y. Perriard 

2012. ICEM, Marseille, p. 2287 – 2292. DOI : 10.1109/ICElMach.2012.6350201.

FEM Modeling of Skin and Proximity Effects for Coreless Transformers

P. Meyer; P. Germano; Y. Perriard 

2012. ICEMS, Sapporo,

Self-sensing of linear short-stroke actuators for multi-finger haptic interfaces using induced high frequency oscillations

G. Savioz; Y. Perriard 

2012. 2012 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2012), Kachsiung, Taiwan, July 11-14, 2012. p. 764 – 769. DOI : 10.1109/AIM.2012.6265902.

Electromagnetic Model of an Ironless Inductive Position Sensor

A. Danisi; A. Masi; R. Losito; Y. Perriard 

2012. 2012 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC 2012), Graz, Austria, May 13-16, 2012. p. 69 – 74. DOI : 10.1109/I2MTC.2012.6229528.

Rotor Design Optimization for a Reaction Sphere Actuator

L. Rossini; S. Mingard; A. Boletis; E. Forzani; E. Onillon et al. 

2012. ICEMS, Sapporo,

Design of a blood pump for a wearable artificial kidney device

M. Markovic; M. Rapin; M. Correvon; Y. Perriard 

2012. ECCE, USA, p. 3649 – 3654. DOI : 10.1109/ECCE.2012.6342308.

An Optimal Sensor Placement Strategy for Force and Torque Analytical Models of a Reaction Sphere Actuator for Satellite Attitude Control

L. Rossini; E. Onillon; O. Chetelat; Y. Perriard 

2012. ICEM, Marseille, p. 2545 – 2551. DOI : 10.1109/ICElMach.2012.6350243.

Analysis and comparison of classical and flex-PCB slotless windings in BLDC machines

B. Dehez; M. Markovic; Y. Perriard 

2012. ICEMS, Sapporo, Japan,

A Practical Solution to Mitigate Vibrations in Industrial PM Motors Having Concentric Windings

A. Cassat; C. Espanet; R. Coleman; L. Burdet; E. Leleu et al. 

2012. IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE). p. 1526 – 1538. DOI : 10.1109/Tia.2012.2210172.

Evaluation of an electromechanical clamping system for its integration in a piezoelectric linear motor for the generation of high linear forces

N. Ferrier; M. Markovic; Y. Perriard 

2012. ICEMS, Sapporo,


Electrotechnique. Base de l’électricité

M. Jufer; Y. Perriard 

Lausanne: Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, 2012.


Multi-Finger Haptic Devices Integrating Miniature Short-Stroke Actuators

G. Savioz / Y. Perriard (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2012. 

Modeling of Inductive Contactless Energy Transfer Systems

P. Meyer / Y. Perriard (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2012. 


Système de conversion d’énergie

D. Ladas; Y. Perriard; C. Auvigne; P. Germano 

CN103683378; US9290102; EP2750280; FR2995155; EP2750280; EP2750280; CN103683378; FR2995155; US2014062400.


Student Projects

Design d’un actionneur miniature pour échappement linéaire

A. Gabella 


Flexible Winding for a Rotating Motor

M. Bruelhart 


Recharge d’une voiture électrique par induction

F. Copt 


Approximation en 2D du modèle FEM 3D du moteur de montre Lavet

J. Chavanne 


Réalisation d’un onduleur à résonance pour un afficheur rotatif à LEDs

M. Jobin 


Système vibratoire pour distribution des pièces d’assemblage

F. Gerlich 


Bi-stable Indicator for ultra-low Power Applications

A. Haller 


Conception des transformateurs de puissance moyenne Frequence

S. Candolfi 


Conception d’un système de chauffage par induction

R. Wagner 


Modélisation mécanique d’un concept d’échappement linéaire

R. Henriques 


Data-Link pour un système de transfert d’énergie par induction

F. Jeannerat 


Method for a switching loss reduction in PM drives

A. Gassner 


Design et contrôle d’une pompe péristaltique linéaire pour un système de dialyse portable

M. Rapin 


Design et optimisation d’un actionneur linéaire miniature

J. Zuercher 
