
September 5th, 2025

Date: September 5, 2025, Friday, 09:00 AM (Pre-SIGCOMM)
Location: EPFL BM 5202, Lausanne

June 27th, 2024

Nice picture of the month in nanofabrication by Buse Unlü at EPFL. New material (news to come soon) printed with a custom 2 photon printer !

April 27-28th, 2023

Workshop: Neuromorphic Photonics

Venue: EPFL Lausanne, Auditorium BM 5202

Day 1: Neuromorphic Photonics Complex Lasers: from control to neuromorphic computation

Day 2: Neuromorphic Photonics – Optical Computing: emerging approaches and applications

May 23rd, 2022

The lab on the front page of EPFL: It is now possible to Volumetrically Print in Opaque Materials!

Great effort by Jorge Madrid and Antoine Boniface at EPFL in collaboration with Paul Delrot and Damien Loterie at Readily3D.

This is of practical importance for bioprinting in cell loaded resins which are highly scattering when cell densities are high (> 1 million cells /mL).

May 19th, 2022

Congratulations to Jorge and Antoine for solving an important limitation in volumetric printing. Now, opacity is not a roadblock anymore for Volumetric printing!

April 18th, 2022

Great collaborative work with UMC Utrecht, EPFL and Readily3D ! Liver organoids organized in a 3D construct by Volumetric Printing technology showed that high viability and maturation is preserved by the shear-stress-free printing. Salient liver functions were demonstrated in response to the 3D bioprinted architecture.

*** Highlighted in the cover of Advanced Materials

February 17th, 2022

Regenerative medicine breakthrough with volumetric 3D bioprinted livers! Congratulations to Jorge Madrid-Wolff from the EPFL/LAPD and the team at the University of Utrecht for this impressive demonstration.

February 16th, 2022

Very proud to be part of the exciting European Project ENLIGHT which aims to 3D bioprint a functional pancreatic human tissue model for testing diabetes medication:

February 8th, 2022

New release on our review paper in Imaging and Computing with Multimode fibers.

June 30th, 2021

Congratulations to students Ugur Tegin, Mustafa Yildirim and Ilker Oguz for their work on end to end image classification using propagating photons in a multimode fiber to perform computations, featured in the cover page of Nature Computational Science.

April 21st, 2021

LAPD and the Readily3D team are on EPFL news with bioprinting of mini pancreas!

March 17th, 2021

Prof. Christophe Moser is the organizer of an exciting Workshop on Optical Computing at SwissPhotonics, on April 14th, 2021.

January 2nd, 2021

Great to see Volumetric Printing, a 3D printing technique that prints high-precision objects in a matter of seconds, being in the top 10 most read news articles from EPFL in 2020!

December 14th, 2020

Looking forward to work with the laboratory of Prof. Ghezzi to use artificial intelligence to devise retinal prostheses to restore true visual sensations.

October 28th, 2020

Congratulations to Chiara Bonati on her first peer reviewed publication in Optics Express! Her work is on studying the minimum phase that can be detected in incoherent phase imaging by oblique illumination. It is an important step to understanding the phase resolution that can be obtained for example in quantitative phase imaging microscopy.

October 22nd, 2020

Congratulations to Ugur Tegin and colleagues for developing a new single spatial mode femtosecond laser from a multimode cavity!

July 17th, 2020

Congratulations Babak and the team to have your work published in Nature Machine Intelligence!

May 22nd, 2020

A nice layman article on the transscleral retinal technology developed in the lab on Physics World.

March 27th, 2020

Congrats to Timothé Laforest, Mathieu kunzi, Laura Kowalczuk, Dino Carpentras and Francine Behar-Cohen for unveiling the first highly detailed images of the pigmented Epithelium in the human retina in-vivo  in a publication in Nature Photonics.

February 14th, 2020

Congratulations to Damien Loterie and Paul Delrot for their work published in Nature Communications. The work is highlighted on the EPFL front page.

October 16th, 2019

Congratulations to the team for making the back cover page of Advanced Materials with Volumetric bioprinting (VBP).

September 20th, 2019

Research on volumetric bioprinting highlighted by Scientific American:
This printer is probably unlike any you’ve seen. It makes biomaterials from a vat of spinning hydrogel, a goopy mass of water and long-chain polymers. Laser light projects an image on the gel, hardening light-sensitive polymers into the shape of an artificial organ. And the gel is saturated with stem cells to help seed actual cell growth. The spinning creates weaved strands in the growing organ, adding more strength.
Researchers from Switzerland and the Netherlands have used this printer to create synthetic bone and cartilage. They hope their device might one day rapidly generate tissue in real time for many clinical purposes, from drug trials to open-heart surgery.

August 26th, 2019

LAPD is on EPFL News!

August 21st, 2019

World first 3D bioprinting demonstration of complex centimeter scale tissue construct made in SECONDS! Congratulations to Paul Delrot, Damien Loterie from the EPFL/LAPD and the team at the University of Utrecht for this impressive demonstration.

July 2nd, 2019

EarlySight, the LAPD spin off won the EIT Health Headstart 2019 grant! EarlySight is one of the 6 awarded companies after pitching at the SHIP event in Heidelberg.

June 2nd-6th, 2019

Prof. Christophe Moser is part of the organization for the conference: Advances in Optics for Biotechnology, Medicine and Surgery XVI. Download the preliminary program here.

May 23rd, 2019

23.05.2019, 14h15
Room: BC 420
Selected topics in Advanced Manufacturing
Paul Scherrer Institute (Laser Induced Forward Transfer), Luximprint/Physionary (printing transparent optics), Nanoscribe (direct laser writing).

December 13th, 2018

Congratulations to Babak Rahmani for succeeding in his candidacy exam!

December 10th, 2018

Congratulations to Chiara Bonati for winning the student presentation competition during the Photonics Day. Thanks to Dr. Damien Loterie for his very interesting talk about volumetric 3D printing. Here are some pictures from the event, courtesy of Dr. Andreas Tittl from BIOS Lab.

October 3rd, 2018

Congratulations to Babak for his first paper on using deep neural networks to learn a multimode fiber characteristics: Multimode optical fiber transmission with a deep learning network

September 6th, 2018

LAPD is on EPFL News!

EU-General Data Protection Regulation

As the EU-General Data Protection Regulation (EU-GDPR) came into effect on 25 May 2018, we have updated our website. For more information, please visit the following page :

May 14th, 2018

LAPD’s paper Compact lensless subpixel resolution large field of view microscope is on Top downloads of Optics Letters!

February 27th, 2018

Congratulations to Georgia Konstantinou for succeeding in her candidacy exam!

February 9th, 2018

Congratulations to the INTEL team for the incredible integration work shown in the video release of the Smart glasses project “VAUNT”.
This result was an adventure which started in 2011 in the Laboratory. Early prototypes in 2012 showed potential for a pair of smart glasses which could look like regular glasses.
A redesign of the smart glasses led to an even more sleek design and which led to the creation of the spin off Composyt Light Labs founded by two postdocs in the lab, Mickael Guillaumée, Eric Tremblay, Microtechnique engineer David Ziegler and Prof. Christophe Moser.
Composyt Light Lab was acquired by INTEL in December 2014.
Other related news here and here

February 7th, 2018

LAPD is in the news!

February 1st, 2018

LAPD’s paper Single-photon three-dimensional microfabrication through a multimode optical fiber is on Top downloads of Optics Express!

January 18th, 2018

Congratulations to Paul Delrot for his paper on Single-photon three-dimensional microfabrication through a multimode optical fiber which has been selected as editor’s pick in Optics Express.

December 12th, 2017

Have a look at  Europe’s age of Light to know how photonics will power growth and innovation!

October 27th, 2017

Workshop on Spatial Light Modulators SLM, Friday, EPFL (go to website).

October 6th, 2017

Congratulations to Damien Loterie & Paul Delrot and Timothé Laforest, Mathieu Künzi & Dino Carpentras for being granted EPFL Innogrants.

September 12th, 2017

Don’t miss the joint workshop EPFL Photonics Chapter – Swissphotonics on “Photonics opportunities and companies in Switzerland”, October 12th during the next Forum EPFL.

More information on this webpage (for companies) and this one (for students).

August 31st, 2017

Congratulations to Jan Krizek for succeeding in his candidacy exam!

July 6th, 2017

Congratulations to Andreas Schmocker who received first prize at the Venture Trophy !

November 30th, 2016

Congratulations to Emilio Morales Delgado for winning the Best Picture of the Month from Center of Micronanotechnology at EPFL!

November 1st, 2016

An article on Innogrant startup Insolight hosted by LAPD on the BBC!

September 23, 2016

Don’t miss the joint workshop EPFL Photonics Chapter – Swissphotonics on “Photonics opportunities and companies in Switzerland”, October 13th during the next Forum EPFL.

More information on this webpage (for companies) and this one (for students).

September 22, 2016

Come and celebrate with us the 100th anniversary of the Optical Society of America! This networking event will gather optics enthusiasts from academia and industry, including 10 OSA fellows on October 5th at EPFL.

September 7, 2016

An article on Innogrant startup Insolight hosted by LAPD in the news!

August 30, 2016

LAPD research on the national radio !

August 25, 2016

An LAPD paper in the news!

August 9, 2016

Congratulations to Paul Delrot for his paper which has been selected as editor’s suggestion in Physical Review Applied.

June 10, 2016

Congratulations to Andreas Schmocker for winning the 2016 Research Award of the Swiss Society for Biomaterials + Regenerative Medecine!

April 18, 2016

Congratulations to Enrico Chinello for succeeding in his candidacy exam!

January 18, 2016

LAPD’s paper Two-photon imaging through a multimode fiber is on Top Downloads of Optics express!

November 21, 2015

LAPD at Scientastic, the EPFL sciences festival!

October 16, 2015

An LAPD paper in SPIE News room!

October 8, 2015

Congratulations to Paul Delrot for succeeding in his candidacy exam!

September 24, 2015

An LAPD patent in the news!

September 10, 2015

Congratulations to Mathieu Kunzi, the first recipient of the Swiss Photonics excellence fellowship for master studies in photonics.

September 9, 2015

Don’t miss the joint workshop EPFL Photonics Chapter – Swissphotonics on “Photonics opportunities and companies in Switzerland”, October 8th during the next Forum EPFL.

More information on this webpage (for companies) and this one (for students).

June 29, 2015

Congratulations to Miguel A. Modestino for winning the 2015 Energy & Environmental Science Readers’ Choice Lectureship, at the International Symposium on Energy Conversion and Storage in Beijing, China.

June 12, 2015

Congratulations to Andreas Schmocker for winning the IFMBE Student Competition on Medical Device Design at the IUMPESM World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering in Toronto, Canada.

April 2, 2015

Congratulations to Manon Rostykus for succeeding in her candidacy exam!

January 28, 2015

The next Photorefractive Conference PR’15 will be organized by Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and will take place in Villars, Switzerland, from 16-19 June 2015.

For further information, including confirmed invited speakers, please visit the website at or email

January 21, 2015

A spin-off of LAPD acquired by Intel.

January 16, 2015

Congratulations to Volker Zagolla for winning the 2014 Light, Energy and the Environment Congress Best Student Presentation Award from the OSA!

November 28, 2014

Congratulations to Volker for successfully defending his thesis entitled “Self-tracking solar concentration” on November 19th 2014. Volker did some experimental magic to show for the first time a working solar concentrator capable of following the sun without any external tracking. His work was deemed by the jury as being a landmark development in solar concentration. I was fortunate to have two great students in Zahra and Volker who could work independently and contributed to set up the laboratory. I wish Volker all the Best for the future.

November 28, 2014

Congratulations to Zahra for successfully defending her thesis entitled “Broadband digital holographic camera for microscopy” on October 10th 2014. I am delighted that Zahra is my first PhD student graduating. It was wonderful interacting with her over the 4 years. Her work is seen by the jury as having an important impact to turn standard microscopes into quantitative phase microscopes. I wish her the best of luck in her new endeavours.

November 27, 2014

Congratulations to Dino for passing his candidacy exam this week on biomedical imaging with wearable smart eyewear (Bwise). I am sure he will not only be wise but also show out of the box ideas !

November 14, 2014

      Congratulations to Dino Carpentras for winning the Best Poster price at the Photonics Day!

October 29, 2014

LAPD’s paper High-resolution, lensless endoscope based on digital sanning through a multimode optical fiber is on Top cited articles of Biomedical optics express!

October 21, 2014

       Congratulations to Claudia Rodriguez and Miguel Modestino for their paper published in
       Energy&Environmental Science.
       The paper “Design and cost considerations for practical solar hydrogen generator” presents a generalized approach to understand the economic factors behind the design of solar-hydrogen generators composed of photovoltaic components integrated with water electrolyzers. A key finding of the the analysis is that, when the system is optimally designed, the cost of hydrogen is defined primarily by the photovoltaic panel  (up to 97% of the cost) while the material selection for the electrolysis components (such as catalyst) has minor effects.

The laboratory would like to thank Claudia for the techno-economic contribution in this work during her one year mandate as a research collaborator.

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October 7, 2014

This year we have the great honor to host the conference “Photorefractive”, in Villars, from the 16. to the 19. of June 2015.

More info on the conference PR’15 :

The meaning of the term “photorefractive” has broadened over the years. Analog holograms in materials can be recorded digitally using Megapixels detector, decoded with computers and reconstructed digitally with Megapixels spatial light modulators. We thus broaden the scope to include a “digital photonics” segment.

September 18, 2014

LAPD work on augmented reality display is in Le Temps!

August 27, 2014

LAPD work on augmented reality display is on TV!

(from 13’23”)

August 25, 2014

       Congratulations to Damien Loterie for successfully passing his candidacy exam !

June 24, 2014

The LAPD would like to congratulate Mathieu Gani for his technical lead on the Global Neonat project which has the ambitious goal of developing an infant incubator designed specifically for hospitals in developing countries. The feasability project was sponsored by CTI and brought a number of partners together: Hospitals CHUV in Lausanne and HUG in Geneva, 2 laboratories at EPFL (LAPD and LTC), University of Cameroon and Ardo an implementation partner producing and selling infant incubator as well as Essential Med, a non-profit organisation. Mathieu coordinated the efforts between these groups and developed a simulation model of an incubator.

December 18, 2012

Professor Christophe Moser set to lead multi-institution research effort in Solar Hydrogen Production as part of the Nano-Tera national funding program.

October 1st, 2012

       LAPD work on augmented reality display is on the news!

March 23rd, 2012

Lyncée Tec SA develops, produces and sells Digital Holographic Microscopes (DHM). The technology is patented, and has been developed in close cooperation with the University of Lausanne and EPFL. Lyncée is the worldwide leader on the microscopy market with the digital holographic technology.

Volume Diffractive Optical Elements (VDOE) can solve an important drawback associated with the so called “off axis configuration” which presently limits the performance of DHM systems. Without a VDOE, the coherence plane is not perpendicular to the optical axis, but has a few degree tilt with which severely limits the field of view of the microscope.

Correction of this tilt by a VDOE would directly improve acquisition speed, range, resolution and accuracy. It also enables new analysis modules, for instance reflectometry for thin films characterization. In both cases, solutions to this issue would enlarge the competitiveness and the market size of DHM, and increase technological advance of Lyncée Tec.  It would also speed up the replacement of traditional and well implanted alternative techniques by DHM systems.

Preliminary work has been performed to demonstrate the principle of coherence tilt correction using VDOE, but technical issues still need to be addressed for implementation of this technique in the production of DHMs. It is the main objective of this project to solve these technical issues.

Additionally, coherence plane tilt correction by a suitable VDOE may also enable the use of short coherence light sources such as LEDs. If demonstrated, it opens the door for DHM modules to be mounted on traditional optical microscope in much the same way as the addition of a digital camera to a microscope. The scientific and technical evaluation of this opportunity is another objective of the project.

October 13th, 2011

Congratulations to Zahra Monemhaghdoust and Volker Zagolla for successfully passing their candidacy exam !

August 18th, 2011

      Micromirror laser in “News Break” in the August 2011 Edition of Laser Focus World.

August 15th, 2011

LAPD welcomes Rui Du, who just joined the group as a Postdoc. Rui received his PhD in biomedical engineering from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) . He has worked on scanning two-photon microscopy with temporally focused beams.

July 14th, 2011

New publication on a frequency agile laser tuned by a digital micromirror array for applications in Interferometry and Terahertz sources.

July 1st, 2011

LAPD welcomes Eric Tremblay, who just joined the group as a Postdoc. Eric received his PhD from UC San Diego. He has worked on compact imaging systems, planar solar concentrators during his thesis.

May 1st, 2011

LAPD receives initial funding from U.S company Innovega for proof-of-concept development  of ultra-light spectacles on which special data will be projected using lasers with very low energy consumption.  A holographic element known as ‘transflective’ will be designed, which will enable the integration of a liquid crystal display near the zone of increased vision.It would then be possible to see through the spectacles, while simultaneously receiving complementary information  to the scene projected on the retina.