Partner: National Technical University of Athens, FORTH, EPFL
PI: Prof. Alex Papayannis, NTUA/EPFL; Prof. Athanasios Nenes, EPFL/FORTH
Operator: Marilena GIDARAKOU, PhD candidate NTUA; Romanos FOSKINIS, EPFL
AIAS is a mobile depolarization lidar employed for detecting the polarized and cross polarized backscattered lidar signals at 532 and 1064 nm, to further characterize the shape of the sampled particles and cloud properties (water- or mixed-phase clouds). It provides the vertical profiles of the aerosol backscatter coefficients at 532 and 1064 nm, the linear particle depolarization ratio (LPDR) at 532 nm, as well as the cloud geometrical properties, from 0.3 up to 8-10 km asl., with a high temporal (1.5 min) and spatial (down to 7.5 m) resolution. The calibration technique applied in this system is the ±45o calibration method as performed in the frame of the European Lidar Network (EARLINET).
The EPFL/FORTH UV fluorescence Raman lidar was deployed for the detection of fluorescent particles in the atmosphere. It uses a UV laser and detects the fluorescence signals to quantify the altitude and amount of fluorescence associated with bioaerosol, dust and biomass burning.