New Slotless Winding Topology

Patented solution

New patented solution for slotless winding involving non-constant wire sections and optimised shapes.

New patented solution for slotless winding involving non-constant wire sections and optimised shapes.

Project description

Due to the many possible shapes and topologies they can embrace, slotless windings represent a substantial potential for improvement. Indeed, windings are a key part of electrical machines and their enhancement directly affects the performances of electrical machines. A new patented solution for slotless winding involving non-constant wire sections and an optimised shape enables the increase of the performances of motors by 25% compared to traditional windings. With the help of constantly improving additive manufacturing technologies, new manners of designing and manufacturing electrical machines are now possible.



Conference Papers

Very-High-Speed Miniaturized Permanent Magnet Motors: Modeling and Experimental Validation

G. Burnand; Y. Perriard 

2019. The 11th Annual Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE2019), Balimore, MD, USA, September 29 – October 3, 3019. p. 5251-5257. DOI : 10.1109/ECCE.2019.8913079.

Very-High-Speed Miniaturized Permanent Magnet Motors: Design and Optimization

G. Burnand; Y. Perriard 

2019. The 11th Annual Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE2019), Baltimore, MD, USA, September 29 – October 3, 2019. p. 5258-5264. DOI : 10.1109/ECCE.2019.8912205.

Optimization of shape and topology for slotless windings in BLDC machines

G. Burnand; D. Martins Araujo; Y. Perriard 

2018. The 2018 International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), Jeju, South Corea, October 7-10, 2018. p. 31-36. DOI : 10.23919/ICEMS.2018.8549062.

Very-High-Speed Permanent Magnet Motors: Mechanical Rotor Stresses Analytical Model

G. Burnand; D. Martins Araujo; Y. Perriard 

2017. 2017 IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference (IEMDC), Miami, FL, USA, May 21-24, 2017. DOI : 10.1109/IEMDC.2017.8002066.

Density-Based Topology Optimization of Conductor Paths for Windings in Slotted Electrical Machines

A. Thabuis; X. Ren; G. Burnand; Y. Perriard 

2019. 22nd International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS 2019), Harbin, China, August 11-14, 2019. DOI : 10.1109/ICEMS.2019.8921728.


Small scale very high speed slotless permanent magnet motors

G. P-A. Burnand / Y. Perriard (Dir.)  

Lausanne, EPFL, 2020. 


Electrical machines winding

G. Burnand; D. Martins Araujo; Y. Perriard 

CH715403; CH715403.


Student Projects

Study of a test bench for measurements on a very high-speed miniaturized motor

J. Willemin 


Transient study of a very-high-speed rotor through vibration modes

E. Décosterd 


Etude de la magnétisation des moteurs synchrones à flux axial

G. Burnand 
