
Recent Journal Publications
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Multi-objective optimization of turbo-ORC systems for waste heat recovery on passenger car engines
Energy. 2018-06-27. Vol. 159, p. 751-765. DOI : 10.1016/j.energy.2018.06.193.Please note that the publication lists from Infoscience integrated into the EPFL website, lab or people pages are frozen following the launch of the new version of platform. The owners of these pages are invited to recreate their publication list from Infoscience. For any assistance, please consult the Infoscience help or contact support.
Small scale radial inflow turbine performance and pre-design maps for Organic Rankine Cycles
Energy. 2018. Vol. 143, p. 1072-1084. DOI : 10.1016/j.energy.2017.11.002.Please note that the publication lists from Infoscience integrated into the EPFL website, lab or people pages are frozen following the launch of the new version of platform. The owners of these pages are invited to recreate their publication list from Infoscience. For any assistance, please consult the Infoscience help or contact support.
Modeling and Designing of a Radial Anode Off-Gas Recirculation Fan for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Systems
Journal of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage. 2017. Vol. 14, num. 1, p. 011005. DOI : 10.1115/1.4036401.Please note that the publication lists from Infoscience integrated into the EPFL website, lab or people pages are frozen following the launch of the new version of platform. The owners of these pages are invited to recreate their publication list from Infoscience. For any assistance, please consult the Infoscience help or contact support.
Thermo-economic optimization of an ORC driven heat pump based on small scale turbomachinery and comparison with absorption heat pumps
International Journal of Refrigeration. 2017. Vol. 81, p. 96-110. DOI : 10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2017.05.021.Please note that the publication lists from Infoscience integrated into the EPFL website, lab or people pages are frozen following the launch of the new version of platform. The owners of these pages are invited to recreate their publication list from Infoscience. For any assistance, please consult the Infoscience help or contact support.