PI: Dr. Stavros Solomos
The Research Centre for Atmospheric Physics and Climatology (RCAPC) belongs to the Academy of Athens and was founded under the Law 624/1977. RCAPC is addressing global and regional atmospheric and climatological processes in various space and time scales and has established collaborations with many European Research Centers as well as Universities and Institutions in Greece. The Academy of Athens and RCAPC coordinated the research of the socio-economic effects of anthropogenic climate change in Greece during the 21st century (Bank of Greece). It also had a coordinating role in the preparation of the relevant Greek legislation for the adaptation and mitigation of climate change (Ministry of Environment and Energy). The Academy of Athens is part of the tripartite agreement with Stockholm University and TEMES S.A., established for the operation of NEO (Navarino Environmental Observatory), in Messenia, Peloponnese. The collaboration is dedicated to the study of climate change and its effects on the natural environment and human activities in the Mediterranean.
RCAPC research focuses on climate processes at global and local scales through both observational analyses from satellite and surface platforms and atmospheric modeling studies. The Center specializes in the study of climate variability, extreme atmospheric events, air pollution and the interactions between ozone, atmospheric particles, weather and climate. Development of atmospheric modules is used to address aerosol transport in the atmosphere (desert dust, volcanic ash, biomass, sea-salt, pollen) and aerosol cloud and radiation interactions. Atmospheric modeling capabilities include WRF, WRF-Chem, NMM-DREAM, NMMB, CAMx, FLEXPART, FLEXPART-WRF, RAMS, HYPACT, HYSPLIT.
No instruments by this campaign partner.