Current Implementations

Model Primary Group Contact Person Documentation
CHIMERE Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace, INERIS, CNRS Developers pdf
Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) U.S. EPA Atmospheric Modeling and Analysis Division [mailto: Golam Sarwar] wiki
COSMO-ART Vogel Group at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Bernhard Vogel paper
GEOS-Chem Aerosols Working Group GEOS-Chem Support wiki
LOTOS-EUROS Developers at TNO, RIVM, KNMI and PBL [mailto: Roy Wichink Kruit] html


  1. Fountoukis, C., Nenes, A., Sullivan, A., Weber, R., VanReken, T., Fischer, M., Matias, E., Moya, M. Farmer, D., and Cohen, R. (2009) Thermodynamic characterization of Mexico City Aerosol during MILAGRO 2006, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 9, 2141-2156. ([ abstract], pdf)
  2. Nowak, J.B., Huey, L.G., Russell, A.G., Neuman, J. A., Orsini, D., Sjostedt, S.J., Sullivan, A.P., Tanner, D.J., Weber, R.J., Nenes, A., Edgerton, E., and Fehsenfeld, F.C., (2006) Analysis of Urban Gas-phase Ammonia Measurements from the 2002 Atlanta Aerosol Nucleation and Real-time Characterization Experiment (ANARChE), J. Geoph. Res., 111, D17308, doi:10.1029/2006JD007113. (Preprint, Journal reprint)
  3. Yu, S.,Dennis, R., Roselle, S., Nenes, A., Walker, J.T., Eder, B., Schere, K., Swall, J. and Robarge, W. (2005) An assessment of the ability of 3-D air quality models with current thermodynamic equilibrium models to predict aerosol NO3. J. Geoph. Res.,110, D07S13, doi:10.1029/2004JD004718, 2005 (Preprint, Journal reprint)
  4. Makar, P.A., Bouchet, V.S., and Nenes, A. (2003) Inorganic Chemistry Calculations using HETV – A Vectorized Solver for the SO4-NO3-NH4 System Based on the ISORROPIA Algorithms, Atmos. Env., 37, 2279-2294, (Journal reprint)
  5. Pilinis, C., Capaldo, K.P., Nenes, A., Pandis, S.N. (2000) MADM – A New Multicomponent Aerosol Dynamics Model, Aerosol Sci. Tech., 32(5), 482-502 (Journal reprint)
  6. Ansari AS, Pandis SN (1999b) Prediction of multicomponent inorganic atmospheric aerosol behavior, Atmos.Env., “33”, 745-757
  7. Ansari AS, Pandis SN (1999a) An analysis of four models predicting the partitioning of semivolatile inorganic aerosol components, Aeros. Sci. Tech., 31, 129-153